Market research report on the construction market in Ukraine in 2017-6 months. 2021

Market research report on the construction market in Ukraine in 2017-6 months. 2021
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2021 year
Number of pages: 74, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 30
Tables: 26
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the construction market in Ukraine in 2017-2021
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in Ukraine in 2017-6 months. 2021, allocation by type of construction.
1.2.1. Volume of construction works performed
1.2.2. Area of housing and commercial real estate commissioned
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market
2. Key market operators (developers, TOP-30)
2.1. List of the main market operators and their description by type of construction and price segment, segmentation by developer/builder
2.2. Market shares of the main market operators (by financial indicators and by construction area) 3.
3. Pricing in the housing market in Ukraine
3.1. Average current prices in new buildings by regional centers of Ukraine by type, class, number of rooms, and district
3.2. Average current prices for commercial real estate in Ukrainian regional centers
3.3 Key factors influencing price formation
3.4. Forecast of residential and commercial real estate prices in Ukraine under 3 market development scenarios for 2021-2031
4. Analysis of consumption in the real estate market. Consumer requirements and market trends
4.1 Consumer portrait, requirements of consumers for housing (price segment, advantages of buying/renting new buildings/old housing stock)
4.2 Analysis of search queries for the purchase of housing and for the lease and purchase of commercial real estate in 2017-6 months. 2021
4.3. Analysis of consumption in the B2G sector. Overview of legislation and peculiarities of social housing construction in Ukraine
4.4. Analysis of public tender procurement for housing construction (volumes, structure by region, organizers and participants)
4.5. Analysis of real estate promotion channels of the largest developers
4.6. Analysis of ways to buy a home (mortgage / installment plan / purchase in one payment), structure and forecast
5. Reconstruction of existing facilities (residential and commercial real estate)
5.1 Analysis of trends and key factors affecting the building renovation sector. Legislative norms and draft laws on reconstruction of residential and commercial buildings
5.2 List of existing reconstruction objects
5.3 Description and analysis of building reconstruction projects, cost estimates (based on tender data)
5.4 Structuring of building reconstruction by type
5.5 Conclusions and recommendations for entering the segment of reconstruction of existing facilities
6. Construction of modular buildings in Ukraine in 2017-6 months. 2021
6.1 Analysis of trends in modular construction in Ukraine (factors of development of the direction)
6.2 Estimation of the volume of modular construction in Ukraine
6.3 Structuring of modular buildings by purpose
6.4 Legislative regulation of the modular construction sector in Ukraine
6.5 Main operators of the modular construction market in Ukraine, description and brief characteristics of current and planned projects. Estimation of the share of the main market operators (based on the company's financial statements)
6.6 Average market price level for modular buildings. Factors of price formation.
6.7 Sales channels for modular construction products. Portrait of the consumer (B2C market).
6.8 Forecast trends in the development of the modular construction market in Ukraine
6.9 Forecast indicators of development of the modular construction market in Ukraine in 2021-2031
7. Conclusions and forecasts for the development of the construction market in Ukraine
7.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in the market development
7.2. Forecast of the construction market development by price segments in 2021-2031
7.3. Recommendations for the development of the company in the modular construction market

List of Tables:

1. Comparative characteristics of the main construction technologies
2. List of laws and regulations governing the construction industry in Ukraine
3. Key indicators of the commercial real estate market in 2019-6 months of 2021
4. Price segments of the residential construction market
5. Key projects commissioned by PrJSC "HC "Kyivmiskbud" in 2018-2020
6. Key projects commissioned by K.A.N. Development LLC in 2018-2020
7. Key projects commissioned by Integral-Bud in 2018-2020
8. Key projects commissioned by Stolitsa Group in 2018-2020
9. Key projects commissioned by DBK-Zhytlobud in 2018-2020
10. Key projects commissioned by Budova in 2018-2020
11. Key projects commissioned by Kovalska Real Estate in 2018-2021
12. Key projects commissioned by Concern Podillya in 2018-2020
13. Key projects commissioned by Zhilbud-1 Trust in 2018-2021
14. Key projects commissioned by BC Real in 2018-2021
15. Other developers in Kyiv and Kyiv region
16. Market shares of the main operators of the residential construction market by the number of commissioned apartments in 2021, %.
17. Average current prices* in new buildings in regional centers in general and depending on the class of new buildings, UAH/m²
18. Average current prices in new buildings by regional centers depending on the number of rooms, USD
19. Average sales prices for retail property in different cities of Ukraine, $/m2
20. Average sales prices for warehousing property in different cities of Ukraine, USD/m2
21. Consumer segmentation by housing class and purchase purpose
22. Minimum area standards for social and affordable housing
23. Volumes of public tender purchases in 2020-2021, UAH
24. Structural differences between mortgages and installments
25. Analysis of individual building reconstruction projects
26. Shares of the main manufacturers of modular buildings in Ukraine in 2017-2020

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of residential housing in Kyiv, Kyiv region and cities with more than one million inhabitants by class
2. Construction market indices by type in 2017-6 months. 2021
3. Number of apartments commissioned in 2020 (leaders by region)
4. Advantages of using 3D construction
5. Volume of construction work performed, 2017-10 months of 2021, UAH billion
6. Construction volumes in Ukraine by type, 2017-10 months of 2021, UAH billion
7. Housing area at the beginning of construction, 2018-2021, thousand m²
8. Area of residential buildings commissioned, 2017-2021, thousand m²
9. Structure of the residential construction market by type, 2017-9 months of 2021, %.
10. Price structure of the residential construction market in Ukraine by the number of residential buildings for sale, %.
11. Structure of the housing construction market by regions, 2018-2021, UAH million
12. Performance indicators of the State socio-economic program "Affordable Housing"
13. Shares of the main operators of the housing construction market by financial indicators in 2020, %.
14. Average current prices in new buildings in Kyiv by district as of January 2022, UAH/m²
15. Average current prices in new buildings in Lviv by district as of January 2022, UAH/m²
16. Average current prices in new buildings in Odesa by district as of January 2022, UAH/m²
17. Forecast price per m² of residential real estate in Ukraine under realistic scenario, 2021-2031, UAH
18. Forecast price per m² of residential real estate in Ukraine under optimistic scenario, 2021-2031, UAH
19. Forecast price per m² of residential real estate in Ukraine under pessimistic scenario, 2021-2031, UAH
20. Dynamics of search queries for the purchase of housing in 2018-2021, thousand units
21. Dynamics of search queries for the purchase/lease of commercial real estate in 2018-2021, thousand units
22. Structure of organizers of public tender procurements in 2020, %.
23. Structure of participants in public tender procurement in 2020, %.
24. Regional structure of organizers of public tender procurement in 2020, %.
25. Dynamics of the expected value of contracts for the reconstruction of facilities in 2021, UAH million
26. Regional structure of organizers of facility reconstruction by the expected value of contracts, UAH
27. Structure of reconstruction of buildings, premises and buildings in 2021
28. Volume of production of modules (6x2 m) for modular buildings in Ukraine, for 2017-2021*, in physical terms, thousand units
29. Forecast of the market volume of modular buildings in Ukraine for 2021-2031. on the example of 6x2 m modules, thousand units.
30. Potential volume of construction work in the economy and comfort segment in 2021-2031, UAH million

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