Market research report on PVC pipes and PVC profiles in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on PVC pipes and PVC profiles in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2023 year
Number of pages: 36, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 20
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
36200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Significant characteristic of the market
1.1. Description of the market
1.2. Analysis of trends in the development of the market
1.3. Global showings to the market, rozrahunok єmnosti to the market in 2022 (production + import - export)
1.4. Evaluation of the shadow segment on the market (through interviews with the participants of the market, or for help inspiring analytical models)
1.5. Segmentation and structure of the market (for species, similarities)
2. State regulation of galleys
2.1. The main laws that govern the law (list, short summary and specific laws)
2.2. Souvenirs and collections for the market
2.3. Peculiarities of carrying out state purchases
3. Main market operators (commercialists and importers)
3.1. List of the main operators in the market and its structure (general information, types of activity and specialization; product groups, brands and assortment; regional representation)
3.2. Parts of the market of the main operators
3.3. Steps of competition and threats. Factorial analysis of market shares of competitors
4. Product range 2021-2022
4.1. dynamics
4.2. Dynamics of virobnizstva at vartisnyh pokazniki
4.3. Parts of virobniks
5. Modern trade and ZED
5.1. Export of PVC products from Ukraine in 2021–2022. (Obligations, structure, geography, parts of exporters)
5.2. Import of PVC products to Ukraine in 2021–2022. (Obligations, structure, geography, parts of importers)
6. Assortment of products presented above the market
7. Price and price setting on the market
7.1. Dynamics of prices for products
7.2. Average line prices for products
8. Analysis of coping over the market
8.1. Structuring and segmentation
8.2. Goods need
9. Visnovki. Predictive indicators of the market
9.1. Visnovki and predictive trends in the development of the market
9.2. Pobudov's hypothesis for the development of the market. Forecast indicators of market development in 2023-2024.
9.3. Recommendations for market development
10. Investment property of the gallery
10.1. SWOT analysis of market directing
10.2. PESTLE - analysis of factors inflow to the market
10.3. There are risks and barriers to the entrance to the market. Pobudova cards of risks on the market

List of Tables:

1. Market size PVC profiles, yew tons
2. Market location of PVC pipes, yew tons
3. Main imports for the last products in Ukraine
4. The main operators of the PVC profile market in Ukraine in 2022
5. The main operators of the PVC pipe market in Ukraine in 2022
6. Factorial analysis of market frequencies of operators in the PVC profile market in Ukraine in 2021-2022, in natural variation, tons, %
7. Factorial analysis of market frequencies of operators in the PVC pipe market in Ukraine in 2021-2022, in natural value, tons, %
8. Assortment of PVC pipes for the Ukrainian market for recognition and diameter,
9. number of goods in the presence
10. Assortment of high-rise profiles made of PVC on the market of Ukraine for expansion, number of goods in the presence
11. The range of high-rise profiles made of PVC for the Ukrainian market according to the type and number of cameras profile, the number of goods in the presence
12. Average flow prices for PVC pipes in Ukraine for recognition and diameter, UAH/m.
13. Average prices for plastic veneers with different PVC profiles in Ukraine outside the world, UAH/pcs.
14. Average production prices for plastic windows with different PVC profiles in Ukraine per type, UAH/pc.
15. SWOT-analysis of the PVC market
16. PESTLE - analysis of factors inflow to the market
17. Segmentation of market risks
18. Risk map of the PVC market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Evaluation of the capacity of the market for PVC fibers in Ukraine in 2021-2022, in natural terms, yew. tons
2. Segmentation of the PVC market in Ukraine in 2021-2022, in natural terms, %
3. Segmentation of the market of PVC products in Ukraine for recognition in 2021, in natural distribution, %
4. Parts of the main operators in the PVC profile market in Ukraine in 2022
5. Parts of the main operators in the PVC pipe market in Ukraine in 2022
6. Dynamics of pipe bending and profiles with PVC in Ukraine in 2021-2022, pp., natural bending, yew. tons
7. Dynamics of the production of PVC profiles in Ukraine, monthly in 2021-2022, in kind, tons
8. Dynamics of pipe bending and PVC profiles in Ukraine in 2021-2022, per penny, million USD
9. Parts of molds on the market of PVC molds in Ukraine in 2021-2022, in kind, %
10. Commitment to the export of PVC products from Ukraine in 2021-2022, in natural terms, yew. tons
11. The structure of exports of PVC products from Ukraine by 2022, in natural terms, %
12. Geography of exports of PVC products from Ukraine in 2021-2022, in kind, %
13. The main exporters of PVC products from Ukraine in 2021-2022, in natural terms, %
14. Obligations for the import of PVC fibers to Ukraine in 2021-2022, pp., in natural terms, yew. tons
15. Structure of imports of PVC products to Ukraine by recognition in 2022
16. Geography of imports of PVC products to Ukraine in 2021-2022, in kind, %
17. Main importers of PVC products to Ukraine in 2021-2022, in kind, %
18. Dynamics of average import prices for PVC pipes and profiles in Ukraine in 2021-2022, USD/kg
19. Dynamics of average export prices for PVC pipes and profiles in Ukraine in 2021-2022, USD/kg
20. Covered area of living houses on the cob of life in 2021-2022, quarterly, yew. m 2

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