Market research report on cottage and modular housing market in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on cottage and modular housing market in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2023 year
Number of pages: 10, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Tables: 6
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
39100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market trends (overview of market trends, how the private construction market has changed over the past year)
2. Analysis of changes in legislation in Ukraine and Europe (ECO building, use of certain types of construction materials and possible restrictions) – Analysis of legislation in Europe and the possibility of its change in Ukraine
3. Analysis of factors influencing the developer (through analysis of branding and market promotion)
4. Analysis of competitors in the regions (largest players) by parameters (collection of a database with analysis of key competitor companies in each region)
5. Market consumption analysis
5.1. Population structuring by income level and housing costs, formation of a portrait of a potential home buyer in the studied segments (separately for each segment)
5.2. Analysis of search queries and Internet audience (dynamics of search queries in general, queries by specific developers and cottage towns)
6. General conclusions for each region

List of Tables:

1. Portrait of a potential buyer of cottage and modular housing
2. Analysis of search requests by type of private building
3. Analysis of search requests for developers of the Kyiv region
4. Analysis of search requests for cottage towns in the Kyiv region
5. Analysis of search queries by house size
6. Analysis of search requests in terms of home decoration

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