Market research report on roofing materials in Ukraine, the CIS and Eastern Europe. 2019 year

Market research report on roofing materials in Ukraine, the CIS and Eastern Europe. 2019 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2019 year
Number of pages: 72, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 points
Graphs and charts: 17
Tables: 48
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
23200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of the main trends in the roofing materials market
- the predominance of certain types of roofing, factors determining the development of the market, the development of construction in the countries under study, the dynamics of the market for solar energy and energy efficient technologies)
2. Key market indicators
- Calculation of the market capacity of roofing materials in the studied countries (production + import - export)
- Analysis of the area of buildings put into operation (new construction)
- Calculation of the difference between market capacity and building area (roof replacement market capacity)
3. Segmentation and structuring of the market (the share of imported products in the market - in general, without breakdown into types)
4. Potential competitors - a list, a brief description of companies and key competitor products, market size of companies (according to the availability of data on financial statements)
- The largest manufacturers of roofing materials (up to TOP-10 in the countries studied)
- Companies that are considering similar areas (photovoltaic and energy efficient roofing) - the global market, according to the press centers of manufacturing companies - direct competitors
5. Consumption in the market
- Identification of potential consumers in the B2B segment (investment companies with a focus on investments in energy efficient technologies, construction and design companies with energy efficient solutions in construction - according to press centers and specialized news portals) - list and contacts
- The largest companies specializing in the installation and maintenance of solar panels for individual households (up to TOP-15 - list and contacts)
- The largest networks for the sale of building materials, dealers - the total number
- Companies involved in the specialized construction of auxiliary premises (balconies, terraces, awnings)
- Developers of construction of cottage townships
6. The range of products on the market (including those with auxiliary properties) - by main product groups
6.1. Prices for popular products on the market in the countries studied. Prices for innovative roofing of direct competitors in the world
7. Conclusions
7.1. Conclusions and Forecast Trends in the Development of the Roofing Materials Market in the Countries Under Study
7.2. Forecast of the roofing materials market in the countries studied for 2019-2025
7.3 Potential position of the company in the market
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry.
8.1. SWOT analysis of a new product on the market.
8.2. Market entry risks. Building a risk map (in general for the construction of plants)

List of Tables:

1. Advantages and disadvantages of the main types of roofing materials
2. General indicators of the Ukrainian solar battery market, in 2015-1 quarter. 2019, natural expression, thousand units
3. General indicators of the Ukrainian solar battery market, in 2015-1 quarter. 2019, monetary value, mln.
4. Dynamics of the market capacity of roofing materials in the countries under study for the period from 2017 to the 1st quarter of 2019, million m2
5. Areas of new construction and actual new built-up area in the countries studied for the period from 2017 to Q1 2019, mln. m2
6. Capacity of the roofing market for new construction and roof replacement/repair in the countries under study for the period from 2017 to Q1 2019, mln. m2
7. Shares of segments of the roofing market of new construction and roof replacement/repair in the countries under study for the period from 2017 to Q1 2019, %
8. Shares of imported products in the market of roofing materials in the studied countries for the period from 2017 to Q1 2019, %
9. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Ukraine
10. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in the Russian Federation
11. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Belarus
12. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Kazakhstan
13. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Moldova
14. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Georgia
15. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Azerbaijan
16. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Armenia
17. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Poland
18. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Slovakia
19. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in the Czech Republic
20. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Hungary
21. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Croatia
22. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Romania
23. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in Bulgaria
24. The largest manufacturers of roofing materials in the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia)
25. The largest manufacturers of photovoltaic and energy efficient roofing materials in the world
26. Identification of potential consumers in the B2B segment in Ukraine
27. Identification of potential consumers in the B2B segment in the countries studied
28. The largest companies specializing in the installation and maintenance of solar panels for individual households in Ukraine
29. The largest companies specializing in the installation and maintenance of solar panels for individual farms in the countries studied
30. The largest chains of building stores in Ukraine
31. The largest chains of hardware stores in the countries studied
32. Companies engaged in the specialized construction of auxiliary premises in Ukraine
33. Companies involved in the specialized construction of auxiliary premises in the countries studied
34. Developers of construction of cottage townships in Ukraine
35. Developers of construction of cottage townships in the studied countries
36. Average prices for popular roofing materials in the countries studied
37. Prices for innovative photovoltaic roofing of direct competitors in the world, USD USA
38. Forecast indicators of the development of the roofing materials market in the countries studied for 2019-2025, million m2
39. Price for customer's solar tiles depending on power, USD /m2
40. Calculation of the required area of solar tiles for the production of electricity and its cost
41. Comparative table of prices for a complex installation of solar power plants
42. Comparative table of prices for solar tiles and standard solar panels, USD.
43. SWOT analysis of solar roof tiles in Ukraine
44. SWOT-analysis of thermal tiles in Ukraine
45. Risks
46. Risks in the market of solar tiles and solar energy in general in Ukraine
47. Segmentation of market risks
48. Risk map for the construction of a plant for the production of thermal tiles and solar tiles on the territory of Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Shares of the main types of coatings on the roofing materials market in Poland, %
2. Shares of the main types of coatings in the market of roofing materials in Bulgaria, %
3. The volume of construction work in Ukraine for the period from 2017 to 5 months of 2019, UAH billion
4. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017 - 5 months of 2019 in the Russian Federation, billion rubles, in actual prices
5. The volume of construction work in the Republic of Belarus for the period from 2017 to 6 months of 2019, billion rubles
6. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017 - 5 months of 2019 in Moldova, million lei
7. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017 - 1 sq. 2019 in Georgia, billion Georgian lari
8. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017 - 1 sq. 2019 in Armenia, billion drams
9. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017 - 5 months of 2019 in Slovakia, million euros
10. The volume of construction work for the period 2017 - 2018 in the Czech Republic, billion CZK
11. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017-5 months of 2019 in Hungary, billion euros
12. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017-2018 in Croatia, billion euros
13. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017 - 1 sq. 2019 in Latvia, billion euros
14. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017 - 1 sq. 2019 in Lithuania, billion euros
15. The volume of construction work for the period from 2017 - 1 sq. 2019 in Estonia, billion euros
16. Dynamics of installed capacity of solar energy producers under the "feed-in tariff" in 2015-2018 in Ukraine, MW
17. Dynamics of electricity production by solar and wind energy in the EU in 2015-2018, GW

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