Market analysis of elastic polymers in Russia. 2019

Market analysis of elastic polymers in Russia. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2019 year
Number of pages: 65, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 32
Tables: 35
Payment method: prepayment
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Report language: russian
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the elastic polymers market of Russia
1.1. Analysis of market trends in Russia in 2016-2018 (7 months 2019 - by availibility of information) (main characteristics of the product: its advantages and differences from other polymers - general information, major trends of development - general information, factors of influence, problems and other features )
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of the researched segments market capacity in 2016-2018 - in kind and monetary terms - estimated by segments:
∙ Segment 1 - Thermoplastic elastomers
2 Segment 2 - PVC
3 Segment 3 - PP and PE joints, PVC joints (soft and hard), dyes
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring in 2018:
By origin of products (in the structure of market capacity):
∙ Domestic and imported thermoplastic elastomers shares
*Share of domestic and imported PVC
∙ Proportion of domestic and imported PP and PE compounds, PVC compounds (soft and hard), superconcentrates
By TM (if there are exports or imports in the supply structure, depending on the deliveries share):
∙ TM for TPE (by types: TPE-S (SEBS), TPE-S (SBS), TPU, TPO, TPV)
∙ TM for PVC
∙ TM for PP and PE compounds, PVC compounds (soft and hard), superconcentrates
2. Production in the elastic polymers market of Russia in 2016-2018 in kind and monetary terms - estimation of volumes in 3 segments of this production (if present) in Russia
* Segment 1 - Thermoplastic elastomers
* Segment 2 - PVC
* Segment 3 - PP and PE compounds, PVC compounds (soft and hard), dyes
3. Major operators in the elastic polymers market in Russia
3.1. The list of major operators (manufacturers - if there is production), importers:
∙ List ∙ Short Description ∙ TM (List without shares) ∙ Product Range (Short)
3.2. Structuring of operators (by segments, regionally)
3.3. Market shares of major market operators - importers (by volume of imports), producers (if any - based on 2017 financial statements (2018 - if available))
4. Foreign trade in the elastic polymers market of Russia
4.1. Exports in 2016-2018:
∙ Volume in kind and monetary terms in 3 segments
∙ Structure: shares of 3 segments in the overall supply structure of elastic polymers
∙ Average export prices for 3 segments - only simple deliveries and if there are exports
∙ Geography of supply by countries in 3 segments
∙ Exporting companies and their shares in supply, major purchasers
4.2. Imports in 2016-2018:
∙ Volume in kind and monetary terms in 3 segments
∙ Structure: shares of 3 segments in the overall supply structure of elastic polymers
∙ Average import prices for 3 segments - only simple deliveries and if there are imports
∙ Geography of supply by countries in 3 segments
∙ Importing companies and their shares in deliveries, the main senders
5. Price and pricing in the market of elastic polymers in Russia
5.1. Average current purchase prices for the researched segments - depending on the characteristics of the product, the volume of purchase (wholesale) - on request at some companies or based on public data
5.2. Description of factors affecting pricing
6. Consumers and distribution channels in the market
6.1. Analysis of Target Consumption Markets of Thermoplastic Elastomers and PVC (Short Description, Market Trends, Changes in Market Dynamics, Why and Which Elastic Polymers are Used in Production, List of Major Manufacturers in the Market) by Industries:
* Building Materials - Ref. RAL GZ 716/1, CSTB and others. EN 681-2 base
* Footwear
Consumer industries overview (short description, market trends, changes in market dynamics, list of major manufacturing companies in the market):
∙ Cable-conduction products
* Medical supplies
∙ Automotive industry
∙ Tools
∙ Cosmetics
* Fluid prossessing
* Sporting goods
6.2. Analysis of consumption of PP and PE blends, PVC blends target markets (short description, market trends, changes in market dynamics, list of major manufacturers in the market) by industry:
* Packaging
* Cable-conduction products
* Automotive industry
* Multi-layer and single-layer films
* Pipes, profile
* Disposable tableware
* Building materials
7. Conclusions. Forecast indicators in the elastic polymers market in Russia
7.1. Conclusions and forcast market trends
7.2. Market development hypotheses. Forecasted market development indicators for 2019-2021
7.3. Market entry guidelines
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT Market Analysis
8.2. PEST analysis of market impact factors
8.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry
8.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

1. Structuring of polypropylene non-knitted Sacks and big-bags manufacturers in Ukraine by the density of the products material, in kind (kg)%
2. Major market operators Shares in 2018 in kind,%

List of Tables:

