Market research report on the flower retail market in Lviv. 2022 year

Market research report on the flower retail market in Lviv. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2022 year
Number of pages: 18, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 4
Tables: 1
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
14900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of market development trends (influence factors, development problems) - trends 2018-2021 as a result of all-Ukrainian trends, as well as 2022 in Lviv
1.2. General indicators of the market. Sales volume of cut flowers in Lviv in physical and monetary terms
1.3. Estimation of the shadow segment in the market
2. Main market operators (retail chains)
2.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring
2.2. Market shares of the main market operators (by retail). Selection of TOP-5 operators of outlets for measuring traffic (based on belonging to networks and location of outlets)
3. Average current prices for products (cut flowers and bouquets)
4. Branding and advertising (analysis of the positioning of competitors in the market, presence in promotion channels)
5. Analysis of consumption in the market (desktop method and based on field research)
5.3. The degree of consumer satisfaction (analysis of reviews and key comments from consumers) in the presence of comments on retail outlets
6. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
6.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
6.2. Recommendations for development in the market
- Optimal development channels
- Recommendations for promotion

List of Tables:

1. Structuring of the main market operators

List of graphs and charts:

1. Seasonality of search queries on the topic of buying flowers in Lviv in January 2018 - 10 months. 2022, %
2. Dynamics of flower sales in Lviv in 2018 - 10 months. 2022*, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
3. Segmentation of the population of the Lviv region by income, as of December 2021, %
4. Average price per m2 in new buildings, by regions, February 2021-December 2022, thousand UAH/m2

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