Market research report on sausages and frankfurters in Ukraine. 2016 year

Market research report on sausages and frankfurters in Ukraine. 2016 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2016 year
Number of pages: 23, Arial,1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 16
Tables: 6
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Summary of the market analysis:

The Pro-Consulting company prepared a market analysis of the market for sausages and sausages in Ukraine for 2013-2015.

Despite the care of the producers of Crimea, the loss of productive capacities in the occupied territory of Eastern Ukraine, the market of sausage products of Ukraine is represented by a significant number of producers. About 60% of sausage products are produced by 10 leading enterprises.

The devaluation of the hryvnia, which caused an increase in the cost of production, led to a reduction in the consumption of sausage products. Some enterprises in various regions were forced to temporarily stop production due to the high cost of meat and low demand among buyers. To reduce the price of finished products, manufacturers reduced the use of imported meat and partly switched to related materials of domestic production. This caused a decrease in production in 2015 by 9.3%.


Cured, raw-smoked or dry sausages are expensive sausages and are a delicacy. They differ from other species in a denser consistency, high protein content, high fat content and low moisture content. Therefore, these sausages can be stored for a long time. In the production of raw sausages, high-quality raw materials are used: beef, pork, lamb or poultry, depending on the recipe. From a technological point of view, the production of such sausages is the most difficult process for meat processing enterprises.

Products produced in European countries and imported to Ukraine belong to the "elite" segment

The market of sausage products of the "elite" segment showed a reduction in 2013-2015. The main reason is the collapse of the hryvnia and the resulting fall in purchasing power.

The market is characterized by strong competition: 95% of this volume is held by 6 importer companies

Success in entering the Ukrainian market is largely determined by a set of marketing measures, in particular:

Used distribution channels;
Brand recognition;
Promotion policy.
The main volume of sausage products of the "elite" segment is purchased in chain retail stores in large cities.

Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the sausage market
1.1. Description of the market (development history, specifics, problems, factors influencing the market)
1.2. Analysis of market development trends in 2013-2015
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2013-2015 (in physical and monetary terms)
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring (domestic and imported products)
1.4.1. Allocation of the share of the segment "elite" in the market of sausages of Ukraine in 2013 and 2015 (in physical and monetary terms)
2. State regulation of the market of sausages and frankfurters in Ukraine (emphasis on the regulation of imports in the market)
3. Dynamics of production in 2013-2015
3.1. Dynamics of production in physical terms in 2013-2015
3.2. Dynamics of production in monetary terms in 2013-2015
4. Main market operators
4.1. Main market operators and their description
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by specialization and regionally)
4.3. Market shares of major operators - estimated figures based on 2014 production
4.4. Degree of competition and risks (risks among imported goods)
5. Foreign trade in the market of sausages and sausages
5.1. Import of products in 2013-2015 (volumes, structure by types, prices (by types and segments in 2015), geography of deliveries by countries, main importers)
6. Price and pricing in the sausage market
6.1. Dynamics of product prices in 2013-2015 (average prices, as well as in the elite segment)
6.2. Distribution of the studied products by segments (in the context of domestic and imported)
6.3. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
7. Consumption of the studied products in the market
7.1. Consumer preferences regarding products, a portrait of a consumer in the segment of elite sausages
8. Conclusions and recommendations for entering the market, an assessment of the potential share that can be counted on when importing. Forecast indicators of market development in 2016-2018
9. Investment attractiveness of the market (analysis of the elite segment)
9.1. SWOT - market direction analysis
9.2. Market entry risks and barriers

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of the market of sausages and sausages of Ukraine, 2012-2015, natural expression, thousand tons
2. Dynamics of the market of sausages and sausages of Ukraine, 2012-2015, monetary expression, UAH million
3. Dynamics of the sausage market of the "elite" segment in Ukraine, 2013-2015, in natural terms, tons
4. Dynamics of the "elite" segment sausage market in Ukraine, 2013-2015, in monetary terms, UAH million
5. Structure of production by type of product by TOP operators of the sausage and sausage market of Ukraine in 2014, in natural terms, %
6. Dynamics of changes in the average annual price of sausage products in Ukraine in 2013-2015, UAH/kg

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of changes in the market of sausages and sausages of Ukraine in relation to domestic and imported products, 2013-2015, %
2. Dynamics of changes in the structure of sausage and sausage production, Ukraine, 2014-2015.
3. Dynamics of changes in the volume of imports of sausage products in Ukraine, 2013-2015, in quantitative and monetary terms
4. Dynamics of production of sausages in Ukraine in 2013-2015, in natural terms, thousand tons
5. Dynamics of sausage production of the "elite" segment in Ukraine in 2013-2015, in natural terms, thousand tons
6. Dynamics of production of sausages and sausages in Ukraine in 2013-2015, in monetary terms, million UAH
7. Dynamics of sausage production of the "elite" segment in Ukraine in 2013-2015, in monetary terms, UAH million.
8. Geographical structure of the distribution of sausage and sausage production in Ukraine in 2014-2015, natural expression, %
9. The main operators of the market of sausages and sausages of Ukraine in 2014, in natural terms, %
10. Changes in the structure of the import of sausages by type in natural form, Ukraine, 2013 and 2015, %
11. The structure of the import of sausage products in Ukraine in terms of the input price for 2015
12. Structure of import of sausage products in Ukraine by price segments for 2015,%
13. Structure of imports of raw-smoked, raw-cured and dry sausages in terms of input prices in Ukraine in 2015, %
14. Structure of imports of sausage products to Ukraine by producer countries in 2015, Main importers of sausage products to Ukraine in 2015, in natural terms, % in natural terms, %
15. Dynamics of changes in the average prices of producers for the main types of food products, beverages and input prices of imported sausage products of the "elite" segment in Ukraine in 2013-2015, hryvnias/kg
16. Segmentation of domestic and imported products by price in Ukraine in 2015
17. Forecast indicators of the development of the market of sausages and sausages in Ukraine in 2016-2018, in natural terms, thousand tons

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