Market research report on consumption in HoReCa in Ukraine. 2022 year

Market research report on consumption in HoReCa in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2022 year
Number of pages: 32, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 7
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
32200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of the development of the HoReCa segment in Ukraine in 2018 - 9 months. 2022 (main trends, prerequisites for development, especially with the entry of international operators)
1.2. Analysis of HoReCa market trends in Ukraine in 2018 - 9 months 2022 (specific trends, important events, regulation, resumption of turnover after the start of the war)
2. General characteristics of the market. Calculation of the ‘capacity of the HoReCa market (revenue). Segmentation by product groups (building an analytical model depending on the menu of establishments and the components of the main dishes)
3. Segmentation and structuring of the market
3.1. Number, revenue and segmentation of catering establishments in Ukraine:
- by specialization
- regionally with the allocation of Kyiv
- by type (restaurant, cafe, fast food, pizzerias, restaurants, bars, cafes, all types of institutions providing for HoReCa)
3.2. Cuisines (Ukrainian, European, American, Middle Eastern, Far Eastern, other)
4. Analysis of the structure of consumption of food and drinks in establishments (according to menu data, estimates of demand for the main categories)
4.1. Description of the research methodology
4.2. Analysis of the average composition of the menu by type of cuisine (meat with emphasis on chicken/fish and seafood/vegetables/fruits/mushrooms/dairy products/cheeses/groceries/drinks)
4.3. Analysis of the unit cost of product categories in dishes (according to the composition of main dishes) as of 2021 and 2022
4.4. Analysis of markups to compare with sales volume by regional clusters (based on the assumption that, for example, in small regional centers the markup is lower than in Kyiv/Lviv)
5. Analytical model of consumption of different food groups
5.1. Volume and structure by products
5.2. Volume and structure by regions with Kyiv highlighted
5.3. Volume and structure by types of cuisine (without regional breakdown)
6. Main market operators (food suppliers)
6.1. Companies engaged in complex servicing of catering establishments (list, description, segmentation according to the specifics of the goods supplied)
7. Conclusions and forecast trends in the Ukrainian market for 2022-2024
8. Investment attractiveness of the direction
8.1. SWOT analysis of the customer in the market
8.2. Analysis of risks and barriers. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Performance indicators of business entities in the field of nutrition Provision of food and drinks, units, million UAH
2. Geographic segmentation of the HoReCa market in Ukraine in 2021-2022, in monetary terms, UAH mln, %
3. Shares of the TOP-10 largest companies providing catering services (legal entities) in Ukraine, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
4. Shares of the TOP-10 largest companies providing catering services (legal entities) in Ukraine, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
5. Sales volume in the retail market of mainly consumer goods of daily demand through corporate-type retail chains (FMCG-retail) in Ukraine in 2018-9 months 2021, in monetary terms, UAH billion, %
6. Shares of the TOP-10 largest companies-owners of the gas station network (legal entities) in Ukraine, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
7. Segmentation of the HoReCa market in Ukraine in 2022, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
8. Segmentation of the HoReCa market in Kyiv by kitchens in 2022, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
9. The structure of the kitchen menu by category in 2022, %
10. Average structure of the unit cost of menu items by product groups in 2022, %
11. Mark-up level on the example of Kyiv, a million-plus city and a regional center in 2022, UAH, %
12. The volume and structure of the purchase of products for 10 months 2022 (based on the average menu structure by product groups), in monetary terms, UAH million, %
13. The structure of the purchase of goods in the context of dishes for 10 months 2022, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
14. Volume and structure of food consumption by regions in 2021, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
15. The volume and structure of sales of dishes by type of cuisine (based on constant prices) in 2022, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
16. SWOT-analysis of the market for the supply of products for HoReCa in Ukraine
17. Segmentation of market risks
18. Risk map of the market for the supply of products for HoReCa in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Regional distribution of hotels in Ukraine by number at the beginning of 2022, %
2. Dynamics of the number of institutions of general secondary education in Ukraine in 2017-2022, thousand units, %
3. Dynamics of the number of students in secondary schools in Ukraine in 2017-2021, thousand people, %
4. Dynamics of the number of beds in Ukrainian hospitals in 2017-2020, units, %
5. Performance indicators of economic entities in the field of Temporary accommodation and catering in 2018-10 months. 2022, in physical and monetary terms, units, UAH bln
6. Segmentation of the public catering market in Ukraine by specialization in 2022, in physical terms, by the number of units, %
7. Forecast of the HoReCa market capacity in Ukraine in 2020-2025, in monetary terms, UAH billion, %

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