Ukrainian private medical market report. 2017.

Ukrainian private medical market report. 2017.
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2017 year
Number of pages: 62
Graphs and charts: 21
Tables: 23
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
12000 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of market of medical services in Ukraine
1.1. The trends of the market of private medical services. Current features of the market, market problems (quality, availability, the price of services, quality of medical personnel, etc.). Assessment of unsatisfied demand for medical services
1.2. Characteristics of the public medical sector. Financing of the health sector. Obligatory and voluntary medical insurance (the current regulation and the government plans). Characteristics of bodies performing the functions of state insurance. The specifics of their work. Assessment of the volume of voluntary insurance. Planned changes in the insurance sector in line with government reforms
1.3. Major market indicators. Average check (USD), regional structure of the number of visits. Market value in 2011-2016.
1.4. Segmentation and structuring on the market. Regional segmentation and structure by areas. Number of private hospitals in cities and allocation by groups (in-patient and out-patient care)
1.5. Material and technical resources on the market
1.5.1. Medicines and medical supplies that must be satisfied in case of requirement (i.e. PDG for PET CT. Whether it is on the market and who are the main suppliers)
1.5.2. The number of MRI, mammography, X-ray, USG, radiotherapy and other in public and private hospitals.
1.5.3. New technologies in the medical area. Assessment of the most perspective innovational technologies (based on treatment abroad)
1.6. Analysis of availability of personnel and training. Diversification of doctors by specialization. Number of medical institutions in Ukraine (with localization). Breakdown of personnel of physicians by specialization.
1.6.1. The presence of foreigners in the medical staff. Regulations and employment difficulties
1.6.2. Assessment of average salaries by occupations in the public and private sector in Ukraine at the moment (by type of personnel)
1.6.3. Average number of personnel in a hospital with breakdown by categories
2. State regulation in the medical field in Ukraine
2.1. Licensing of private hospitals
2.2. Taxation
2.2.1. General information about taxation in Ukraine
2.2.2. Specific taxes in the medical field
2.2.3. Encouragement of industry development and tax incentives
2.3. Liability for negligent doctors. The consent to the operation. Regulating relationship with the signing of the consent. Compensation and sanctions for the negligence of doctors. The obligation of doctors, the obligation for damages
3. Major market players
3.1. TOP-10 private clinics in 2015-2016. Characteristics, specialists, beds, innovations, promotion, pricing, services.
3.2. Segmentation and structuring of major market players (by specialization, regionally, consumers, services).
3.3. SWOT-analysis of TOP-10 private hospitals. Building competition model including main factors. Emphasizing market niches based on weaknesses of current players.
3.4. Public hospitals - leaders in their sectors - chirurgery and complicated manipulations.
3.5. Plans for new hospitals construction. Investments on the stage of realization.
3.6. Foreign investors in the private sector (FDI volume)
4. Prices on the private services market
4.1. Comparison and segmentation of the average prices on major private hospitals services (in-patient and out-patient care). Average prices of in-patient care for the last year.
4.2. Market prices regulation (governmental or market)
4.3. Statistics on quality including accreditations technology and waiting time
4.4. Basic drugs, medical goods and other expendable materials prices for diagnostics and treatment in Ukraine
5. The medical insurance market of Ukraine
5.1. Summary and analysis of trends of the Ukrainian insurance market in 2011 – 2016
5.2. The structure of patients with compulsory, voluntary insurance and people without an insurance policy in 2011-2016 – the volume and dynamics of the market. Forecasts for 2017-2021
5.3. The estimation of number of people with obligatory and voluntary medical insurance policy. The possibility of using private health services for patients with government insurance. The existence of subsidiary mechanisms or joint payment for services of private medical institutions by such patients
5.4. Partnership with the state providing if the coverage of the policy is incomplete. Compensations (if information is available)
5.5. The procedure for the inclusion of private health institutions in the system of mandatory insurance (according to the availability of information in general and for individual companies). Including - in view of the reform of the sector of medicine
6. Medical tourism in Ukraine
6.1. The dynamics of people travelling for treatment abroad in 2014-2016 in the context of countries, including Turkey. Assessment of their share in the overall demand for medical services. The most popular countries for this tourism, the main procedures and evaluation of the causes of this phenomenon (technology, qualification of doctors, etc.)
6.2. Structure of patients by the reasons of outgoing
The sharing of patients by the reasons of outgoing
6.3. The structure of the financing of services (insurance, own funds)
6.4. Government support of medical tourism in Ukraine. Compensation funds for treatment under the terms of special diseases (availability of information)
7. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast trends on the market in 2017-2021.

List of Tables:

1. Regional structure of private hospitals visits in Ukraine in 2016
2. Allocation of the private and public clinics by in-patient care department in largest cities
3. List of basic supplies for the ambulance unit
4. Number of medical equipment in Ukraine
5. Breakdown of personnel of physicians by specialization, thousands of people
6. Breakdown of mid-level healthcare workers by specialization, thousands of people
7. Geographical structure of medical educational institutions in Ukraine
8. Ranking of Ukrainian medical universities
9. Average salaries of administrative personnel in public and private hospitals in Ukraine, UAH/month
10. Requirements for personnel in healthcare institutions
11. Basic recommended special devices for out-patient clinic
12. State taxes
13. TOP-35 Ukrainian private medical services market players in 2015-2016.
14. TOP-10 referral hospitals in Ukraine
15. Segmentation of the top private hospitals in Ukraine
16. SWOT-analysis of top-10 private referral hospitals in Ukraine
17. Factors of competitiveness on the private medical market
18. Result of the major market players on Ukrainian private medical market assessment
19. Prices for major private hospital services in Ukraine among top market players, UAH
20. Prices for major private hospital services in Ukraine among top market players, USD
21. Prices for drugs and medications in Ukraine.
22. Average costs and margin of a visit to private hospital in Ukraine
23. Basic indicators of the medical insurance market of Ukraine, in 2011 - 2016, in monetary terms

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of budget spending for Healthcare in Ukraine in 2014-2017
2. Private medical service market volume in 2011-2016, UAH bn
3. Private medical service market volume in 2011-2016, USD bn
4. Regional private medical services market structure in Ukraine in 2016
5. Sectoral private medical services market structure in Ukraine in 2016
6. Major reagents importers in Ukraine
7. Dynamics of employed doctors in Ukraine in 2010-2015
8. Breakdown of medical students by specialization
9. Average salaries of medical personnel in public and private hospitals in Ukraine, UAH / month
10. Distribution of the personnel of the referral hospital
11. FDI in private medicine in Ukraine in 2014-2016*, USD mln
12. Breakdown of people with insurance in Ukraine in 2011-2021
13. Number of people with voluntary medical insurance in Ukraine in 2011-2021, thousand people
14. Breakdown of the sources of private hospital visits payment
15. Forecast indicators of the medical insurance market of Ukraine, in 2017 - 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH
16. Forecast indicators of the medical insurance market of Ukraine, in 2017 - 2021, in monetary terms, million USD
17. The dynamics of number of the tourists travelling abroad for treatment 2014-2016, thousand people
18. The main destinations for outgoing Ukrainian tourists
19. Geographic structure of outgoing tourists in Ukraine in 2014-2016, %
20. The main reasons of outgoing medical tourism in Ukraine
21. The structure of the financing of services by the sources

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