Analysis of the bioplastics market in Ukraine, Europe, the Middle East. 2020 year

Analysis of the bioplastics market in Ukraine, Europe, the Middle East. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2020 year
Number of pages: 54, Arial, 1 interval, 10 point
Graphs and charts: 21
Tables: 21
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
36000 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of the biocompound (biogranules) market in Europe and the Middle East in 2015-2020:
- Volumes of domestic production / consumption, export / import by countries and types of biocompound: bio-base / fossil base, 100% biodegradable / recycled; - assessment based on data from manufacturers and market experts
- List, contacts and production volumes of the biocompound of the 10 largest global manufacturers (BASF, NOVAMOND and others) - assessment based on financial statements and expert data
- Price trends for the last 5 years for biocompound: bio-base / fossil base, 100% biodegradable / recycled, current levels (with indication of product specifications); terms of delivery and payment - upon request in the company;
- State programs to support the production of biocompound and standards / requirements for certification of biocompound by country - availability and brief description
2. Analysis of the market for bioplastic products in Europe and the Middle East for 2015-2020
- Volumes of domestic production / consumption, exports / imports by countries and types of products: bags, disposable tableware, cling film, disposable medical products (boot covers, aprons, gloves), packaging, etc. - assessment of consumption, the share of imported products and the presence of manufacturers working for export
- List, contacts and volumes of biocompound consumption / production of the studied 20mA bioplastic products by the largest manufacturers in Europe and the Middle East - if these companies have data, or providing an estimate of the total volumes and product range
- Price trends over the past 5 years for bioplastic products: bags, disposable tableware, cling film, disposable medical products (boot covers, aprons, gloves), packaging, etc. (Indicating product specifications) - building a cost estimation model based on availability data, general price dynamics for bioplastics and other factors with their description
- Standards / requirements for certification of bioplastic products / packaging by country.
3. Analysis of the market for plastic products (in general) in Europe and the Middle East in 2015-2020:
- Volumes of domestic production / consumption, exports / imports by countries and types of products: bags, disposable tableware, cling film, disposable medical products (boot covers, aprons, gloves), packaging, etc.
- List, contacts and production volumes of plastic products (above) by the 20th largest manufacturers in Europe and the Middle East (20 in all types)
- Trends in price changes over the past 5 years for plastic products: bags, disposable tableware, cling film, disposable medical products (boot covers, aprons, gloves), packaging, etc. (Indicating product specifications, delivery basis and payment terms).
4. Volumes of plastic waste generation in the countries studied (estimation of the volume of waste generated and recycled)
5. Prospects for the development of the bioplastic market in Europe and the Middle East (trends in use with changes in legislation, consumer trends, etc.)
6. Forecast of prospects for entering the countries under study

List of Tables:

1. Export deliveries of crushed stone and other granite products from Ukraine to
Belarus, Poland and Lithuania in January 2020
2. Export deliveries of crushed stone and other granite products from Ukraine to Belarus, Poland and Lithuania in February 2020
3. Export deliveries of crushed stone and other granite products from Ukraine to Belarus, Poland and Lithuania in March 2020
4. Monthly export volumes by countries in 1 sq. 2020, in kind, tons
5. Monthly export volumes by countries in 1 sq. 2020, in monetary terms, thousand UAH
6. Segmentation of crushed stone senders by customs (weight in tons)
7. Segmentation of crushed stone recipients by customs (weight in tons)
8. Segmentation of senders and recipients of crushed stone by customs (weight in kg)

List of graphs and charts:

1. Monthly export of crushed stone and other granite products to Belarus, Poland and Lithuania in 1 sq. 2020, in kind, tons
2. Geographical structure of exports in 1 sq. 2020, in kind, %
3. Monthly export of crushed stone to Belarus, Poland and Lithuania in 1 sq. 2020, in monetary terms, thousand UAH
4. Geographical structure of exports in 1 sq. 2020, in monetary terms, %

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