Market research report on postal delivery in Moldova. 2022 year

Market research report on postal delivery in Moldova. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2022 year
Number of pages: 20, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 10
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
26900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Estimating the volume of the Moldova postal delivery market in volume and value (local market, international shipments market)
2. Estimation of the market volume by types of shipments (correspondence, parcels, cargo) and by types of customers B2C, C2C, B2B - estimation
3. Competitive environment
3.1. Availability of companies providing delivery services throughout the country (local delivery and cross-border delivery)
3.2. Pricing policy of competitors (average delivery cost by type of shipment - documents, parcels and cargo)
3.3. Service delivery model, such as courier delivery or delivery to branches or pickup points
3.4 Main services provided in the delivery market
4. Market segmentation
4.1. Geographical segmentation (TOP 10 largest cities with maximum economic activity, average distance between these cities)
4.2. Demographical segmentation (brief description of the TOP-10 cities by population, average age)
5. Brief general trends in the country's delivery market, the current need for delivery services among different market segments (B2B, B2C, C2C)
6. Development of e-commerce (the number of registered Internet sites / portals, etc. and actually working) - estimation. TOP-10 sites in the study countries. Analysis of the sales mechanics of the e-commerce segment (prepaid / postpaid / other)
7. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends

List of Tables:

1. The volume of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021-2022 by types of shipments, in volume, mln. shipments
2. Shares of the main operators of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021, in volume
3. Average cost of delivery by types of items in the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021
4. Average cost of local delivery from the main market operators by type of shipment, 2022
5. Average cost of international delivery (Moldova-Ukraine) for the main market operators by type of shipment, 2022
6. Service delivery models used in the postal delivery market in Moldova
7. Main services provided in the postal delivery market in Moldova
8. Distance between the largest cities of Moldova, km
9. Brief description of the TOP-10 cities of Moldova by demographic indicators
10. TOP-10 local sites in the e-commerce segment in Moldova in 2022

List of graphs and charts:

1. The volume of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021-2022, in value, million lei
2. The volume of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021-2022, in value, million $
3. The volume of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021-2022, in volume, million items
4. Segmentation of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021 by types of items, in value, %
5. Segmentation of the postal delivery market in Moldova by geography of shipments (local/international) in 2021, in volume, %
6. Segmentation of the postal delivery market in Moldova by type of customers (B2B/B2C/C2C) in 2021, in volume, % - estimate
7. Shares of the main operators of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021, in value, %
8. TOP-10 cities of Moldova in terms of economically active population, people (2014 census)
9. Dynamics of the market volume of international shipments in Moldova in 2017-2022, in volume, million shipments
10. Dynamics of the market volume of parcel and express shipments in Moldova in 2018-2022, in volume, million shipments
11. The largest volumes of investments among the operators of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2021, million lei
12. Segmentation of the delivery market in Moldova by the number of branches of the main operators in 2021
13. Dynamics of the structure of the postal delivery market in Moldova in 2017-2022 by geography of shipments, in value, %
14. Dynamics and forecast indicators of the volume of the e-commerce market in Moldova in 2021-2025, in value, $ million

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