Market research report on industrial construction market in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on industrial construction market in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2021 year
Number of pages: 35, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 8
Tables: 15
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the industrial construction market
1.1. Description of the market
1.2. Analysis of industrial construction market development trends (factors of influence, development problems)
1.3. Capacity of the construction market in Ukraine in 2017-2021.
• Area of premises put into operation
• Number of issued permits
• Area of unfinished construction
1.4. Segmentation and structuring of the market (by type of wall (concrete / ZDB / metal)) data
2. State regulation of the industry. Analysis of the impact of legislative changes on the construction market
3. The main operators of the industrial construction market
3.1. List and characteristics of the main market operators
3.2. Market shares of the main market operators
• By financial indicators
• By number of projects
3.3. Degree of competition and risks. Analysis of competitors' market particles
4. Pricing on the industrial construction market. Analysis of prices by segments (on request and prices for construction according to known agreements)
5. Consumers of construction services
5.1. User portrait. Analysis of the advantages of consumers in the market of services for construction or reconstruction of industrial facilities
5.2. Consumption in the B2G sector
5.3. Structuring and segmentation of consumption
6. Conclusions. Forecast trends and indicators
6.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
6.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2021-2031.
6.3. Recommendations for market development
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1. SWOT - analysis of the market direction
7.2. PESTLE - analysis of factors affecting the market
7.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. Commissioning of industrial real estate in 2017-9 months of 2021, thousand sq.m
2. Area of industrial buildings under construction in Ukraine in 2018-2021, thousand sq.m
3. Segmentation and structuring of the building materials market by types and purpose
4. Laws that regulate the construction industry in Ukraine
5. The main operators of the industrial construction market
6. Evaluation of the competitive environment in the market according to M. Porter's method
7. Assessment of the competitive environment in the industrial construction market of Ukraine
8. The results of the assessment of the competitive environment in the industrial construction market of Ukraine
9. Prices on the industrial construction market
10. The main organizers of tenders for the construction of industrial facilities in 2021 according to the expected amount of the contract, UAH million, %
11. The main winners of tenders for the construction of industrial facilities in 2021 by the expected amount of the contract, UAH million, %
12. SWOT - analysis of the market direction
13. PESTLE - analysis of factors affecting the market
14. Segmentation of market risks
15. Risk map for industrial construction of Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Production volume of industrial construction products in 2017-2021, billion UAH
2. Indexes of production of construction products by types in 2017-6 months. 2021
3. The total area of industrial buildings commissioned in Ukraine in 2017-2021, thousand sq. m
4. The structure of the main operators of the industrial construction market by revenue in 2020, %
5. Shares of the main operators of the industrial construction market by the number of objects
6. The structure of tenders held in 2021 for objects of industrial use by the amount of the expected contract, %
7. The structure of consumers in the field of industrial construction
8. Projected volumes of commissioning of industrial buildings in 2022-2031, thousand. sq. m.

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