Market research report on manicure, pedicure and podological products (professional cosmetics and tools) in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on manicure, pedicure and podological products (professional cosmetics and tools) in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2021 year
Number of pages: 62, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 33
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1 General characteristics of the market
1.1 Analysis of trends in the development of the market for professional materials and tools for manicure and pedicure services (factors of influence, development problems)
1.2 Key market indicators, capacity calculation in 2022
1.3 Segmentation and structuring of the market (by type of product, by type of application, regional breakdown)
2. The main operators of the market of professional materials and tools for manicure and pedicure services
2.1 List and description of the main market operators (distributors and dealers), structuring of market operators by regions and networks
2.2 Analysis of the unique selling propositions of the main market operators
2.3 Analysis of product promotion channels
2.4 Estimating the market share of the main operators
2.5 SWOT analysis of the main market operators
3. Price and range of services on the market
3.1 Analysis of average prices for imported professional materials and tools for manicure and pedicure services by product type, brands and distributors. The main factors influencing the formation of the selling price
3.2 The range of products for manicure and pedicure of the main market operators, prices, structuring by purpose and type of product
4. Consumers and their preferences (including online)
4.1 Portrait and their preferences (including online)
4.2 Internet audience analysis based on Google Adwords (in the B2C and B2B segment
4.3 Structuring the consumption of products for manicure and pedicure
4.4 Demand for products for hands and feet by region, based on the number of manicure, podiatry and pedicure services. Market capacity of manicure, pedicure and podology services
4.5 Comparative analysis of sales channels, allocation of a promising sales channel
5. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
5.1 Conclusions and Forecast Market Trends
5.2 Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2021-2023
5.3 Recommendations for the development of the company in the market of professional materials and tools for manicure and pedicure
6. Investment attractiveness of the industry
6.1 SWOT Analysis of Market Direction
6.2 PESTLE Analysis of Market Influence Factors
6.3 Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Calculation of the market capacity of professional materials and tools for manicure and pedicure, taking into account the shadow segment, in quantitative terms, million units.
2. Calculation of the market capacity of professional materials and tools for manicure and pedicure, taking into account the shadow segment, in monetary terms, UAH mln.
3. Characteristics of the main market operators
4. Major importers of professional cosmetics and manicure and pedicure tools
5. Regional segmentation of the main market operators
6. Description of the USP of the main market operators
7. Analysis of the performance of search queries in the Google system
8. Channels for promoting products by the main market operators
9. Market volume of the main operators in monetary terms, UAH mln
10. Strengths and weaknesses of the main market operators
11. Average prices for imported products in 2020, USD/kg
12. Price matrix by brands and distributors, USD/kg
13. Matrix of average prices by groups of goods in the context of distributors, UAH
14. Description of factors influencing price formation
15. Product range of the main operators by type and purpose, UAH with VAT
16. The number of officially registered beauty salons by regions of Ukraine that are not in the process of termination, units
17. Market capacity of manicure, pedicure and podology services in 2020, UAH million
18. Advantages and disadvantages of distribution channels
19. Criteria for choosing a marketing channel
20. SWOT-analysis of the manicure, pedicure and podology products market in Ukraine
21. PESTLE-analysis of the manicure, pedicure and podology products market in Ukraine
22. Segmentation of market risks
23. Risk map for the market of manicure, pedicure and podology products in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of imports by product type, in monetary terms, %
2. Market segmentation of professional manicure and pedicure tools, %
3. Segmentation of the market of professional cosmetics for manicure, pedicure and podology, %
4. Market share of the main operators of the market of professional materials and tools for manicure and pedicure, in monetary terms (including shade),%
5. Dynamics of the number of requests for professional cosmetics and products for manicure, pedicure and podology in 2020-1 half. 2021, thousand
6. Dynamics of requests in the industry in the context of B2B and B2C
7. Structure of consumption of professional manicure, pedicure and podology products
8. Market structure by regions of Ukraine by the number of officially registered and operating beauty salons, %
9. Structure of distribution channels
10. Distribution channels for manicure, pedicure and podology professional products
11. Forecast indicators of the development of the market for professional products for manicure and pedicure for 2021-2023, UAH million
12. Forecast indicators of market shares of the main operators of professional products for manicure and pedicure in 2021-2023, UAH million

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