Market research report on premium shampoos, shower gels and hair conditioners in Ukraine. 2017 year

Market research report on premium shampoos, shower gels and hair conditioners in Ukraine. 2017 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2017 year
Number of pages: 46, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 22
Tables: 22
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
8900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the premium segment market
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2014-2016 in the premium segment
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2014-2016 (by segments)
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring (shampoos/gels/conditioners), share of production and imports
2. State regulation (norms, certificates, GOSTs and other documents for the opening and subsequent sale of products on the market)
3. Dynamics of production in 2014-2016 (premium)
4. Major market operators in the premium segment
4.1. Main market operators and their description
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by segments, groups, specializations and regions)
4.3. Market shares of major operators
4.4. Degree of competition and risks
5. Foreign trade in the market (only premium segment)
5.1. Export of products in 2014-2016 (volumes, structure, prices, geography of deliveries by countries, main exporters)
5.2. Import of products in 2014-2016 (volumes, structure, prices, geography of deliveries by countries, main importers)
6. Price and pricing in the market of shampoos/gels/conditioners in Ukraine
6.1. Price dynamics for products in 2014-2016 in the premium segment
6.2. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
7. Product consumption in the market
7.1. Consumer preferences regarding products, consumer portrait
8. Branding and advertising (examples of marketing activities of existing market operators / types of existing communications)
9. Channels for the sale of products in the market (sales features in the premium segment)
10. Product range on the market in the premium segment
11. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast indicators of market development in 2017-2019
12. Investment attractiveness of the studied segment
12.1. SWOT - market direction analysis
12.2. Market entry risks and barriers

List of Tables:

1. General indicators of the premium-class shampoo market in Ukraine in 2014-2016, in kind, thousand liters
2. General indicators of the premium-class shampoo market in Ukraine in 2014-2016, in monetary terms, mln.
3. General indicators of the market of conditioners and other premium hair care products in Ukraine in 2014-2016, in kind, thousand liters
4. General indicators of the market of conditioners and other premium hair care products in Ukraine in 2014-2016, in monetary terms, UAH mln.
5. General indicators of the market of premium class shower gels in Ukraine in 2014-2016, in kind, thousand liters
6. General indicators of the market of premium class shower gels in Ukraine in 2014-2016, in monetary terms, UAH mln.
7. Basic laws and regulations that regulate the production of cosmetic products in Ukraine
8. Necessary procedures for passing customs control during export
9. Necessary procedures for customs control upon import
10. Main laws and regulatory legal acts that regulate the production of medicines in Ukraine
11. TOP-10 major operators-importers of the premium segment of hair and body care products
12. Segmentation of the main market operators by segments
13. Segmentation of the main market operators by product groups
14. Structuring of the main operators by regions
15. Consumer portrait based on current demand and trends
16. Segmentation of TOP-10 brands by existing communication methods
17. Examples of marketing activities of major brands
18. Segmentation of the TOP-10 brands of premium cosmetic products by distribution channels
19. Online stores, premium segment cosmetics in Ukraine
20. The range of products on the market of cosmetics for hair and body care in the premium segment
21. General SWOT analysis of the market
22. Main entry barriers in the waste paper market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the market capacity of premium hair and body care products in 2014-2016, in physical and monetary terms
2. Market structure of premium hair and body care products in 2016, %
3. Market shares of the main operators in 2016, %
4. Dynamics of exports of premium segment products in 2014-2016, in physical terms, thousand liters
5. Dynamics of exports of premium segment products in 2014-2016, in monetary terms, UAH mln.
6. Dynamics of average export prices for products in 2014-2016, UAH/liter
7. Structure of exports of products from Ukraine by countries in 2015, %
8. Structure of exports of products from Ukraine by countries in 2016, %
9. Structure of product exports by companies in 2015-2016, %
10. Structure of product exports by brands in 2016, %
11. Dynamics of imports of premium segment products in 2014-2016, in kind, thousand liters
12. Dynamics of imports of premium segment products in 2014-2016, in monetary terms, UAH mln.
13. Dynamics of average import prices in 2014-2016, UAH/liter
14. Structure of product imports in 2015 by countries, %
15. Structure of product imports in 2016 by country, %
16. Structure of imports by companies in 2015, %
17. Structure of imports by companies in 2016, %
18. Dynamics of average prices for premium shampoos in Ukraine in 2014-2016, UAH/liter
19. Dynamics of average prices for hair conditioners and other premium hair care products in 2014-2016, UAH/liter
20. Dynamics of average prices for premium shower gels in 2014-2016, UAH/liter
21. Pessimistic market capacity forecast for premium hair and body care products in Ukraine in 2017-2019, in kind, thousand liters
22. Optimistic market capacity forecast for premium hair and body care products in Ukraine in 2017-2019, in kind, thousand liters

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