Market report of products for coffee houses in Ukraine. 2019

Market report of products for coffee houses in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2019 year
Number of pages: 56 Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 24
Tables: 38
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
13200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market Trends development Analysis (Impact Factors, Prerequisites for Coffee Market Development) in 2018-6 months 2019
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity (production, import, export) in Ukraine in 2018-6 months 2019.
2. State regulation of the industry. Import and export duties.
3. Production and dynamics of the research products sales
3.1. Production volume in quantitative terms in 2018-6 months 2019.
4. Major market operators (manufacturers and importers)
4.1. List of major market operators and their description
4.2. Structuring of operators (by segments, TM, specializations, regionally)
4.3. Major market operators' market shares (in-kind)
5. Foreign trade
5.1. Export of research products from Ukraine in 2018-6 months 2019. (Volume, structure, prices, geography, exporters shares)
5.2. Imports of the research products from Ukraine (volumes, price structure, geography, shares of exporters)
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Researched products current prices Analysis (wholesale and retail - depending on the supplier) with the price segments selection.
7. Recommendations for market development. Identification of products with the highest production prospects in Ukraine (construction of a multifactor model based on the current state of the market, depending on imported supplies and other factors)
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT analysis of market orientation
8.2. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Coffee shop Types in Ukraine
2. Major indicators of the coffee market of Ukraine in 2017 - June 2019. in kind, tons
3. Fruit Fillers Market Capacity (Toppings, Syrups) in Ukraine 2018 - 1 half 2019, in tons
4. Frozen Confectionery Market Capacity (DONUK PASTA) in Ukraine 2018 - 1 half 2019, in tons.
5. The nuts market Capacity in Ukraine 2017 - 1 half 2019, In kind, tons.
6. The dried milk mixes market capacity in 2017 - 1 half 2019, In kind, tons.
7. The dried milk mixes market capacity in 2017 - 1 half 2019, In kind, tons.
8. List of DSTU for the investigated products
9. List of products and rate of import duty
10. List of frozen confectionery major suppliers (DONUK PASTA) in Ukraine
11. List of coffee and cocktails and topping syrups major suppliers, in Ukraine
12. List of dry mixes for milkshakes major suppliers in Ukraine
13. List of nuts major suppliers (importers) in Ukraine
14. List of soft drinks bases major suppliers (importers) in Ukraine
15. Structuring of fruit filler producers operators in Ukraine
16. Structuring of frozen bakery products producers operators in Ukraine
17. Structuring of nuts operators (importers) in Ukraine
18. Structuring of beverage bases operators (importers) in Ukraine
19. Export volume of fruit puree, toppings, syrups, beverage bases, nuts, fillers, dairy mixes and frozen bakery products in Ukraine, for 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind, tons.
20. Export volume of fruit puree, toppings, syrups, beverage bases, nuts, fillers, milk mixes and frozen bakery products in Ukraine, for 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, mln. USD
21. Geography of fruit puree, toppings, syrups, Bases for drinks, nuts, fillers, milk mixes and frozen bakery products export from Ukraine, for 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
22. Imports Volume of frozen bakery products in Ukraine for 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind. Tons.
23. Import volume of Fruit Fillers, toppings, beverage bases and dry milk mixes, in Ukraine in 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind. Tons.
24. Import volume of Fruit Fillers, toppings, beverage bases and dry milk mixes, in Ukraine in 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, million USD
25. Average price for fruit fillers, toppings, bases for drinks and dry milk mixes import deliveries, in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, USD \ kg.
26. Wholesale and retail prices for coffee and cocktail syrups in Ukraine
27. Prices for toppings and sauces in Ukraine
28. Prices for dry mixes for milkshakes in Ukraine
29. Producer prices for frozen confectionery in Ukraine
30. Frozen confectionery Prices in coffee shops
31. Wholesale and retail prices for almonds
32. Wholesale and retail prices for pistachios
33. Wholesale and retail prices for walnuts
34. Wholesale and retail prices for peanuts
35. Wholesale and retail prices of hazelnuts
36. SWOT analysis of market orientation
37. The coffee market entry Risks and barriers
38. Risk map of the coffee products market

List of graphs and charts:

1. The average monthly wage in Ukraine in 2017 is 1 half 2019, UAH
2. Monthly households cash expenditures for meals outside the home, depending on the level of income per member in 2017-2018, UAH
3. Average wages in some regions of Ukraine
4. Dynamics of the of cakes and pastries production in 2018 - 1 half 2019, in Ukraine, tons
5. Shares of fruit fillers market (toppings, syrups, purees) operators, in Ukraine according to the results of 1-2 quarters 2019 year, in kind (tons) and monetary terms, mln.UAH
6. Shares of the frozen bakery products market operators in Ukraine. in kind (tons) and monetary terms, mln.UAH
7. Share of nuts market operators in Ukraine, based on imports of 1-2 quarters 2019. in kind and in monetary terms
8. Major dairy producers in Ukraine shares in 2018, in kind, tons,%
9. Major manufacturers and importers of beverage bases shares in Ukraine in kind in 2018,%
10.Fruit puree, toppings, syrups, Bases for drinks, nuts, fillers, dairy mixes and frozen bakery products export Geography in Ukraine, for 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
11.Fruit puree, toppings, syrups, Bases for drinks, nuts, fillers, dairy mixes and frozen bakery products export Geography in Ukraine, for 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
12. Volume of frozen bakery products imports in Ukraine for 2018 1-2 quarters2019, in monetary terms. Millions USD
13. Geographic structure of frozen bakery products imports in Ukraine for 2018 - 1-2 quarter 2019, in kind,%
14. Average prices for imported deliveries of frozen bakery products in Ukraine for 2018 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind. USD \ kg.
15. Frozen bakery products imports shares in Ukraine for 2018 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
16. Geography of fruit fillers, toppings, bases for drinks and dry milk mixes import deliveries, in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
17. Import volume of fruit purees in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind, tons.
18. Import volume of fruit purees in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, million USD
19. Geography of fruit purees import in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
20. Geography of fruit purees import in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
21. Import of nuts to Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind, tons.
22. Import of nuts in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, million USD
23. Import Geography of nuts in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
24. Nuts importers Share in Ukraine for 2019 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%

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