Analysis of the level of recognition of the brand of the meat product manufacturer. 2024 year

Analysis of the level of recognition of the brand of the meat product manufacturer. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2024 year
Number of pages: 16, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 24
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
72800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Main goals and research methodology.
2. Portrait of respondents.
3. Analysis of the level of knowledge/recognizability of the brand.
4. Associations that evoke memories of the brand.
5. Degree of consumer satisfaction with product quality.
6. Determining the preferences and attitudes of consumers towards competitors' goods/brands.
7. Understanding of product selection criteria and its significance.
8. Evaluation of the influence of promotion channels on the level of brand awareness and recognition.
9. Conclusions and recommendations regarding directions of development.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Geographical structure of the sample of respondents, %.
2. Age structure of the sample, %.
3. Gender structure of the sample, %.
4. Analysis of the use of sausage products by children, %.
5. Income level of respondents, %.
6. TOP-10 brands of sausage products (according to the results of the survey of respondents), number of respondents.
7. Evaluation of the level of knowledge of respondents about the brand of meat products, %.
8. Estimation of the level of consumption of sausage products of the meat product brand, %.
9. Geographical assessment of the level of knowledge of respondents about the brand of meat products, the number of respondents.
10. Evaluation of the quality of sausage brand products, number of respondents.
11. Evaluation of the taste of sausage brand products, number of respondents.
12. Evaluation of the appearance of sausage brand products, number of respondents.
13. Respondents' preferences when choosing sausage products by product type, number of respondents.
14. Respondents' preferences when choosing sausage products of a meat product brand by product type, number of respondents.
15. Evaluation of the range of products of the sausage brand, the number of respondents.
16. Respondents' preferences by price categories of sausage products, %.
17. Main criteria when choosing sausage products, number of respondents.
18. Decisive factors when choosing sausage products, number of respondents.
19. Factors that influenced the choice of sausage products of the meat brand, the number of respondents.
20. Evaluation of the price of sausage brand products, number of respondents.
21. Points of purchase of sausage products, number of respondents.
22. Points of purchase of sausage brand goods, number of respondents.
23. Evaluation of the prevalence of sausage brand products, the number of respondents.
24. Information sources of respondents, number of respondents.

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