Market research report on express delivery market in Romania. 2017 year

Market research report on express delivery market in Romania. 2017 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2017 year
Number of pages: 30, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 9
Tables: 11
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
9100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. The volume of the express delivery market in quantitative and monetary terms (local market, international market)
2. Market volume by type of shipment (correspondence, parcels, cargo) - estimated
3. Competitive environment
3.1 Availability of companies providing express delivery services in the country (local delivery and cross-border delivery)
3.2 Pricing policy of competitors (average cost of delivery by type of shipment - documents, parcels and cargo)
3.3 Service delivery model, e.g., whether courier delivery or delivery to branches or pickup points is used
3.4 Main services provided in the express delivery market
4. Market segmentation
4.1 Segmentation by geography (TOP-10 largest cities with the highest economic activity, average distance between these cities)
4.2 Segmentation by demographics (brief description of the top 10 cities by population, average age)
5. Brief general trends in the express delivery market in the country, the need for express delivery services among different market segments (B2B, B2C, C2C) has been formed or needs to be formed
6. Permits for the legal performance of delivery services between legal entities and between individuals
7. Legislative level, regulatory policy in terms of delivery services by a non-state company
8. Development of e-commerce (number of registered websites/portals, etc. and the number of those that actually work) - assessment. Top 10 websites by country of study. Analysis of e-commerce sales mechanics (prepaid/postpaid/other)

List of Tables:

1. Segmentation of the main operators of the express delivery market in Romania
2. Parameters of cargo to calculate the delivery price
3. Cost of express delivery in Romania, lei/unit.
4. Cost of express delivery of shipments in Romania, USD/unit.
5. Segmentation of operators by delivery models
6. The main services on the express delivery market in Romania
7. Top 10 cities with the highest economic activity, the average distance between these cities, km
8. The largest cities in Romania in terms of population at the beginning of 2017
9. The main indicators of the e-commerce market in Romania
10. Number of registered domains, at the beginning of 2017
11. Specifics of operation of online stores in Romania

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of revenues from postal and courier activities in 2014-2016, billion lei
2. Dynamics of revenues from postal and courier activities in 2014-2016, thousand USD. US DOLLARS
3. Number of postal and courier parcels in 2014-2016, mln.
4. Regional structure of shipments, 2016, %.
5. Structure of the market by types of shipments, 2016, %.
6. Age structure of Romania's population at the beginning of 2017,%.
7. Structure of the provision of express delivery services by segment, %.
8. The volume of the Romanian e-commerce market in 2013-2016, bln. USD
9. Ranking of the top 10 most visited online stores in Romania

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