Market analysis of refrigeration warehouses in Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region. 2020 year

Market analysis of refrigeration warehouses in Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2020 year
Number of pages: 32, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 1
Tables: 23
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
17900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market of refrigerated warehouses in Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region
1.1. Analysis of the development trend of the market of refrigerated warehouses in 2016-1 half. 2019 and the potential of consumers of refrigerated warehouses
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2016-1 semester 2019 (dynamics of space commissioning based on public information - subject to availability)
1.3. Structuring of equipment depending on the type of refrigerated warehouse in terms of temperature range in 2018.
2. The main competitors in the market of refrigerated warehouses in the Chernivtsi region
2.1. The main competitors of the market and their description, as well as a list of customers
2.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market competitors (by types of services, additional activities, regionally)
2.3. Market shares of the main competitors UAH. and by area
2.4. Degree of competition and risks
3. Current offers on the market of refrigerated warehouses in the Chernivtsi region:
3.1. Availability of free space (list, address, brief description)
3.2. The cost of renting cold stores
4. Production in consumer markets
4.1. Dynamics of production in potential consumer markets of refrigerated warehouses in physical terms in 2016-2019
4.2. Dynamics of production in monetary terms in 2016-2018
4.3 TOP 20 leading manufacturers in each of the consumer industries in terms of production volumes (assessment, list of companies), with the selection of companies from Chernivtsi and neighboring regions.
- frozen fish
- frozen chicken/pork and cattle meat (by segments)
- meat semi-finished products (without breakdown into segments)
- frozen vegetables (without segmentation)
- frozen fruits and berries (without segmentation)
5. Analysis of consumer preferences
5.1. Segmentation of consumers of cold stores depending on commodity items in 2019,% (in physical terms) based on the assessment
5.2. Analysis of the needs of consumers in warehouse refrigeration rooms in the Chernivtsi region
6. Dynamics of changes in economic indicators for refrigerated warehouses in the Chernivtsi region in 2017-2018 (2019 - subject to availability)
7. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2023
7.1. Forecast trends in the main markets-consumers of refrigerated warehouses
7.2. Forecast for the commissioning of new areas in the refrigerated warehouse market in 2020-2023
7.3. Assessing the potential of the refrigerated warehouse market
7.4. Go-to-Market Recommendations
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT - market direction analysis
8.2. PEST - market direction analysis
8.3. Market entry risks and barriers
8.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Commodity structure of wholesale food turnover in 2019, in physical terms (goods requiring temperature storage) in Ukraine
2. Structuring of refrigerated warehouses according to the temperature regime
3. Main competitors in the cold logistics market
4. Segmentation of the main competitors by types of services
5. Distribution of competitors by area
6. Availability of free space
7. Dynamics of production in potential consumer markets of refrigerated warehouses in real terms in Ukraine in 2016-2019, tons
8. Dynamics of production in potential markets-consumers of warehouses in monetary terms in Ukraine in 2016-2018, UAH bln.
9. Production of frozen fish in Ukraine
10. Frozen fish production since 2017
11. TOP 20 frozen chicken producers in Ukraine
12. TOP 20 frozen pork producers in Ukraine
13. TOP 20 frozen cattle meat producers in Ukraine
14. TOP 20 producers of semi-finished meat products in Ukraine
15. Production of frozen vegetables and mushrooms in Ukraine
16. Production of frozen fruits in Ukraine
17. Turnover of products requiring low storage temperatures in retail outlets in the city of Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region. in 2019
18. Growth of demand in the markets-consumers of refrigerated warehouses in kind in Ukraine,%
19. Income indicators of companies in the market of refrigerated warehouses in Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region for 2017-2018
20. SWOT - market analysis of refrigerated warehouses
21. PEST - cold storage market analysis
22. Segmentation of market risks
23. Risk map of the refrigerated warehouse market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Segmentation of consumers of refrigerated warehouses in Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region in 2019, by product groups,%

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