Market research report on medical and laboratory services in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on medical and laboratory services in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2021 year
Number of pages: 44, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 23
Tables: 11
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. Market of plasmapheresis services
1.1. Current state of the market (stage of development, influencing factors)
1.2. Market supply analysis
1.2.1. Offer on the market of Ukraine - list, positioning and prices of current offers
1.2.2. Offer on the market of countries with similar development (Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland) - operators, their positioning, prices, development of services on the market as a whole
1.3. Demand analysis (analysis of the dynamics of search requests for services)
1.4. Content analysis of thematic blogs and reviews about the service
1.5. Conclusions. The reasons for the slow development of the industry, pricing, prospects for the development of the direction
1.6. Recommendations for development in the segment
2. Infusion market (injections and droppers for detox and general improvement)
2.1. Current state of the market (stage of development, influencing factors)
2.2. Market supply analysis
2.2.1. Offer on the market of Ukraine - list, positioning and prices of current offers
2.2.2. Offer on the market of countries with similar development (Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland) - operators, their positioning, prices, development of services on the market as a whole
2.3. Demand analysis (analysis of the dynamics of search requests for services)
2.4. Content analysis of thematic blogs and reviews about the service
2.5. Conclusions and prospects for the development of the direction
2.6. Recommendations for development in the segment
3. Laboratory services
3.1. The current state of the laboratory services market (the share of private operators, factors influencing the market)
3.2. Main indicators of the private market of laboratory services
3.3. Structure of demand for laboratory services by types
3.4. Format of work of market operators (biomaterial collection points, laboratories)
3.5. Innovative formats of work on the market (from the point of view of laboratories without a developed network of collection points)
3.6. Conclusions and forecast trends in the direction of development
3.7. Recommendations for the laboratory
4. Market of antiaging services
4.1. The current state of the antiaging market as a whole (goods and services) - in what format is the market developing in Ukraine and neighboring countries
4.2. Assessment of the market structure (professional cosmetics for anti-aging, assortment of medical services of various formats)
4.3. Available offer on the market (Ukraine and neighboring countries) - services, prices, demand
4.4. Share of potential consumers of antiaging services on the market and consumer portrait
4.5. Conclusions and forecasts of the development of the direction
4.6. Recommendations for development in the segment
5. Trends of the medical market as a whole
5.1. Consequences of Covid-19 for general clinics
5.2. Features that clinics implemented during the pandemic
5.3. Forecast of changes in demand for services
5.4. Recommendations for the development of general clinics

List of Tables:

1. List, positioning and prices of plasmapheresis services in Ukraine
2. List, positioning and prices of infusion services in Kyiv
3. Number of public and private laboratories in Ukraine by region in 2019,%
4. Number of private laboratories in Ukraine by region in 2019,%
5. Number of all laboratories in Ukraine by region in 2019,%
6. Number of private laboratories and biomaterial collection points in Ukraine by region in 2019,%
7. Dynamics of the structure of laboratory research in 2018-2020 in volume terms, units
8. Key conditions of franchise work
9. Types of antiaging services in the field of medicine, cosmetology and diagnostics in Ukraine
10. Offer on the market of anti-aging services in the cities of Kyiv (the most popular clinics by rating)
11. Index of visits to medical websites of Ukraine for 2020

List of graphs and charts:

1. Analysis of plasmapheresis services offered by clinics and prices in cities of Ukraine
2. Regional structure of the offer of plasmapheresis services in volume terms, the number of clinics offering services, pcs
3. Market structure of plasmapheresis services by clinic specialization, in volume terms, number of clinics offering services, units
4. Dynamics of searches for plasmapheresis services in Ukraine for the period from August 2018 to August 2021
5. Structure of the content of searches for plasmapheresis services in Ukraine for the period from August 2018 to August 2021
6. The structure of searches for reasons of interest in plasmapheresis services in Ukraine for the period from August 2018 to August 2021
7. Regional structure of searches for plasmapheresis services in Ukraine for the period from August 2018 to August 2021
8. The structure of plasmapheresis service evaluations on a five-point scale
9. Structure of responses to plasmapheresis services
10. The structure of negative feedback on plasmapheresis services
11. Structure of positive feedback on plasmapheresis services
12. Dynamics of the number of procedures performed in detoxification (hemosorption) departments in 2018-2020, in volume terms, number of procedures
13. Structure of specialization of infusion services in Ukraine
14. Structure of infusion services in Ukraine by price
15. Dynamics of searches for infusion services in Ukraine for the period from August 2018 to August 2021
16. Dynamics of searches for infusion services in Ukraine by year for the period 2018 - 2021.
17. Reasons for searches for infusion services in Ukraine by year for the period 2018 - 2021.
18. Number of laboratory analyzes in state and private laboratories of Ukraine for 2016-2019, in volume terms, million units.
19. Number of laboratory analyzes in private laboratories in Ukraine for 2016-2021 (Expected value), in volume terms, million pcs.
20. Shares of laboratory analyzes in state and private laboratories of Ukraine for 2016-2019, in volume terms,%
21. Average prices for various types of antiaging services in Ukraine, in value terms, UAH
22. Shares of antiaging services by availability in Kyiv clinics, in volume terms, number of clinics that provide these services
23. Forecast of the volume of the global anti-aging services market from 2020 to 2026, in value terms, in billions of US dollars

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