Business plan for a greenhouse complex for growing roses

Business plan for a greenhouse complex for growing roses
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2012 year
Number of pages: 120 pages, including 18 applications, 23 tables, 39 figures (document prepared in Russian)
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: digital Word + financial model in Excel
17999 UAH
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The concept of the project:

Aim of the project is the creation and organization of the greenhouse complex for growing roses in one of the regions of Ukraine, providing consumers with high-quality floral products and making a profit from this activity.

The draft describes the process of creation and organization of the greenhouse complex. There is also a list of the necessary greenhouse equipment that will be used for the cultivation of high quality floral products. In view of market trends in the project is given the name of the most successful varieties of roses to grow in terms of the production process, as well as from the point of view of the best interests of consumers.  

The project calculated the financial model of the greenhouse complex:  the required investment, the schedule of investments, calculated payment schedule (in the case of loans), made up of sales of products, the profit and loss account, statement of projected cash flows. In order to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the project calculated all the necessary parameters: the internal rate of return, net present value, payback period, and a number of others. Also designed several scenarios of doing business, and the impact of adverse changes in the financial stability of the project.  







2.1.1. Goals and objectives of the Project  

2.1.2. The total cost of the project. Expected sources of financing of the Project  

2.1.3. Network Diagram implementation and financing of the Project  


2.2.1 Location of objects, the circuit area  

2.2.2. The manufacturing process and characterization of the products and services  

2.2.3. Necessary staff and personnel policies of the Project  

2.2.4 Laws and regulations necessary approvals  


2.3.1. Market summary colors. Production of flowers in Ukraine  

2.3.2. The consumption of flowers in Ukraine  

2.3.3. Foreign trade of flowers, including roses, Ukraine  

2.3.4. Prices for roses Ukraine  

2.3.5. The competitive environment  

2.3.6. Types of greenhouses and cultivation technology products  

2.3.7. The demand of greenhouses in Ukraine  

2.3.8. Prospects for the development of production and market expansion flowers Ukraine  


2.4.1. Initial data for the calculations and their reasoning  

2.4.2. The sales forecast for the Project  

2.4.3. Generation of profits for the Project  

2.4.4. Forecast cash flow for the Project  

2.4.5. The schedule of service credit. Collateral for the loan. Justification service opportunities raised loan  

2.4.6. Calculation of break-even point  

2.4.7. Indicators of investment attractiveness and profitability of the project (NPV, IRR, DPP, PI, etc.)  

2.4.8. Scenarios for the development of the Project  


2.5.1. Factor analysis of the risks of the Project  

2.5.2. Risk reduction strategies  

2.5.3. SWOT-analysis  




Appendix 1. Aggregates for Project

Appendix 2. Project Settings
Appendix 3. Sources of funding and implementation schedule of the Project
Appendix 4. The cost of equipment for the Project
Appendix 5. Calculation of depreciation for the Project
Appendix 6. Staffing for the Project
Appendix 7. The product range
Appendix 8. Projected sales plan
Appendix 9. Projected profit and loss statement for the Project
Appendix 10. Projected statement of cash flows
Appendix 11. Calculation of break-even point
Appendix 12. Calculation of investment attractiveness and profitability of the Project

List of Tables:

Table 1. Project Summary  

Table 2. Targets for investment  

Table 3. General Settings on the Project  

Table 4. Parameters of the greenhouses  

Table 5. Other expenditures of the company  

Table 6. For seasonal cultivation of roses  

Table 7. Taxation Project  

Table 8. Work on the project and the schedule of investments  

Table 9. Storage roses in a changed atmosphere at a temperature of 5 ° C  

Table 10. Staffing  

Table 11. The largest of the flower market in Ukraine  

Table 12. Profit and Loss Statement for the Project  

Table 13. Formation profit Project  

Table 14. Profitability Project  

Table 15. Operating expenses for the Project  

Table 16. The total amount of investment expenditure (CAPEX) for the Project  

Table 17. Schedule of loan sampling and repayment   

Table 18. The calculation of the coefficient of debt service on loans  

Table 19. Performance Indicators  

Table 20. The sensitivity of the project to change the volume of sales of products  

Table 21. The sensitivity of the project to change prices  

Table 22. Sensitivity to changes in the cost of the project  

Table 23. SWOT-analysis Project

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