Market research report on metal products in Poland. 2023 year

Market research report on metal products in Poland. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2023 year
Number of pages: 59, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 44
Tables: 24
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
65750 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (influence factors, development problems)
1.3. General market indicators (market volume, number of manufacturers, dealers, companies without their own warehouse)
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring (by type, origin)
2. State regulation of the industry
2.1. The main laws governing the industry (list, brief summary and features of laws)
2.2. Taxes and fees in the market (general business taxation; import and export duties, plans to change them (if any))
3. Main operators
3.1 Main metal products market operators in Poland
- manufacturers
- dealers
3.2. Shares of the main market operators
4. Foreign trade in the market
4.1. Export of metal products from Poland in 2021 (volumes by groups of goods, structure, geography)
4.2. Import of metal products in Poland in 2021 (volumes, structure, geography)
5. Product range on the market
5.1. Scarce positions by groups of goods
5.2. Tenders for the main types of goods
6. Price
6.1. Dynamics of prices for products by groups of goods
6.2. Average current product prices
6.3. Description of factors influencing price formation
7. Branding and advertising
7.1 Use of integrated marketing communications in the metal products market in Poland
8. Market consumption analysis
8.1. B2B, B2C, B2G consumer portrait.
8.2. Scope of activity of companies participating in the order for tenders
8.3. Structuring and segmentation of consumption
8.4. Type of companies’ legal entity involved in the sale
8.5. The need for the product / service (assessment of unsatisfied demand in the market)
9. Sales channels for products (description and assessment of the sales structure by channels)
9.1 Sales channels via online/offline channels
9.2 Availability of enterprises for dismantling used products (rails, pipes, beams)
10. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of the market
10.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
10.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2022–2023
10.3. Recommendations for development in the market
11. Investment attractiveness of the industry
11.1. SWOT analysis of the market
11.2. PESTLE analysis of factors influencing the market
11.3. Existing risks and barriers to entry into the market. Risk map of the market

List of Tables:

1. Basic concepts and their definitions
2. HS codes and description of goods considered in the analysis
3. NACE rev. 2 codes and description of goods considered in the analysis
4. The structure of Poland's industry by sections and subindustries (by products sold) in 2020, in value
5. Production of metal products in Poland in 2019-2020, in volume, million tons
6. The general structure of the metal products market in Poland by type of product in 2021, in volume and value, %
7. Import duties on the studied goods in the EU
8. Description of the main steel market operators in Poland
9. The volume and structure of metal products exports from Poland in 2021, in volume and value
10. The volume and structure of metal products imports to Poland in 2021, in volume and value
11. Deficit positions by groups of goods and the volume of unmet demand in the market of metal products in Poland in the first half of 2022 (based on imports of the corresponding categories in 2021 from Russia and Belarus)
12. Main tender platforms for business in Poland
13. Average prices for basic steel products in week 1 of January 2023, per ton
14. IMC application in the market of metal products
15. PR activities of the main market operators and their cooperation with the media
16. Analysis of the presence of market operators in online communication channels
17. Main metrics of the websites of metal products market operators in Poland
18. Analysis of the activity of market operators in online communication channels
19. List of the main construction exhibitions planned for 2023 in Poland
20. The main winning companies of the construction industry tenders in Poland in 2021
21. SWOT-analysis of a company-distributor of metal products in the Polish market
22. PESTLE-analysis of factors influencing the market
23. Segmentation of market risks
24. Risk map of the metal products market in Poland

List of graphs and charts:

1. The exchange rate of the Polish zloty against the US dollar in 2021-2022
2. TOP world producers of crude steel in 2021, in volume, million tons
3. Segmentation of the metal products market in Poland by origin in 2021, in volume, %
4. Segmentation of the metal products market in Poland by material, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
5. Segmentation of rolled steel by type of steel, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
6. Segmentation of rolled copper by type of copper, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
7. Segmentation of the metal products market in Poland by manufacturing technology, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
8. Segmentation of the metal products market in Poland by type of rolled products, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
9. Segmentation of rolled aluminum by type of rolled products, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
10. Segmentation of rolled products from alloy steel by type of steel, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
11. Segmentation of steel sheets by type of steel, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
12. Segmentation of steel sheets by coating, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
13. Segmentation of steel bars by type of steel, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
14. Segmentation of long products by type of product, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
15. Segmentation of steel round bars by type of steel, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
16. Segmentation of structural steel sections by type of product based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
17. Segmentation of pipes by weld type, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
18. Segmentation of pipes by diameter, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
19. Segmentation of pipes by type of steel, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
20. Segmentation of pipes by profile, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
21. Segmentation of pipes by purpose, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
22. Segmentation of pipe fittings by type of product, based on imports, 2021, in volume, %
23. Sales and production volumes of the main manufacturers present on the metal products market in Poland in 2021
24. Geography of metal products exports from Poland in 2021, in value, %
25. Geography of metal products imports to Poland in 2021, in value, %
26. Dynamics of world prices for basic metal products quarterly in 2021-2023, USD/t
27. Dynamics of average import prices for metal products in Poland by type of rolled products in 2019-2021, USD/t
28. Price dynamics for stainless steel metal products in Poland weekly in 2021-2022, USD/t
29. Cost of steel production
30. World price index for iron ore and coking coal in 2021-2022, 2019=100
31. World price index for scrap metal in 2021-2022, 2019=100
32. World price index for base metals in 2021-2022, 2019=100
33. Energy price index in the EU in 2021-2022, 2019=100
34. EU electricity price index in 2021-2023, 2019=100
35. Price index for CO2 emissions in the EU in 2021-2023, 2019=100
36. Price index for basic metal products against the background of factors influencing the cost of production in 2021–2022, 2019=100
37. Scope of activity of companies participating in the order through tenders in Poland in 2021, %
38. Structure of steel consumption by sectors of the economy, %
39. Sales structure of a steel producer by industries of consumer in 2021, %
40. Forecast indicators of steel consumption in the EU in 2022-2023, in volume, million tons
41. Forecast growth rate of steel consumption in the world by regions in 2022-2023, in volume, %
42. Territorial distribution of the main distributors of rolled metal products in Poland
43. Territorial distribution of the main producers of rolled metal products in Poland
44. Territorial structure of the construction market and distribution of steel manufacturing companies in Poland by region in 2021

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