Market research report on development of the construction industry in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market research report on development of the construction industry in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2020 year
Number of pages: 52 Arial, 1 spacing, 10 point
Graphs and charts: 29
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1 Analysis of the main factors influencing the construction industry
1.1 Macroeconomic, social and political influences
1.2 Key regulatory and legislative acts of Ukraine and Europe, analysis of their impact on the industry
1.3 General business taxation. Customs regulation
1.4 General requirements for public procurement in the construction sector. Analysis of the conducted tenders
2Analysis of the Ukrainian construction materials market. Development trends and assessment of their impact on the industry
3. Ukraine's macroeconomic indicators and forecasts
3.1 Key economic parameters of Ukraine and forecast for 2021-2031
3.2. Demographic situation in Ukraine in 2020 (based on the population census), forecast for 2021-2031.
3.3 Estimation of real incomes in Ukraine, distribution of incomes by region, and forecast for 2021-2031
4. Factors of attracting foreign investment to Ukraine, dynamics and forecast of investment
5. Rating and indicators of the business environment in Ukraine
6. State and development of the development market in Ukraine. Main trends and tendencies of influence on the market
7. Key factors influencing the market and forecasts of their development

List of Tables:

1. Laws and regulations governing the construction industry in Ukraine
2. Import and export duty rates for construction products for 2021, %.
3. Financial restrictions for open bidding
4. Main organizers of construction tenders by the amount of expected value, 2021*.
5. Tender winners by the amount of expected value for 10 months of 2021
6. Floor area standards for social and affordable housing (minimum values)
7. Production volumes of certain types of construction materials in Ukraine in 2019-2020, mln tons
8. Macroeconomic forecast of Ukraine for 2021-2023 (according to the updated NBU forecast)
9. Distribution of the population of Ukraine by age as of 01.12.2019, %.
10. Distribution of the population of Ukraine by regions* as of 01.12.2019, thousand people
11. Breakdown of the number of full-time employees by the amount of salary accrued to them as of December 2018-2020, %.
12. Average monthly salary of employees by type of economic activity in Ukraine in 2019-2020, UAH thousand
13. Income of the population in Ukraine by region, 2019
14. Ranking of countries by the Global Competitiveness Index
15. Ukraine in the international ranking of business start-ups by category for 2016, 2019 and 2020
16. Ease of doing business and number of reforms implemented in Europe and Central Asia in 2019-2020
17. Price indices for the primary housing market in 2017-2020 compared to the previous year, %
18. Macroeconomic forecast for 2021-2022 (updated on 10.2021)

List of graphs and charts:

1. Construction product indices by type in 2017-1H 2021
2. Dynamics of the price index for construction works in 2021
3. Funding for the security and defense sector in 2022, UAH billion.
4. Dynamics of the growth rate of the market of certain types of construction products in Ukraine in 2017-2020, %.
5. Geographical structure of construction materials producers, 2019, %.
6. The structure of gypsum construction products manufacturers by regions of Ukraine in 2019, %.
7. Dynamics of changes in inflation indices, price indices for the primary housing market and construction and installation works in Ukraine in 2016-2020, %.
8. Construction business confidence indicator
9. The share of construction in Ukraine's GDP, %.
10. Nominal GDP in Ukraine for 2016-2020 and forecast for 2021-2031, UAH billion (according to the updated NBU forecast of 10.2021)
11. GDP per capita in Ukraine and Poland in 2016-2020 and forecast for 2021-2031, USD thousand
12. Dynamics of the Consumer Price Index for Goods and Services in 2016-2020 (compared to December of the previous year), %.
13. Volumes of imports and exports of Ukraine in dynamics for 2016-2023, USD billion (according to the updated NBU forecast)
14. Ukraine's main trading partners in 2020 (exports and imports), mln USD USA
15. Unemployment rate (according to the NBU's updated forecast) for 2016-2020 and forecast for 2021-2031, %.
16. Distribution of the population of Ukraine by age as of 01.12.2019, %.
17. Structure of the population of Ukraine by gender and age as of 01.12.2019, million people
18. Number of border crossings by Ukrainian citizens in the direction of departure in 2019 and 2020, thousand
19. Ratio of wages in the city/region to the average wage in Ukraine
20. Dynamics of income of the population of Ukraine in 2016-2020, UAH billion.
21. Main obstacles to foreign investment in Ukraine in 2020
22. The volume of direct investment inflows to Ukraine in 2016-2020 and forecast for 2021-2031, billion dollars US DOLLARS
23. Global ranking of Europe and Central Asia in the international ranking of business start-ups in 2020
24. Construction volumes by type in 2019-2020, billion UAH
25. Dynamics of the inflation index and prices for the primary housing market in Ukraine in 2017-2020, %.
26. Living space of apartments in new buildings as of January 1, 2019-2021.
27. Number of apartments commissioned (TOP-7 regions) in 2020
28. Volume of construction works performed, 2018-2020, UAH billion
29. Forecast of the volume of construction work in the economy and comfort segment for 2021-2025.

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