Market research report on medical services and medical equipment in Ukraine. 2019 year

Market research report on medical services and medical equipment in Ukraine. 2019 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: January 2019 year
Number of pages: 87, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 16
Tables: 49
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
17800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

Block 1. Analysis of the private medical services market:
1. Trends in the private medical services market in Ukraine (large cities). Current market features, problems in the market (quality, availability, cost of services, quality of medical personnel, etc.). Assessment of unsatisfied demand for medical services. Investments in healthcare in Ukraine in dynamics (who, when, how much)
2. Material and technical resources on the market - the availability of medical equipment is mandatory, which must be in clinics in accordance with the standards in Ukraine 9
3. The volume of the private medical services market in Ukraine in monetary terms from 2016-9 months 2018 - estimated
4. The structure of the medical services market in Ukraine
- The share of regions in the structure of the private medicine market - estimated in%
- Sectoral structure of the private medical services market in Ukraine - estimated in % by types of clinics (hospitals, diagnostics, etc.)
5. Morbidity of the population
- Regional structure of incidence in Ukraine (per 100 thousand people)
- The structure of the incidence in Ukraine (per 100 thousand people) - the share of major diseases in Ukraine in%
6. The main participants in the medical services market in the regional centers of Ukraine:
6.1. Large private clinics in Ukraine. Description of services, availability of equipment (according to services), plans to open new networks, representation in the regions of Ukraine
6.2. Analysis of clinics (small and medium-sized businesses) up to 10 in regional centers / million-plus cities, which are represented, services and prices (selectively, to understand the price segment of the clinic)
Block 2. Analysis of the medical equipment market in Ukraine
7. Analysis of trends in the development of the medical equipment market in Ukraine (features, problems, factors influencing the market). Programs of the Ministry of Health on plans to upgrade equipment in Ukrainian clinics for the coming years
8. Tender purchases of medical equipment in Ukrainian clinics in 2017-2018:
8.1. The number of transactions in total (we take only completed ones). Counting the number of single items and mixed items in lots
8.2. Segmentation of the number of auctions in the context of objects (individual positions, as well as mixed. Distribution by organizer "health segment")
8.3. The number of lots worth more than 50,000 UAH, More than 100,000 UAH, More than 1 million UAH.
8.4. Legal entities or individuals leaders in the number of tenders won during the year in the required areas (we show the TOP-5 for each area, for mixed and those who won most often)
8.5. Bidding organizers, incl. regional distribution and amounts
9. General indicators of the market, calculation of the capacity of the medical equipment market in Ukraine in 2016-9 months. 2018 - estimated overall
10. Production of medical equipment in Ukraine in 2016-9 months 2018:
10.1. Ukrainian manufacturers of equipment for leasing. List and types of shares, equipment prices for some companies
10.2. Production volume by manufacturers in quantitative terms by main groups of equipment
11. Foreign trade in the medical equipment market in Ukraine in 2016-9 months. 2018
11.1. Export - only volumes to assess the market capacity
11.2. Imports in 2016-9 months 2018:
• Volumes of imports in physical terms (pieces) by types of equipment according to quality limits
• Shares by types of equipment in the structure of import deliveries
• Supply ratio of new and used equipment
• Main supplier countries and their shares in the supply structure
• Average prices for imported equipment depending on the country of origin by type
• ТМ, which are imported to Ukraine
• Companies recipients (importers) in Ukraine by types of equipment. Selection of clinics and distributors among them.
12. Distributors and leasing companies that sell equipment in Ukraine:
12.1. Distributors of equipment in Ukraine - the main financial indicators in 2016 2017 ..
12.2. Companies that provide equipment for leasing (the main ones according to the issuance in the search network (description, offering, selectively prices upon request to them in 3-5 companies)
13. Conclusions and forecast trends:
13.1. Conclusions and predictive trends in the development of the market, taking into account factors influencing the market (morbidity forecasts for the main groups of diseases, etc.). Independent recommendations on the types of equipment that are in demand in Ukraine, the average cost, as well as possible sales channels

List of Tables:

