Research of the clothing market in the Performance/Lifestyle segment in Kazakhstan. 2024 year

Research of the clothing market in the Performance/Lifestyle segment in Kazakhstan. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: January 2024 year
Number of pages: 48, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 32
Tables: 24
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General market characterization
1.1 Analysis of market development trends (factors of influence, development problems) - in general and separately for each segment in the sportswear brand structure (Performance/Lifestyle)
1.2 Volume of the fashion market in Kazakhstan by retail and wholesale market segments
2. Market Structure
2.1 Main players
2.2 Division of retail and wholesale segments
2.3 Distribution Channels
2.4 Analyzing the competition indicators in the market
2.5 Demographic structure
2.6 Structure by city
2.7 Structure by Performance/Lifestyle 2.8.
2.8 Structure by gender
2.9 Structure by major categories
3. Sportswear brand share in the market structure
4. consumer analysis
4.1 Consumer portrait of the sportswear brand and consumers in the Performance/Lifestyle segments 4.1.
4.2 Consumer preferences (interests, hobbies, purpose of footwear use (Performance/ Lifestyle), who they subscribe to in social networks) - content analysis of social networks
4.3 Retail behavior in the segment under study
5. Additional market impact parameters
5.1 Macroeconomic indicators relevant to the target market 5.1.
5.2 Analysis of the development of sports organizations and people involved in sports 5.3.
5.3 Preferences for sports activities 5.4.
5.4 Retail culture
6. Conclusions
6.1 Performance/Lifestyle segments development potential
6.2 Key risks and opportunities from a business and consumer perspective 6.3.
6.3 Key potential partners
6.4 Opportunities by distribution channel

List of Tables:

1. Market development trends
2. Market development trends for Performance/Lifestyle segments within the Sportswear brand structure
3. Influencing factors for each segment of the main consumers of Performance/Lifestyle (footwear and clothing)
4. Legal information on the major players in the sportswear market in Kazakhstan
5. List of major outlet store operators in the Kazakhstan market and their structuring in the Performance/Lifestyle segment in 2023
6. Share of retail customers in Kazakhstan in 2023 by clothing category and sales channels, %
7. Population as of January 1, 2019-2023 by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, thousand people
8. Main indicators of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019-2022, thousand people
9. Volume of retail trade by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2023, mln. dollars. USD
10. Volume of wholesale trade by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2023, mln USD 10. USD
11. consumer price index for footwear by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, November 2023 to November 2022, %.
12. Dynamics of shares of operators of the sportswear market in Kazakhstan in 2020-2023.
13. General consumer portrait in the Performance/ Lifestyle segment of a sportswear brand company
14. Portrait of the consumer in the categories of the Performance / Lifestyle segment of the sportswear brand company
15. Overall portrait of the Gen Z consumer in the Performance/ Lifestyle segment of a sports apparel brand company
16. Number of users in social networks in Kazakhstan 01.01.2023, mln.
17. Top 5 largest shopping centers in Astana and Almaty by area, thousand m2
18. Average per capita nominal monetary income of the population by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019-2022, USD. USD
19. Average official exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019-2023, tenge
20. Volume of sports and recreation services by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019-2022, USD mln. USD
21. Number of sections of the most popular sports and people involved in sports in February 2024, units, thousand people
22. Development potential of Performance/Lifestyle segments
23. Potential for development of Performance/Lifestyle segments through the use of influencer marketing
24. Key risks and opportunities from a business and consumer perspective

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of clothing sales in Kazakhstan in 2021-2023, mln USD. USD
2 Trade volume in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2023, mln USD. USD
3. E-commerce market penetration rate in Kazakhstan, 2019-2026, %
4. retail trade volume in the largest cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2023, USD mln. USD
5. Volume of wholesale trade in the largest cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2023, mln USD. USD
6. Revenue from women's and men's sportswear in the largest cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2023, mln USD. USD
7. Revenue from sneakers and sports shoes in the largest cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2023, USD mln. USD
8. Structure of sportswear market in Kazakhstan by directions
9. Total revenue in women's apparel market and revenue in sportswear market in Kazakhstan, 2019-2026, USD million. USD
10. Total revenue in the men's apparel market and revenue in the sportswear market in Kazakhstan, 2019-2026, USD million 10. USD
11. total revenue in the children's apparel market and revenue in the sportswear market in Kazakhstan, 2019-2026, USD million. USD
12. Revenue in women's and men's sportswear market in Kazakhstan, 2023, %
13. Import of women's and men's sportswear in Kazakhstan, in terms of value in 2023, %
14. Import of women's and men's sports shoes in Kazakhstan, in monetary terms in 2021, %
15. Total revenue in the apparel market in Kazakhstan, 2019-2026, USD bln. USD
16. Total revenue in the footwear market in Kazakhstan, 2019-2026, USD bln. USD
17. Most popular social networks in Kazakhstan, October 2023, %
18. Number and categories of women's Instagram followers in Kazakhstan, January 2024, profiles
19. Number and categories of women's Instagram followers in Kazakhstan, January 2024, profiles
20. Top 6 interests in the category of subscriptions of women on Instagram in Kazakhstan, January 2024, %
21. Share of women and men in online and offline shopping in the Republic of Kazakhstan, April 2023, %
22. Reasons for using offline channel for shopping, April 2023, %
23. How often residents of megacities visit shopping centers in the Republic of Kazakhstan, August 2023, %
24. Location of active online shoppers in the Republic of Kazakhstan, April 2023, %
25. E-commerce by category in the Republic of Kazakhstan, by volume in 2021-2022, %
26. Order placement by active online shoppers: website vs app, April 2023
27. The most popular payment methods for e-commerce in Kazakhstan in 2022, %
28. GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019-2022, in current prices, billion USD. USD
29. Average salary in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019 - 6 months. 2023, USD. USD, %
30. Inflation rate in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019-2023, %
31. Involvement of the population in physical education and sports in Kazakhstan in 2023-2026, %
32. The most popular sports among Kazakhstanis who have reached the age of 18 in 2023, %

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