Research of promising locations for craft beer stores and competitor analysis. 2024 year

Research of promising locations for craft beer stores and competitor analysis. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2024 year
Number of pages: 73, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 points
Graphs and charts: 16
Tables: 6
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
32100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Introduction: description of the methodology and objectives of the study
2. Main trends and tendencies of the craft beer market
3. Analysis of the current supply of commercial real estate for craft beer stores up to 50 sq.m. (by analyzing advertisements on websites)
3.1. Brief overview and selection of cities/towns from the outlined radius for further analysis of the supply of commercial real estate
3.2. Selection and evaluation of the current supply in selected cities (up to 3 offers in small cities; up to 10 in Kyiv)
4. Analysis of potential consumers in selected locations (assessment of the consumer portrait) and selection of locations with a potential audience, the “average +” segment
5. Analysis of competitors. Presence in potential locations of craft beer stores
5.1. Identification of main competitors in selected locations
6. Conclusions and recommendations for the three most promising locations
7. Appendices

List of Tables:

1. Commercial real estate offers that can potentially be used to open a craft beer store in Kyiv, October 2024
2. Commercial real estate offers that can potentially be used to open a craft beer store in Kyiv region, October 2024
3. Criteria for assessing the income level of respondents (choice offer)
4. Main craft beer producers in Kyiv and the region
5. Producers on the craft beer market of Kyiv region from other regions of Ukraine
6. Draft craft beer stores in Svyatoshynskyi, Solomyanskyi, Holosiivskyi districts, Petropavlivska/Sofiiivska Borshchahivka, Teremki, Novoselki, Obukhiv, October 2024

List of graphs and charts:

1. Segmentation of the beer market in Ukraine as of 2023, in physical terms, million liters, %
2. Dynamics of craft beer production in Ukraine in 2021-2023 in physical terms, million liters
3. Craft beer sales channels in Ukraine, 2023
4. Regularity of beer consumption among respondents, data for 2023
5. Structure of beer consumption by type and age group, %, data for 2023
6. Structure of craft beer consumption depending on the type of settlement
7. Structure of consumption by income level of consumers, %, data for 2023
8. Comparison of shares of consumers by chosen place of beer consumption in different segments, %, data for 2023
9. Frequency of craft beer consumption, groups by gender, %, data for 2023
10. Frequency of craft beer consumption, groups by age, %, data for 2023
11. Frequency of craft beer consumption, groups by place of residence, %, data for 2023
12. Priority container size when buying beer, number of respondents
13. Trademarks of craft beer with list of respondents' preferences, number, data for 2023
14. Other beer brands in the list of respondents' preferences, number, data for 2023
15. Distribution of preferences of craft beer consumers by variety, number, data for 2023
16. Distribution of preferences of craft beer consumers by variety, in % of respondents within the group by gender, data for 2023

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