Date of Preparation: | March 2025 year |
Number of pages: | 36, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles |
Graphs and charts: | 11 |
Tables: | 15 |
Payment method: | prepayment |
Production method: | e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form |
Report language: | Ukrainian, Russian, English |
1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (introductory paragraph with a description of the product under study, research methodology and classifiers)
1.2. Analysis of trends in the development of the target market (in relation to the main target audience)
1.3. Estimation of sales volumes of T-shirts of the target segment in quantitative and monetary terms
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring (estimation of sales of Ukrainian and imported brands, by region, theme of prints)
2. Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
2.1. List of main market operators and their structuring
2.2. Analysis of competitors' promotion
2.3. Market shares of main operators
3. Product range presented on the market (by color, theme of prints)
4. Price and pricing in the market. Average current product prices
5. Branding and advertising (analysis of competitors' positioning in the market, presence in promotion channels) - general analysis
6. Analysis of consumption over the market
6.1. Consumer preferences for the product, consumer portrait (analysis of social networks)
6.2. Analysis of the Internet audience in the industry, search queries and competitor results
6.3. Assessment of unmet need in the market
6.4. Degree of consumer satisfaction (analysis of reviews)
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats for further construction of SWOT analysis
7.2. Existing risks and barriers to entry into the market
8. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development
8.2. Recommendations for market development
1. Estimated sales volume of T-shirts in Ukraine in monetary terms, million euros
2. Main market operators
3. General positioning and marketing strategies of brands
4. Analysis of visits to brand websites as of February 2025, people/month, %
5. Occupancy and convenience of brand websites
6. Analysis of competitors' social networks
7. Portrait of the client targeted by social networks and promotion
8. Mentions of companies in the media
9. Assortments of printed T-shirts presented on the market in Ukraine
10. Current average prices for a printed T-shirt in Ukraine, UAH, euros
11. Resulting table of the application of IMC in the printed T-shirts market
12. Analysis of competitors' positioning over the market
13. List and description of planned industry clothing exhibitions
14. Analysis of search queries of competitors and printed T-shirts, pcs., %
15. Opportunities and threats for the printed t-shirts market
1. Dynamics of the inflation index in 2021-2024 pp. in Ukraine, %
2. Estimated sales volume of T-shirts of the target segment in monetary terms, million euros
3. Estimated sales volume of T-shirts of the target segment in quantitative terms, million pcs.
4. Estimated sales of printed T-shirts of Ukrainian and imported brands in 2024, %
5. Structure of the market for printed T-shirts by price segments in monetary terms, %
6. Structure of sales of printed T-shirts by regions
7. Market shares of major operators in monetary terms, UAH million, %
8. Average annual exchange rate of the US dollar, 2021-2024, UAH/USD, %
9. Average annual exchange rate of the euro, 2021-2024, UAH/EUR, %
10. Dynamics of search queries for printed T-shirts from January 2024 to January 2025, pcs.
11. Forecast indicators of the market for printed T-shirts in 2025-2027. in quantitative terms, mln pcs.