Market Research Report on global launch-space technologies industry. 2022 year

Market Research Report on global launch-space technologies industry. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2022 year
Number of pages: 49, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 18
Tables: 12
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
42950 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Starting technologies
1.1 Description of industries (analysis by points for each of the studied areas)
1.2 Factors that influence referral potential
1.3 Indicators of the development of directions in the retrospective of 2012-2022, in monetary terms
1.4 Saturation of competition in the industry (indices of competition) - assessment of the risk of facing a monopoly
2. Forecast trends, risks and development problems
2.1 Problems that slow down the development of the studied industries
2.2 Availability of state and corporate development programs in the studied industries
2.3 Forecast trends in the development of industries for 2022-2032
3. Building a consensus forecast for the development dynamics of the studied branches of the space industry

List of Tables:

1. List of companies that launched a rocket in 2021
2. The main players in the field of start-up technologies in 2021
3. SpaceTech companies that recently went public or plan to go public in the near future
4. Prices for space tourism services in some companies in 2020-2021
5. Companies that have tried to develop space tourism services
6. Space tourism industry players in 2021
7. Major players in orbital cargo movement (emerging companies) in 2021
8. Factor analysis of the dynamics of the market share of the main players in the field of start-up technologies in 2020-2021
9. The main problems slowing down the development of the aerospace industry and the level of their impact
10. Availability of government programs in the countries studied
11. Dynamics of the space budget of countries in 2012 - 2021, million US dollars
12. Planned first launches in the segment of small launch vehicles in 2022-2030, characteristics of rockets and investments attracted by companies

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market share of launch services in the space industry in 2020, total revenues, $ billion
2. Segmentation of the launch technology industry by payload in 2019
3. Cost of space flight in 2000-2022, $/kg
4. Schematic representation of the main parts of the rocket, which are produced by public companies
5. Segmentation of launch vehicles into orbit by country in 2021
6. Number of rocket launches among commercial companies in 2021
7. Sources of price reduction for launch technologies, $ per kg of payload
8. Causes of failures during launch in 2007-2022
9. Dynamics of income from the field of launch technologies and the number of launches (state and commercial) in 2012-2021
10. Average cost of one launch of a carrier rocket in 2012-2021, million $ (excluding inflation and payload volume)
11. Structure of launches by payload type, 2012 and 2019
12. Counting space debris by type of object in 1961-2021
13. Number of active satellites by country in 2021
14. Schematic representation of the Deep Space Network
15. Forecast of the cost of delivering goods into space, until 2100, USD. per kg
16. Forecast for the development of the space economy until 2040 by industry, according to Morgan Stanley Research
17. Forecast for the development of the launch services market until 2032
18. Forecast of the dynamics of the volume of the launch services market in 2022-2032, in monetary terms, billion $

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