Market research report on cold warehousing (including farmaceutical) in Ukraine. 2022 year

Market research report on cold warehousing (including farmaceutical) in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2022 year
Number of pages: 31, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 5
Tables: 20
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
41900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the cold logistics market in Ukraine (influence factors, development problems). The main groups of refrigerated warehouses.
1.2. Assessment of the capacity of the cold logistics market in Ukraine and the regions under study in 2019-2021 (dynamics of putting areas/objects into operation on the basis of public information - according to the availability of data); analysis of industry indicators in war conditions, share of destroyed capacities, change in vacancy
1.3. Monitoring of media about the entry of new players (building new warehouses)
2. Main market operators
2.1. Company name, regional representation. Latest news in the company's activities
2.2 Characteristics of warehouses
2.3 Addresses of refrigerated warehouses of the main market operators
2.4. Market shares of major operators.
3. Market consumption analysis
3.1 List of leading manufacturers in each of the consumer industries in terms of production volumes:
- pharmaceuticals
- seafood
- meat of chickens/pork and cattle
- sausages and smoked meats
- milk and basic dairy products, cheeses
- ice cream
- beverages
- vegetables, fruits and berries
4. Branding and advertising
4.1. Analysis of the positioning of the main market operators.
4.2. Analysis of the promotion of the "cold logistics" service in the market
5.1. Conclusions and recommendations for the further development of the cold logistics market in Ukraine - forecast trends in the main cold logistics consumer markets - forecast for the introduction of new warehouses in the cold logistics market in 2022-2024 - recommendations for the location of the facility based on desk research
6. Investment attractiveness
6.1. SWOT – analysis of the market
6.2. PEST - Analysis of the Market
6.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Regulatory storage temperatures for products of the main consumers of refrigerated warehouse services
2. The largest warehouses affected by hostilities in Kyiv and the Kyiv region in 2022
3. The main objects of warehouse real estate declared for commissioning in the studied regions in 2022-2023
4. Top 10 operators of the cold logistics market in Ukraine
5. Structuring cold warehouses of wholesale pharmaceutical distributors by regions
6. Structuring cold compositions according to characteristics
7. Cost and conditions for placing products in refrigerated warehouses
8. Capacities of customs warehouses of companies involved in the import of pharmaceutical products
9. Pharmacy chains of Ukraine by revenue
10. Main categories of demand
11. TOP 20 seafood producers in Ukraine
12. TOP 20 chicken/pork and cattle meat producers in Ukraine
13. TOP 20 producers of sausages and smoked meats in Ukraine
14. TOP 20 producers of milk and basic dairy products, cheeses in Ukraine
15. TOP 20 ice cream producers in Ukraine
16. TOP 20 beverage producers in Ukraine
17. TOP 20 manufacturers of frozen semi-finished products in Ukraine
18. TOP 20 producers of vegetables, fruits and berries in Ukraine
19. SWOT - analysis
20. PEST - analysis

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market shares of the main operators of cold logistics in Ukraine by area
2. Import of pharmaceuticals to Ukraine in physical terms, thousand tons
3. Import of pharmaceuticals to Ukraine by third party use (or direct import) in physical terms, thousand tons
4. Import of pharmaceuticals to Ukraine by declaring companies in 2021, in physical terms, thousand tons
5. Import of pharmaceuticals to Ukraine by pharmacy chains in 2019-2021, in physical terms, share of total imports

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