Monitoring study of the laboratory services market in Ukraine. 2024 year

Monitoring study of the laboratory services market in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2024 year
Number of pages: 62, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 18
Tables: 29
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
32500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Description of the laboratory and diagnostic services market in Ukraine (description, features, etc.)
1.2. Analysis of trends in the development of the laboratory and diagnostic services market in Ukraine (factors of influence, problems, development trends, unification of laboratories and clinics) - Trends in the development of public and private clinics
1.3. Financial indicators of the market, calculation of market capacity in 2019 - 2022, in physical and monetary terms in Ukraine and regions
- the number of laboratories
- the number of performed analyses
1.4. Segmentation and structuring of the market of laboratories and diagnostic centers:
- by types (private, state, departmental) in Ukraine and regionally
- by direction
- have franchises
1.5. The share of regions in the market structure
1.6. Income structure by types of analysis; share of analyzes "at home"
2. State regulation of the industry
2.1. Main laws regulating the industry (list, brief summary and features of laws, reforms)
2.2 Analysis of possible changes that will affect the activity of laboratories and centers of diagnostic services. Forecast of the development of state and departmental laboratories
2.3. The procedure for certification of the laboratory and points for obtaining analyzes (brief description in accordance with current legislation, list of documents
2.4. Market taxes and fees (general business taxation; plans for their changes)
2.5. Peculiarities of public procurement (general principles and conditions of conduct)
3. Main market operators with their own network or franchise.
3.1. Characteristics of the main operators (by business models, by services, in the presence of laboratories - with whom the work goes and what orders are fulfilled; according to the price policy)
3.2. Market shares of the main market operators (estimated from financial statements and the number of institutions), natural and financial indicators
3.3. Competition analysis and factor analysis of competitors' market shares
4. Existing franchises on the market
4.1. List and description of existing franchises of laboratories and diagnostic centers: name; activity description; declared and real payback
4.2. Franchise conditions (general profile laboratory without specialization)
4.3. Comparative analysis of franchises
5. Foreign market
5.1. List of analyzes that cannot be implemented in Ukraine
5.2. Import of reagents for medical laboratory analyzes in Ukraine in 2019-2023. (dynamics, structure, geography, shares of importers)
5.3. Medical tourism between countries (description of development in Ukraine, peculiarities from the point of view of laboratory diagnostics, development)
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Average current prices for basic analyzes (20-30 positions relative to the TOP-5 market leaders)
6.2. Analysis of profitability of market leaders (on the basis of financial statements)
7. Consumers and their preferences (content analysis)
7.1. Analysis of morbidity and the procedure for the patient's illness
7.2. Analysis of the consumer's path and the issues to be solved by the new operator of the researched format
7.3. Structuring and segmentation of consumption by age groups
7.4. Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of tender purchases of medical laboratories
7.5. Analysis of the Internet audience in the industry, search queries and issuing competitors
8. Conclusions. Predictive indicators
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development in 2023-2027 inclusive
8.2. Forecast indicators of the market development of private and state diagnostic and laboratory services until 2027. Selection of priority areas
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry from the point of view of coming out with a new format
9.1. SWOT analysis of market direction
9.2. PEST analysis of factors affecting the market
9.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. The number of laboratories by region of Ukraine in 2021-2023 in natural terms, units.
2. Number of analyzes by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2023 in natural terms, thousand units.
3. The number of analyzes by species in 2021-2023 in natural terms, thousands of units.
4. Assessment of the market capacity of laboratory services in physical and monetary terms, million units, billion UAH.
5. The number of laboratories by types and regions in 2019-2023 in natural terms, units.
6. The structure of the laboratory diagnostics market by types of analyzes in 2023, in physical and monetary terms, million units, billion UAH.
7. Estimate of the number of tests "at home" for 2023, thousand units.
8. The number of medical institutions (hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, cosmetology salons, dentistry) in general in Ukraine and by regions in 2023, units
9. System of taxation of medical services in Ukraine
10. Market shares of the main operators by revenue in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH million.
11. Market shares of the main operators by the number of laboratories and biomaterial collection points in 2023, in natural terms, %
12. Market shares of the main operators of laboratory services in Ukraine, in monetary terms, %
13. Factor analysis of market share dynamics
14. Format for obtaining a CSD medical laboratory franchise
15. Format for obtaining a DILA medical laboratory franchise
16. Necessary office equipment for obtaining a franchise of the medical laboratory "Nikolab"
17. INVIVO Franchise Formats
18. ADONIS Franchise Formats
19. IQ lab franchise formats
20. Average current prices for basic analyzes by competitors as of July 2024, UAH
21. Calculation of the profitability of the main market operators based on the financial statements of the companies for 2023, UAH million.
22. Composition of patients in hospital in Ukraine in 2022-2023, adults (over 18 years old), thousands of people
23. Composition of patients in hospital in Ukraine in 2022-2023, children (0-17 years old), thousands of people.
24. Composition of hospitalized patients in Ukraine by region in 2023, children and adults, thousands of people.
25. Participation in tender purchases of the main market operators in kind and monetary terms, units, thousand UAH.
26. Distribution of the number of performed analyzes per one laboratory by regions of Ukraine in 2022, in natural terms, thousands of units.
27. Analysis of market opportunities and threats
28. PESTLE - analysis of the laboratory services market
29. Market risk map

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of analyzes by types of laboratories in 2019-2023 in natural terms, thousands of units.
2. The structure of laboratories by species in Ukraine in 2019-2023 in natural terms, units.
3. The structure of laboratories of the Ministry of Health by areas of activity in Ukraine in 2023 in natural terms, units.
4. The structure of laboratories with franchises in Ukraine in 2023 in natural terms, %
5. Geography of laboratories in Ukraine in 2022-2023 in natural terms, %
6. Geography of analyzes in Ukraine in 2022-2023 in natural terms, thousand units.
7. Top-10 operators of the laboratory research market in 2023, in monetary and physical terms, UAH million, units, %
8. Dynamics of the import of reagents for medical laboratory analyzes in 2021-2023, in kind and money and expression, tons, million UAH.
9. The structure of the import of medical laboratory tests by companies in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, %
10. Geography of the import of reagents for medical laboratory analyzes in 2021-2022, in monetary terms, %
11. Shares of the main importers of reagents for medical laboratory analyzes in 2021-2022, in monetary terms, %
12. The structure of hospitalized patients in Ukraine in 2023, thousands of people
13. The structure of diagnostic studies by age groups in Ukraine in 2023, in natural terms, thousand people.
14. Amount of tender procurement contracts by company in monetary terms for 2023, thousand UAH.
15. Dynamics of search requests by keywords 6 months. 2020 - 6 months 2023, in natural terms, thousand pcs
16. Branded search requests by laboratories 2019 - 6 months. 2024, in natural terms, thousand pcs.
17. Search requests by types of diagnostics 2021-6 months of 2023, in natural terms, units
18. Forecast of the laboratory research market in Ukraine in 2024-2027, in monetary terms, billion UAH

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