Analysis of the HPL-panels market in Ukraine. 2019 year

Analysis of the HPL-panels market in Ukraine. 2019 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2019 year
Number of pages: 68, Arial, interval 1, size 10
Graphs and charts: 30
Tables: 33
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
13300 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the HPL panel market in Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter 2019.
1.1. Market Trends Development Analysis:
* features, types,
* scope
* excellent features compared to similar materials
* market problems
* factors of influence
1.2. Overall market indicators, the calculation of the HPL-panels market capacity Ukraine in 2017 - 1 quarter 2019. - Estimated in kind and in monetary terms
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring in 2018, 1 quarter 2018, 1 quarter 2019.
By origin (in market structure)
By country of origin (in imports structure into Ukraine)
By TM (in import structure)
1.4. Production technology (short description), also with comparative characteristics of HPL panels by some foreign manufacturers
2. Production in the HPL-panels market in Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter 2019.
2.1. Production volume in quantitative terms
2.2. Production in value terms
3. Major operators of the HPL panel market
3.1. List of major market operators and their description (manufacturers, importers)
* List
* Contacts
* Description of products and tech. characteristics of the subject
* TM
3.2. Market shares of major market operators
4. Foreign trade in the HPL-panels market in Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter 2019.
4.1. Exports (volumes, structure, average export prices - only simple deliveries, geography of deliveries by countries, companies exporters and their shares)
4.2. Imports (volumes, structure, average import prices - only simple deliveries, geography of deliveries by countries, exporting companies and their shares)
5. Price and pricing in the HPL panels market in Ukraine
5.1. The current average prices for the HPL panel, depending on the type
5.2. Description of factors affecting pricing
6. Conclusions. HPL Panel Market Forecasts in Ukraine
6.1. Conclusions and forecast market development tendencies
6.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forcast market development Indicators in 2019-2021
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1. SWOT - market orientation analysis
7.2. PEST - market orientation analysis
7.3. Risks and barriers to market entry
7.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Types of HPL panels
2. Main advantages and disadvantages of HPL panels
3. Basic comparative facade systems characteristics by type of facing
4. Examples of using HPL panels in the residential complexes design, cottages and private homes in Ukraine
5. Examples of the using of HPL panels in interior and exterior design of office buildings in Ukraine
6. Planned to open malls in Kyiv
7. Examples of using HPL panels in interior and exterior design of shopping centers and shopping and entertainment center in Ukraine
8. Examples of using HPL panels in the interior and exterior of HoReCa objects decorations in Ukraine
9. Examples of using HPL panels in interior and exterior decoration of other objects in Ukraine
10. Examples of using HPL panels in furniture production in Ukraine
11. Dynamics of the HPL-panels market of Ukraine capacity indicators in 2017 - 1 quarter 2019, in kind, thousand tons
12. Dynamics of the HPL-panels market of Ukraine capacity indicators in 2017 - 1 quarter 2019, in monetary terms, thousand USD
13.HPL panels technical specifications
14. Comparative characteristics of HPL panels by European manufacturers
15. Guidelines for the width of the adhesive tape, depending on the thickness of the mounted HPL panels
16. Basic knowledge about City Glass
17. Types of decorative coating in the City Glass assortment
18. City Glass HPL panels Specifications
19. HPL panels for City Glass façades within the project "Ventilated facade using HPL panels, IMPERIAL"
20. TOP-10 importers in the HPL-panels market in Ukraine in 1 quarter 2019
21. Comparative table of HPL panels TMs imported to Ukraine by products' physical properties
22. Comparative table of HPL panels TM imported to Ukraine by products' mechanical properties
23. Comparative table of HPL panels TM imported to Ukraine by products' mechanical properties
24. Major exporters of HPL panels in 2017 - 1 quarter 2019, in kind and monetary terms, kg and USD
25. Current market prices for different types of ventilated facades, $ / 1m
26. Ventilated facade with HPL panels facing, average price per 1 m² of facade in 2018 (for Kyiv)
27. Current market average prices of exterior and interior panels for HPL paneled buildings facades, € per 1m
28. Current market average prices for HPL panels, depending on their thickness, € per 1m
29. Building a forecast model for forecasting the the HPL panel market capacity in Ukraine
30. SWOT-analysis of HPL panel production in Ukraine
31. PEST-analysis of the direction of HPL panels production in Ukraine
32. Segmentation of market risks
33. Segmentation of market risks

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of residential real estate commissioning in Ukraine in 2010-2018, million m²
2. Dynamics of the ​​real estate objects total area in Ukraine for 2017-2018, which are planned for commissioning within 3-5 years, million m²
3. Structure of the real estate market of Ukraine (new construction) by types at the construction beginning in 2018, sq. m.,%
4. Total area of ​​commercial buildings (new construction) by type of construction beginning in 2018 in Ukraine, m²
5. Area of ​​commissioned BC in Kyiv in 2014 - 2018, thousand m²
6. Area of ​​commissioned shopping malls in Kyiv in 2014 - 2018, thousand m²
7. Dynamics of furniture and other products manufactering in Ukraine for 2017-2018, mln. UAH
8. Monthly dynamics of the inflation rate in Ukraine for 2017-2018,% Compared to the previous month
9. Dynamics of the HPL-panels market capacity of Ukraine from 2017-1 quarter 2019, in kind, thousand tons
10. Dynamics of of the HPL-panels market capacity of Ukraine in 2017 - 1 quarter 2019, in monetary terms, thousand USD
11. Dynamics of the HPL-panel market structure by country of origin in 2018-1 quarter 2019, in kind,%
12. Dynamics of the TM share in the HPL panels imports structure in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 quarter 2019, in kind,%
13. Structure of the HPL panel
14. System of HPL-panels on glue mounting
15. System of HPL-panels on a rivet mounting
16. System of HPL-panels on a rolling fastening rivet mounting
17. System of HPL-panels on a fixed fastening rivet mounting
18. System of HPL panels on a tight aluminum rivet mounting
19. Scheme of gluing Adhesive tape for the HPL panel assembling
20. HPL-panels major importers Shares in Ukraine, in kind in 1 quarter 2018 - 1 quarter 2019%
21. Dynamics of HPL-panels export from Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter 2019, in kind, thousand tons
22. Dynamics of HPL panels exports from Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter 2019, in monetary terms, thousand USD
23. Dynamics of HPL panels export geography by countries in 2017-1 quarter 2019, in kind,%
24. Dynamics of average export prices for HPL panels in 2017-1 quarter 2019, in monetary terms, USD / kg
25. Dynamics of HPL panels imports volume in Ukraine from 2017-1 quarter 2019, in kind, thousand tons
26. Dynamics of HPL panels imports volume into Ukraine from 2017-1 quarter 2019, In monetary terms, ths. USD
27. Geography of HPL panels import into Ukraine by countries from 2017-1 quarter 2019, in kind,%
28. Dynamics of HPL panels average import prices from 2017 - 1 quarter 2019, USD / kg
29. Forecast indicators of the HPL-panels market capacity in Ukraine in 2019-2021, in kind, thousand tons (basic forecast)
30. HPL Panels Market Capacity Forecast in Ukraine on the Basis of Multifactor Model, in kind, ths. tons

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