Market research report on catering market in Ukraine (HoReCa). 2024 year

Market research report on catering market in Ukraine (HoReCa). 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2024 year
Number of pages: 31, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 20
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
31900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of market development trends
1.1. Factors influencing the market and their manifestation during the study period
1.2. Legislative changes
1.3. Changes related to changes in the cost of food and menus
1.4. Trends in reformatting and opening new establishments, culinary trends. Trends in restaurant development by type of cuisine
2. General market indicators
- Number of establishments
- Number by formats (bars, cafes, coffee shops, etc. restaurants at hotels), by regions, sales
- Number by type of cuisine, average check or sales by type of cuisine, by region (fish restaurants category)
- Number of landing cities (estimate)
- Number of visitors
- Average check
- Share of chain restaurants
- Revenue (monthly)
3. Main suppliers, sales volumes of suppliers of Khoretsy. Main groups of goods
4. Overview of changes in consumer preferences (content analysis)
4.1 Changes in consumer behavior during the war
4.2. Changes in preferences by type of establishment and cuisine
4.3. Analysis of consumers in the Ukrainian cuisine segment
4.3.1. Trends in the development of Ukrainian cuisine in general
4.3.2. Consumer attitudes towards Ukrainian cuisine establishments
4.3.3. Conclusions about the prospects for the development of Ukrainian cuisine in Ukraine and abroad
5. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of the market
5.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development
5.2. Building hypotheses of market development. Forecast indicators of market development in 2023-2025.
5.3. Recommendations for market development for a food supplier
6. Investment attractiveness of the industry
6.1. SWOT-analysis of the Customer's company in the market / analysis of market opportunities and threats for further SWOT-analysis
6.2. PEST LE - analysis of market influence factors and assessment of the probability and degree of their impact
6.3. Existing risks and barriers to market development. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Consumer price index for basic food products in 2023, %.
2. The most popular formats of open catering establishments in Kyiv in 2022-2023, units
3. The number of registered legal entities and individuals in the catering industry as of April 1, 2021-2024, units
4. The number of operating legal entities and individuals in the field of catering as of April 18, 2024, units
5. Number of catering establishments by type in 2023, units
6. Revenue of catering establishments by type in 2022-2023, UAH million
7. Revenue of catering establishments by region in 2023, units
8. Segmentation of the HoReCa market in Ukraine in 2022, in monetary terms, UAH mln, %.
9. Sales by type of cuisine by regions of Ukraine in 2023, UAH million
10. The average number of seats in public catering establishments in Ukraine in 2023, units
11. Number of visitors in the catering industry by type in 2023, people
12. Comparison of the average check in food service establishments in Ukraine in the second half of 2022 and the second half of 2023, UAH
13. The largest chains by type of business in Ukraine in 2023
14. Monthly revenue of catering establishments by type in 2023, UAH million
15. The main suppliers of the HoReCa segment in Ukraine
16. General portrait of consumers in the Ukrainian cuisine segment
17. SWOT-analysis of the company-supplier of the HoReCa sector in Ukraine
18. PEST LE - market analysis
19. Market risk map
20. The main barriers to operator development in the market

List of graphs and charts:

1. The biggest challenges for restaurateurs in 2023, %.
2. Consumer price index for food in 2023, %.
3. The share of active enterprises in the field of catering as of 2023 by regions of Ukraine, %.
4. Revenue growth in catering establishments in Ukraine in the second half of 2023 compared to the second half of 2023, %.
5. Number of fish restaurants by regions of Ukraine in 2023, units
6. The ratio of network and non-network establishments in Ukraine in 2023 by number, in real terms %.
7. Seasonality of revenue of catering establishments in 2023, UAH billion
8. Change in the frequency of visits to catering establishments during 2022-2023, compared to 2021, %.
9. Assessment of the degree of importance for consumers of the use of Ukrainian products by food establishments in 2023, %.
10. Assessment of customers' attention to the origin of alcoholic beverages when choosing in food establishments in 2023, %.
11. Estimation of the level of consumption of Ukrainian cuisine in public catering establishments in 2023 compared to 2022, %.

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