1. The general indicators of the TPE market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in kind, thousand tons
2. The general indicators of the TPE market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in monetary terms, million rubles
3. General indicators of the TPE market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in monetary terms, USD million
4. General indicators of the PVC market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in kind, thousand tons
5. Overall indicators of the PVC market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in monetary terms, million rubles
6. Overall indicators of the PVC market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in monetary terms, USD million
7. Overall indicators of PP / PE / PVC compounds market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in kind, thousand tons
8. Overall indicators of PP / PE / PVC compounds market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in monetary terms, million rubles
9. Overall indicators of PP / PE / PVC compounds market in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in monetary terms, USD million
10. Major manufacturers of researched products in Russia
11. Largest importers of researched products in Russia
12. Structuring of operators by segments
13. Structuring of operators regionally
14. researched products Export in 2016-2018, in kind, thousand tons
15. researched products Export in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, million rubles
16. researched products Export in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, USD million
17. Average export prices of the researched products in 2016-2018, USD / kg
18. researched products Imports in 2016-2018, in kind, thousand tons
19. researched products Imports in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, million rubles.
20. researched products Imports in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, USD million
21. Average import prices of the researched products in 2016-2018, USD / kg
22. Average current wholesale prices of the researched products (October 2019)
23. Dynamics of building materials, using TPE, production in 2017-8 months 2019
24. Construction industry indicators in 2016-2018
25. Dynamics of cable production in 2017-8 months 2019, thousand km
26. Dynamics of cable production in 2017-8 months 2019, billion rubles
27. Dynamics of car production in 2016-2018
28. Dynamics of hand tools production in 2017-8 months 2019, thousand pcs
29. Dynamics of cosmetic products production in 2017-8 months 2019 mln.pcs
30. Dynamics of liquids and packaging production in 2017-8 months 2019 mln.pcs
31. Electrical insulation properties of polymeric materials
32. SWOT Analysis of the Elastic Polymer Market in Russia
33. PEST analysis of the elastic polymer market in Russia
34. Market risk segmentation
35. Risk Map of Elastic Polymers Market

List of graphs and charts:

1. TPE Types
2. Domestic and imported TPE in the Russian market share in 2018, in kind,%
3. Domestic and imported PVC in the Russian market share in 2018, in kind,%
4.Domestic and imported PP and PE compounds, PVC compounds in the Russian market share in 2018, in kind,%
5. Structure of imported TPEs on the Russian market by types in 2018, in kind,%
6. Structure of imported TPEs manufacturers on the Russian market by types in 2018, in kind,%
7. Structure of TPE producers in Russia's exports in 2018, in kind,%
8. Structure of PVC producers in Russia's imports and exports in 2018, in kind,%
9. Structure of PP and PE compounds, PVC compounds and dyes manufacturers in Russia's imports and exports in 2018, in kind,%
10. Dynamics of TPE production in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in kind, thousand tons
11. Dynamics of TPE production in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in monetary terms, USD million
12. Dynamics of PVC production in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in kind, thousand tons
13. Dynamics of PVC production in Russia in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, mln.USD
14. Dynamics of PP, PE, PVC compounds production in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in kind, thousand tons
15. Dynamics of PP, PE, PVC compounds production in Russia in 2016-8 months 2019, in monetary terms, USD million
16. Major producers of researched products Market shares in Russia in 2018, in monetary terms,%
17. Major importers of researched products Market shares in Russia in 2018, in monetary terms,%
18. 3 segments Shares in the general structure of elastic polymers supply in 2016 and 2018, in kind,%
19. 3 segments Shares in the general structure of elastic polymers deliveries in 2016 and 2018, in monetary terms (US $),%
20. Geography of elastic polymers supply in 2016 and 2018, by segment, in monetary terms,%
21. Elastic polymer exporting companies in 2018, by segments, in monetary terms,%
22. 3 segments Shares in the general structure of elastic polymers supply in 2016 and 2018, in kind,%
23. 3 segments Shares in the general structure of elastic polymers deliveries in 2016 and 2018, in monetary terms (US $),%
24. Geography of elastic polymers supply in 2016 and 2018, by segments, in monetary terms,%
25. Elastic polymers company-Importers in 2018, by segment, in monetary terms,%
26. Dynamics of footwear production in 2017-8 months 2019.
27. Dynamics of sports goods production in 2017-8 months 2019.
28. Dynamics of polymer plates, sheets, strips and films production in 2017-8 months 2019.
29. Dynamics of tubes, hoses and fittings of plastic production in 2017-8 months 2019.
30. Dynamics of plastic shaped girders, monofilaments, rods and pivots production in 2017-8 months 2019.
31. Dynamics of plastic tableware and other plastic household goods production in 2017-8 months 2019.
32. Forecasted market development indicators for 2019-2021, in kind, ths. tons

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