Market research report on plastic pipes market of Ukraine. 2020 year

Market research report on plastic pipes market of Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2020 year
Number of pages: 39, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 20
Tables: 21
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
21300 UAH
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Detailed contents:

Ukrainian plastic pipes market research
1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of market development trends (influence factors, development problems)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of the market capacity in 2019-1 half 2020 (production + import - export)
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring (by type, origin)
2. Production and sales dynamics in 2019-1 half. 2020
2.1. Production dynamics in quantitative terms by type
2.2. Dynamics of production in value terms by type
2.3. Producers' shares
3. Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
3.1. List of main market operators and their description
3.2. Structuring of operators (by nomenclature, regions, purpose)
3.3. Market shares of the main market operators (in general, by production and import)
4. International trade
4.1. Export of pipes from Ukraine in 2019 - 1st half. 2020 (volumes, structure, geography, shares of exporters)
4.2. Pipes imports
5. Consumers and their preferences
5.1. The state of consumer industries (utilities, B2C segment, agro-industrial complex, construction companies)
5.2. Analysis and forecast of the volume of construction work related to pipes in Ukraine in 2020-2023
6. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
6.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development
6.2. Constructing hypotheses of market development. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2023
6.3. Recommendations for development on the market (optimal product and consumer segments for development)
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1. SWOT-analysis
7.2. PESTLE analysis of market influencers
7.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. The average salary of full-time workers in Kiev in 2017 – 2019
2. PVC pipes market capacity in Ukraine in 2019-1h/2020 in volume, tons
3. PE pipes market capacity in Ukraine in 2019-1h/2020 in volume, tons
4. PP pipes market capacity in Ukraine in 2019-1h/2020 in volume, tons
5. Dynamics of the plastic pipes production in volume by types of materials, tons
6. Dynamics of production of plastic pipes in value terms by types of materials, mln. UAH
7. List of major market operators
8. Structuring TOP-20 manufacturers for 2019 – 1 half 2020 for the product range
9. Structuring TOP-10 importers for 2019 – 1 half 2020 for external / external use and material
10. Structuring the Top 10 importers in 2019 - 1H 2020 for application in irrigation and material
11. Regional representation of the main market operators
12. Market shares of the main operators in Ukraine in physical terms in 2019 - 1H 2020, %
13. Pipes export volume in 2019 - 1st half 2020 by application and material, tons
14. Pipes export value in 2019 - 1st half 2020 by application and material, UAH mln
15. Pipes import volume in 2019 - 1st half. 2020 by application, and material, tons
16. Pipes import value in 2019 - 1st half. 2020 by application, and material, UAH mln
17. Consumption volumes of plastic compound in kind for the manufacture of plastic products in the context of European countries for 2015-2020, thousand tons
18. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2023
19. SWOT analysis of the plastic pipes market in Ukraine
20. PESTLE-analysis of the plastic pipes market
21. Ranking of risks of development of the market of plastic pipes in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Supply-demand/new supply structure by class and number of apartments in Kiev at the beginning of 2019, %
2. Structure of final consumer spending of households by goals in Q1 2020, %
3. Price index for construction and installation work on pipelines, communications, power lines, as well as consumer price index for maintenance / repair of housing in the 1st half of 2020, % relative to the previous month
4. Assessment of European demand for plastic converter by polymer types in 2019, %
5. The use of polypropylene for the final product, %
6. HDPE application behind the final product, %
7. Application of PVC profiles in Europe in 2019, %
8. Shares of manufacturers in 2019 - 1 half of 2020 in volume, %
9. Geography of pipe exports from Ukraine in 2019 - 1st half. 2020 in volume
10. Geography of pipe exports from Ukraine by country in 2019 - 1st half. 2020 monetary terms,%, UAH
11. Shares of pipes exporters` volume in 2019 - 1 half of 2020,%
12. Geography of pipe imports to Ukraine by country in 2019 - 1st half. 2020 volume,%
13. Geography of pipe imports value to Ukraine by country in 2019 - 1st half. 2020,%
14. Shares of importers in 2019 - 1 half of 2020 in volume, %
15. Structure of completed construction works in the 1st quarter of 2020 by type,%
16. Forecast of the volume of construction work related to pipes in Ukraine in 2020-2023
17. Forecasting the use of plastic pipes in the world in 2025 by field of application,%
18. PP pipe consumption forecast in 2020-2025 for application,%
19. Forecast of consumption of HDPE pipes by class in 2025,%
20. Forecast of consumption of PVC pipes by application in 2022,%21.

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