1. The volume of investments in the development of healthcare and the provision of social assistance in Ukraine in 2015-2018 (Together with all sources of investment: public and private), mln. UAH.
2. The volume of capital investments in January-September 2018 in the development of healthcare and the provision of social assistance in Ukraine, by source of assets, UAH mln.
3. The sheet of equipment with medical equipment and medical devices for the office of an obstetrician - gynecologist of a consultative and diagnostic center
4. Table of equipment of medical equipment and medical devices for a small operating room of the obstetric gynecological department of the consultative and diagnostic center
5. The sheet of equipment with medical equipment and medical products for the office of a dentist - therapist of a consultative and diagnostic center
6. The table of equipment of medical equipment and medical products for the office of a dentist-surgeon of a consultative diagnostic center
7. The sheet of equipment with medical equipment and medical products for the office of a dentist - orthopedist of a consultative and diagnostic center
8. Table of equipment of medical equipment and medical devices, department of radiation diagnostics of the consultative diagnostic center
9. Table of equipment of medical equipment and medical products for the department of ultrasound, endoscopic and functional diagnostics of the consultative diagnostic center
10. Regional structure of the incidence of the population in Ukraine in 2016 - 2017 per 100 thousand people
11. Large private clinics in Ukraine
12. The number of issued licenses for medical practice in Ukraine in 2017 - Q3 2018, unit
13. Private medical institutions of the SME segment by region with the largest revenue for 2017
14. Number of private medical institutions by specialization in the largest cities of Ukraine
15. Tenders for the purchase of medical equipment as of January 2, 2019
16. The number of transactions and the amount of completed tenders in 2017 - 9 months. 2018, unit and thousand UAH.
17. The number of transactions and the amount of tenders for mixed tenders and the general category of medical equipment, units. and thousand UAH.
18. Business entities most often won tenders in 2017 (including medical equipment of a general category), units.
19. Business entities most often won tenders in the direction of diagnostic imaging in 2017, units
20. Business entities most often won tenders for the direction of therapy devices in 2017, units
21. Business entities most often won tenders in the field of dentistry in 2017, units
22. Business entities most often won tenders for the direction of physiotherapy devices in 2017, units
23. Business entities most often won tenders in the direction of medical furniture in 2017, units.
24. Business entities most often won tenders in the direction of mixed tenders in 2017, units
25. Top - 50 organizers of the auction by the amount of the winning offer in 2017 - 9 months. 2018, thousand UAH
26. Companies - manufacturers of medical equipment in Ukraine
27. Prices for medical equipment from Ukrainian manufacturing companies
28. Dynamics of production in quantitative terms for the main groups of equipment in Ukraine, pcs. and thousand UAH.
29. Dynamics of production by manufacturers in quantitative terms for the main groups of medical equipment in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018
30. Dynamics of export of medical equipment from Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, unit and thousand UAH.
31. The volume of imports of medical equipment in physical terms in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, unit
32. Average import prices for imported computed tomography devices in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
33. Average import prices for imported MRI machines in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
34. Average import prices for imported medical IT in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
35. Average import prices for imported X-ray machines in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
36. Average import prices for imported ultrasound machines in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
37. Average import prices for imported ECG devices in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
38. Average import prices for imported patient monitors in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
39. Average import prices for imported electrotherapy devices in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
40. Average import prices for imported shock wave therapy devices in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
41. Average import prices for imported cosmetology devices in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
42. Average import prices for imported dental units in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
43. Average import prices for imported aspirators and compressors in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
44. Average import prices for imported sterilizers in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, UAH
45. Recipient companies in Ukraine by types of equipment and the volume of imported products in general in the direction in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, million UAH
46. Financial indicators of distributors of medical equipment in Ukraine in 2016 - 2017, thousand UAH.
47. Companies that provide medical equipment for leasing
48. Companies that offer rental of medical equipment with the right to purchase
49. Cost of equipment (minimum prices for this category of goods)

List of graphs and charts:

1. The volume of capital investments for January - September 2015-2018 in the development of healthcare and medicine, the provision of social assistance in Ukraine mln. (Together with all sources of investment: public and private)
2. Dynamics of the market capacity of private medical services in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, billion UAH
3. Regional structure of private medicine in Ukraine, %
4. Sectoral structure of the private medical services market in Ukraine, %
5. Morbidity structure in Ukraine in 2017 per 100 thousand people, %
6. Structure of causes of death in Ukraine in 2017 (according to the death rate), %
7. Segmentation of tenders in the context of procurement objects in Ukraine in 2017 - 9 months. 2018 in quantitative and monetary terms, %
8. Segmentation of the number of lots by amount in 2017 - 9 months. 2018, %
9. TOP - 10 regions by the amount of the winning offer in 2017 - 9 months. 2018, %
10. Dynamics of the market capacity of medical equipment in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018 (segment of the studied equipment, UAH mln.
11. Shares of the main operators of the medical equipment market in Ukraine (by studied codes) in 2017 in terms of sales in monetary terms (UAH), %
12. Structure of import deliveries by types of equipment
13. The ratio of new and used equipment in the structure of import deliveries
14. Geographical structure of imports of research equipment in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2018, %
15. Trademarks imported to Ukraine, %
16. Forecast of the capacity of the medical equipment market in Ukraine in 2018 - 2021, UAH mln.

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