Market research report on metal products in Ukraine. 2022 year

Market research report on metal products in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2022 year
Number of pages: 33, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 12
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
34550 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Characteristics of the metal products market in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of the development of the metal products market (dynamics, development trends, features)
1.1.1. Market capacity in monetary and physical terms (existing and potential capacity)
1.1.2. Volume by product groups
1.1.3. Priority markets and their potential capacity in monetary and physical terms
1.1.4. Forecast for the development of the metal products market until 2025
1.2. Forecast of the development of the situation in the target segments
1.2.1. Identification and structuring of target segments
1.2.2. Recommendations for market development by target segments
1.2. Formation of conclusions on section 1
2. Analysis of consumer preferences (secondary research and based on survey results)
2.1. Determination of the most priority factors influencing demand
2.1.1. Identification of product needs: by product type and price/quality ratio
2.1.2. The structure of the purchasing center of a B2B buyer: decision makers and person influencing the decision (their roles and functions)
2.1.3. The decision-making process by the consumer (manufacturability, quality, price, complexity of solving the client's problem, service, guarantee) in the context of decision makers and person influencing the decision.
2.1.4. Consumer portrait
2.1.5. Recommendations for product promotion channels
2.2. Formation of conclusions on section 2
3. Commercial practice of the market (based on open sources, inquiries, telephone survey)
3.1. The main manufacturing companies (location of the company, range of products, price list, production facilities, portfolio)
3.2. Sales practice and provision of additional services
3.3. Comparative cost of the finished product of the Customer to the cost of self-preparation of metal meshes
3.4. Requirements for the supplier (manufacturer)
3.5. Formation of conclusions on section 3
5. Conclusions and recommendations on the report
5.1. Current volume and prospects for the development of the metal products market until 2025
5.2. Portrait and preferences of the consumer
5.3. Factors influencing the consumer's choice of various product models
5.4. Requirements of consumers to the seller (manufacturer)
5.5. Factors influencing the choice of a product supplier
5.6. Forecast of sales volumes (in the target market segments in terms of assortment
5.7. Recommendations for market development by target segments
5.8. Recommendations for increasing sales in target segments

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of the market capacity of the reinforcing mesh market in Ukraine, in physical terms, t
2. Dynamics of the market capacity of the reinforcing mesh in Ukraine, in monetary terms, mln. UAH
3. Potential consumption of welded meshes with a diameter of 6-12 mm in the construction of residential buildings in 2018 - 6 months 2021, thousand tons, %
4. Potential consumption of "snakes" supporting frames in the construction of residential buildings in 2018 - 6 months 2021, million m, %
5. The structure of residential buildings commissioned in the studied regions in 2018 - 6 months 2021, in physical terms, thousand m², %
6. The structure of non-residential buildings put into operation in the studied regions in 2018 - 6 months 2021, in physical terms, thousand m², %
7. Dynamics of the shares of the studied regions in the total area of commissioned residential and non-residential buildings in Ukraine in 2018 - 6 months 2021, %
8. Dynamics of residential monolithic frame buildings put into operation in Ukraine in 2018 - 6 months 2021, %
9. Number of companies by regions in Ukraine based on the type of economic activity as of 01.01.2021, pieces
10. Indicators of the estimated cost of manual knitting of reinforcing mesh during construction
11. Building a predictive model to predict the capacity of the welded mesh market in Ukraine
12. Building a predictive model to predict the potential capacity of the welded mesh market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the production of welded mesh with a diameter of 6-12 mm in Ukraine in 2018-6 months of 2021, in physical terms, t
2. Dynamics of imports of reinforced mesh in 2018-2019, in physical and monetary terms, kg, thousand UAH
3. Dynamics of search queries on the topic "rebar with a diameter of 6-12 mm" in 2018-2021, pieces
4. Dynamics of search queries on the topic "welded mesh 6-12 mm" in 2018-2021, pieces
5. Dynamics of commissioning of residential real estate in Ukraine in 2018-6 months 2021, in physical terms, million m²
6. Dynamics of precast concrete production in Ukraine in 2018-6 months 2021, in kind, thousand tons
7. Volumes of road construction (repair and construction) in Ukraine in 2018-2020, thousand km
8. Structure of monolithic construction in Ukraine in 2021, %
9. Model of the purchasing center
10. Forecast of the market capacity of welded mesh in Ukraine in 2021 - 2025, in physical terms, t
11. Forecast of the capacity of the potential market of welded mesh in Ukraine in 2021 - 2025, in physical terms, thousand tons
12. Forecast of the capacity of the potential market of "snakes" supporting frames in Ukraine in 2021 - 2025, in physical terms, million m
13. Forecast growth rates of the construction market (by volume of construction work) and the reinforced concrete market in Ukraine, 2022-2024, %
14. Achievable capacity of the welded mesh market in Ukraine in 2021-2025, thousand tons, %

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