Analysis of the construction and construction materials market in Ukraine. 2019

Analysis of the construction and construction materials market in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2019 year
Number of pages: 62, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 35
Tables: 22
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
23200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of trends in the construction market and construction materials
* Residential and non-residential construction
* Infrastructure
* Building materials (cement and concrete, reinforcement, crushed stone, formwork)
* Macroeconomics and key indicators of economic development of Ukraine
1.2. Major Market Indicators (2018 - 1st half of 2019 and forecast for 2019-2020)
* Dynamics of construction works
* Dynamics of residential and non-residential premises commissioning
* Number of building permits issued (according to DABI)
* Construction structure (residential / non-residential, infrastructure)
* By building materials - market capacity (production + import - export) for 2018 - 6 months 2019
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring by region. Features of separate regions development, infrastructure projects, large objects, market structure
2. State regulation of the industry
2.1. State regulation Factors affecting the construction and building materials market in 2018-1 half 2019
2.2. Expected changes in legislation by the end of 2020 (plans, strategies, programs related to construction and building materials announced
3. Dynamics of building materials production in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019 and forecast for 2019-2020.
4. Major market operators (according to TOP-5 in each of 5 segments - manufacturers and importers)
4.1. List of major market operators and their description
4.2. Structuring of operators (by product segments, specializations, regionally)
4.3. Major Market Operators Market Shares (Manufacturers and Importers by Volume in Each Segment, Also - by Revenue in 2019, Yearly)
4.4. Competition features and risks in the researched segments (proximity to raw material, consumer)
5. Foreign trade in the market
5.1. Export of researched building materials in 2018-1 half 2019 (volumes, structure, geography, exporters shares)
5.2. Import of researched building materials in 2018-1 half 2019 (volumes, structure, geography, exporters shares)
6. Pricing in the market. Analysis of pricing factors in the studied areas in 2018 - 1 half 2019 and forecast for 2019-2020
7. Consumers and their benefits
7.1. Analysis of the relationship between construction and building materials markets. The structure of buildings construction in the context of types of walls (to understand the potential of the formwork market), in the design segment - the selection of current trends in the market.
7.2. Analysis of state projects on infrastructure, housing and non-residential construction.
7.3. Analysis of private companies for large buildings construction plans (residential and non-residential) for 2019-2020.
8. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
8.1. Conclusions and forecast tendencies of construction and building materials market development.
8.2. Market development hypotheses Construction. Market development forecasts for the researched segments
8.3. Market Development recommendations for the Peri Ukraine
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT analysis of Peri Ukraine in the structure of the researched markets
9.2. PEST analysis of the factors influencing the markets
9.3. Existing risks and barriers to market development. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Change in the main macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine in 2018 and 1 half 2019%, (to the same period last year)
2. Market capacity of commodity concrete in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019, thousand tons
3. The capacity of the rubble market in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019, thousand tons
4. The capacity of the market of structures for construction of cement, concrete or artificial stone of Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019, thousand tons
5. Concrete reinforcement market capacity in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019, thousand tons
6. Capacity of the formwork market in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019, thousand tons
7. Capacity of the formwork market in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019 in monetary terms, UAH million
8. Construction dynamics by regions of Ukraine in 2015-1 p. 2019, billion UAH
9. Production of research building materials in Ukraine for 2018 - 1 half 209 and forecast for 2019-2020, thousand tons
10. Major operators of the researched building materials market in Ukraine
11. Segmentation of the major operators of researched building materials market by product segments and regions
12. Market shares of the construction market major operators, by revenue in Ukraine in 2018, billion UAH
13. Export structure of researched building materials from Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in kind, thousand tons
14. Export structure of researched building materials from Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in monetary terms, mln.
15. Import structure of researched building materials in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in kind, thousand tons
16. Structure of researched building materials imports in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in monetary terms, mln.UAH
17. Building a forecast model for forecasting the formwork market capacity in Ukraine
18. SWOT analysis of Peri Ukraine
19. PEST - analysis of the construction and building materials market (researched segments) of Ukraine
20. Risks and barriers to development in the market of building materials in Ukraine
21. Market risk segmentation
22. Risk map for the construction and building materials market of Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of non-residential buildings commissioned for 2018 (total area),%
2. Structure of infrastructure construction in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in monetary terms,%
3. Dynamics of the state road fund expenditures in 2016 - 2019, billion UAH
4. Dynamics of GDP at actual prices in Ukraine for 2018 - 1 half 2019, UAH billion
5. Gross Value Added Structure in 2018,%
6. Consumer Price Index for the period 2018 - 6 month 2019. (to the same period last year),%
7. Dynamics of Consumer Price Changes for the Period from 2018 - 6 m. 2019 (till December of the previous year),%
8. Dynamics of construction works in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in monetary terms, million UAH.
9. Forecast of the construction works volume in Ukraine in 2019-2020, billion UAH.
10. Dynamics of residential and non-residential premises commissioning in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in monetary terms, million m2
11. Forecast of residential and non-residential premises commissioning in Ukraine in 2019-2020, million m2.
12. Number of building permits issued by DABI for the period 2018 - 6 m. 2019, units.
13. Structure of construction works by type in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in monetary terms, mln.UAH
14. Distribution of construction works between regions of Ukraine in 2018, in million UAH,%
15. Road construction and repair costs in Ukraine by regions in 2018, mln UAH
16. Market shares of major commodity concrete market operators in Ukraine in 2018, in kind,%
17. Major market operators of cement, concrete or artificial stone structures, in kind, 2018, %
18. Rubble Market Major operators' Shares, in 2018, in kind,%
19. Concrete Reinforcer Market Major operators' Share, in 2018, in kind,%
20. Formwork market major operators' shares in 2018, in monetary terms,%
21. Dynamics of researched building materials export from Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in kind, thousand tons
22. Dynamics of researched building materials export from Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in monetary terms, mln UAH
23. Geographical structure of researched building materials export from Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, by types, in kind,%
24. Major exporters of building materials from Ukraine for 2018 and 6 m. 2019, by type, in kind,%
25. Dynamics of researched building materials import into Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in kind thousand tons
26. Dynamics of researched building materials import in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019 in monetary terms, mln.UAH
27. Geographical structure of researched building materials imports in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019 by type, in kind,%
28. Major importers of researched building materials in Ukraine for 2018 and 6 months 2019. by types, in kind,%
29. The cost structure of the major industry enterprises rubble in Ukraine,%
30. Cost structure of reinforced concrete products production in Ukraine,%
31. Cost structure of concrete reinforcement production in Ukraine,%
32. Structure of the total area of ​​housing commissioned in new buildings based on exterior wall materials in Ukraine in 2017,%
33. Structure of the total area of ​​housing commissioned in new buildings in Kyiv based on exterior wall materials in 2017
34. Estimated capacity of the formwork market in Ukraine in 2019-2021, in kind, thousand tons
35. The forecast capacity of the researched building materials market in Ukraine in 2019-2020

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