Analysis of the modular construction market in Ukraine. 2022 year

Analysis of the modular construction market in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2022 year
Number of pages: 36, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 19
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
31050 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the modular construction market in Ukraine 2019-2021
1.1. Description of the modular construction market in Ukraine. Main characteristics, advantages, disadvantages in comparison with competitive segments
1.2. Analysis of trends in the development of modular construction in Ukraine
1.3. General market indicators and market dynamics in 2019 - 2021 Market volume in monetary terms
1.4. Segmentation and structuring of the market by type
2. The main operators of the modular construction market in Ukraine
2.1. List of main market operators and their description
2.2. Market shares of the main operators based on the financial statements of companies
2019 - 2021
2.3. Competitive analysis of market operators. Formation of a multi-factor analytical model with an assessment of the parameters of the companies' work with further calculation of the overall assessment.
3. Production of modular houses in Ukraine 2019-2021
3.1. Dynamics of production in monetary terms
4. Foreign trade. Import to Ukraine.
4.1. Import of structures for modular objects to Ukraine in 2019-2021 (volumes, geography, importers and their shares)
7. Price and pricing in the Ukrainian market
7.1. Comparative analysis of prices of the main market operators
8. Branding and advertising of the main operators in the Ukrainian market (analysis of the positioning of competitors in the market)
9. Internet marketing audit of promotion channels for each of the 10 main competitors
10. Consumers and their preferences in the Ukrainian market
10.1. Consumer preferences regarding the product, consumer portrait
10.2. Analysis of the Internet audience in the industry, search queries and the issuance of competitors
11. Sales channels in the Ukrainian market: description, advantages and disadvantages
12. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of the modular building market in Ukraine
12.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in the development of modular construction in Ukraine
12.2. Recommendations for development in the Ukrainian market based on the study. Forecast indicators of market development in 2022-2024
12. Investment attractiveness of the industry
13.1. SWOT analysis of the market direction in Ukraine
13.2. PEST-analysis of factors influencing the modular construction market in Ukraine
13.3. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

2.3.1. Factor analysis of market share dynamics
2.3.2. Indicators for assessing the competitive environment for building a competitive market map
2.3.3. Competitive market map
2.4.1. Strengths and weaknesses of potential competitors
4.1.2. Shares of the main importers of modular structures, 2019-2021
7.1.1. Comparison of the cost (UAH per m2) of a modular building in the context of types (without furniture, only interior decoration) from the main operators
8.1. Description of the USP of potential competitors
9.1. Google Search Results
9.2. Presence of potential competitors in social networks
10.1.1. Preferences of different consumer groups of modular objects
10.2.1. The structure of Google search queries for the purchase of modular buildings for 2021.
11.2. Advantages and disadvantages of distribution channels
11.3. Distribution channel selection criteria
13.1.1. SWOT analysis of the modular building market
13.2.1. PEST-analysis of the market of modular buildings in Ukraine
13.3.1 Market risk segmentation
13.3.2. Risk map for the Ukrainian modular building market

List of graphs and charts:

1.2.1. Volumes of construction works in 2019-2021 by types of buildings, in monetary terms, UAH bln
1.3.1. The volume of the modular construction market in monetary terms, 2019 - 2021, UAH billion
1.4.1. Specific segmentation of the modular construction market
2.2.1. Shares of the main operators in the modular construction market, %
3.3.1. Dynamics of production of modular structures, 2019 - 2021, UAH mln
4.1.1. Dynamics of import volumes of structures for modular facilities to Ukraine in 2019-2021, UAH million
10.2.2. Dynamics of search queries "modular house" and "change houses"
10.2.3. The structure of competitors' search results on request, %
11.1. Distribution channels by number of intermediaries
11.2. Distribution channels for modular buildings
12.2. Forecast indicators of the development of the modular construction market in 2022 - 2024

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