Market research reports on it, agriculture, health, energy, mechanical engineering, and aviation of Ukraine. 2016

Market research reports on it, agriculture, health, energy, mechanical engineering, and aviation of Ukraine. 2016
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2016 year
Graphs and charts: 17
Tables: 5
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
6500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. IT-sector (general information on the IT-sector development) 
1. 1. General trends of the sector (analysis of the recent news on the development)
1. 2. General indicators of the sector (IT – volume of services provided, development of separate sectors)
1. 3. Innovations in the areas (principal changes, maintained or officially planned by representatives of the sectors)
1. 4. Governmental support of the sectors (pressure on sectors) 
1.5. Conclusions. Forecasted trends of sectors development in bulk and by sectors
2. Agriculture (crops and livestock farming – in general)
2.1. General trends of the sector (analysis of the recent news on the development)
2.2. General indicators of the sector (Agriculture – production in main subsectors of crops and livestock, crop area and cattle stock, imports and exports of major commodity groups in 2014 – 1 half of 2016)
2.3. Innovations in the areas (principal changes, maintained or officially planned by representatives of the sectors)
2.4. Governmental support of the sectors (pressure on sectors) 
2.5. Conclusions. Forecasted trends of sectors development in bulk and by sectors
3. Health services (general information) 
3.1. General trends of the sector (analysis of the recent news on the development)
3.2. General indicators of the sector ( budgeting, private medicine development) 
3.3. Innovations in the areas (principal changes, maintained or officially planned by representatives of the sectors)
3.4. Governmental support of the sectors (pressure on sectors) 
3.5. Conclusions. Forecasted trends of sectors development in bulk and by sectors
4. Energetics
4.1. General trends of the sector (analysis of the recent news on the development)
4.2. General indicators of the sector (consumption and manufacturing of main types of energy, prices ) 
4.3. Innovations in the areas (principal changes, maintained or officially planned by representatives of the sectors)
4.4. Governmental support of the sectors (pressure on sectors) 
4.5. Conclusions. Forecasted trends of sectors development in bulk and by sectors.
5. Machinery producing (TOP-5 sectors)
5.1. General trends of the sector (analysis of the recent news on the development)
5.2. General indicators of the sector (Machinery producing – manufacturing by major (TOP-5) subsectors)
5.3. Innovations in the areas (principal changes, maintained or officially planned by representatives of the sectors)
5.4. Governmental support of the sectors (pressure on sectors) 
5.5. Conclusions. Forecasted trends of sectors development in bulk and by sectors.
6. Aviation
6.1. General trends of the sector (analysis of the recent news on the development)
6.2. General indicators of the sector (aviation – manufacture, data on new contracts)
6.3. Innovations in the areas (principal changes, maintained or officially planned by representatives of the sectors)
6.4. Governmental support of the sectors (pressure on sectors) 
6.5. Conclusions. Forecasted trends of sectors development in bulk and by sectors

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of harvest area under main crops in Ukraine in 1990-2015.
2. Dynamics of output of main crops in Ukraine in 1990-2015
3. Dynamics of cattle in Ukraine in 1991-2015
4. Comparison of the average prices for new cars in Ukraine and Russia, February 2016
5. Dynamics of manufacture of TOP machinery product groups in 2014-2015, thousand pcs.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of ICT services exports in 2013-2015, USD
2. Dynamics of ICT services share in exports in 2013-2015
3. Current and estimated number of IT-specialists in Ukraine.
4. Employment structure of IT-specialists in TOP-25 companies in Ukraine.
5. Dynamics of wheat exports from Ukraine in 2012 – 1h of 2016
6. Dynamics of corn exports from Ukraine in 2012 – 1h of 2016
7. Dynamics of barley exports from Ukraine in 2012 – 1h of 2016
8. Dynamics of soybean exports from Ukraine in 2012 – 1h of 2016
9. Dynamics of rye exports from Ukraine in 2012 – 1h of 2016
10. Dynamics of budget spending for Healthcare in Ukraine in 2014-2016
11. Dynamics of private medicine market in Ukraine in 2014-2016
12. Dynamics of imports of natural gas to Ukraine in 2013 - 2015
13. Dynamics of imported natural gas prices in Ukraine in 2013 - 2015
14. Natural gas imports geographic structure in Ukraine in 2013 - 2015
15. Dynamics of pit coal imports in Ukraine in 2013 - 2015
16. Dynamics of renewal energy production in Ukraine in 2013 – 2015, mln kWt hours
17. CPI for household tariffs in Ukraine in 2014-2016 (comparing to December of previous year)

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