Market research report on aerated concrete market in Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. 2023 year

Market research report on aerated concrete market in Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2023 year
Number of pages: 34 Arial, 1 space, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 8
Tables: 32
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
64800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. General analysis of the GB market in the country
1.1.1. Aerated concrete market trends
1.1.2. Comparison with the development of markets for other wall materials
1.2. State regulation of the market.
1.2.1. Presence of government restrictions on the market
1.2.2. Taxes, duties on imported products from the gas block.
2. Assortment of products above the market
2.1. The most common GB nomenclature of consumed blocks/panels (sizes, density/class)
2.2. Share of plain blocks/blocks with grips/grooves in the assortment
3. The volume of the market in natural indicators
3.1. The volume of consumption of aerated concrete on the market of the countries under study (in terms of GB blocks, GB panels, GB other) 2020-2022.
3.2. The volume of aerated concrete production in the country (in terms of GB blocks, GB panels, GB other) 2020-2022
3.3. Volumes of export/import of aerated concrete in the country (by GB blocks, GB panels, GB other) 2020-2022
4. Market volume in terms of value
4.1. The volume of consumption of aerated concrete over the country's market in monetary terms (within GB blocks, GB panels, GB other) 2020-2022.
4.2. The volume of aerated concrete production in the country in monetary terms (in terms of GB blocks, GB panels, GB other) 2020-2022.
4.3. Volumes of export/import of aerated concrete in the country in money (in terms of GB blocks, GB panels, GB other) 2020-2022.
5. Market structuring
5.1. The structure of sales channels (by direction: retail consumers, distributors, construction trade networks, developers, etc.)
5.2. Structure of consumption in the regions
6. Main market operators
6.1. List of market operators, addresses of production assets, project capacities, production volumes for 2020-2022
6.2. List of the largest network distributors/stores.
7. Price indicators
7.1. Average prices for GB blocks/GB panels per 1m3
7.2. Retail prices for the 2-3 most common on the country's market range of GB blocks, GB panels separately (without VAT)
8. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development (by wall materials market structure)
8.2. Forecast indicators of market development in 2023–2025
8.3. Recommendations for market development. Investment attractiveness of the industry

List of Tables:

1. Taxes on imported gas block products
2. The most common nomenclature of aerated concrete blocks and panels
3. Dynamics of aerated concrete consumption in the Polish market in 2020-2022, thousand m3
4. Dynamics of aerated concrete consumption in the Hungarian market in 2020-2022, thousand tons
5. Dynamics of aerated concrete consumption in the Slovak market in 2020-2022, thousand tons
6. Dynamics of aerated concrete consumption in the Romanian market in 2020-2022, thousand tons
7. Dynamics of aerated concrete production in Poland in 2020-2022, thousand tons
8. Dynamics of aerated concrete production in Hungary in 2020-2022, thousand tons
9. Dynamics of aerated concrete production in Slovakia in 2020-2022, thousand tons
10. Dynamics of aerated concrete production in Romania in 2020-2022, thousand tons
11. Dynamics of foreign economic activity in the aerated concrete market in Poland in 2020-2022, thousand tons
12. Dynamics of foreign economic activity in the aerated concrete market in Hungary in 2020-2022, thousand tons
13. Dynamics of foreign economic activity in the aerated concrete market in Slovakia in 2020-2022, thousand tons
14. Dynamics of foreign economic activity in the aerated concrete market in Romania in 2020-2022, thousand tons
15. Dynamics of aerated concrete consumption in the Polish market in 2020-2022, million euros
16. Dynamics of aerated concrete consumption in the Hungarian market in 2020-2022, million euros
17. Dynamics of aerated concrete consumption in the Slovak market in 2020-2022, million euros
18. Dynamics of aerated concrete consumption in the Romanian market in 2020-2022, million euros
19. Dynamics of aerated concrete production in Poland in 2020-2022, million euros
20. Dynamics of aerated concrete production in Hungary in 2020-2022, million euros
21. Dynamics of aerated concrete production in Slovakia in 2020-2022, million euros
22. Dynamics of aerated concrete production in Romania in 2020-2022, million euros
23. Dynamics of foreign economic activity in the aerated concrete market in Poland in 2020-2022, million euros
24. Dynamics of foreign economic activity in the aerated concrete market in Hungary in 2020-2022, million euros
25. Dynamics of foreign economic activity in the aerated concrete market in Slovakia in 2020-2022, million euros
26. Dynamics of foreign economic activity in the aerated concrete market in Romania in 2020-2022, million euros
27. Main operators in the aerated concrete market in Poland in 2022
28. Main operators in the aerated concrete market in Romania in 2022
29. Main operators in the aerated concrete market in Slovakia in 2022
30. List of the largest distributors of aerated concrete by countries
31. Average prices for aerated concrete in the countries studied
32. Retail prices for the nomenclature of aerated concrete blocks and slabs common on the market

List of graphs and charts:

1. The share of aerated concrete and other wall materials in the markets of the studied countries
2. The structure of the assortment in the aerated concrete market
3. The structure of product consumption in the market
4. Sales structure in the aerated concrete market
5. Regional structure of aerated concrete consumption in Poland in 2022
6. Regional structure of aerated concrete consumption in Hungary in 2022
7. Regional structure of aerated concrete consumption in Slovakia in 2022
8. Forecast indicators of the development of the aerated concrete market in 2023–2025

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