Analysis of the pharmaceutical and pharmacy market of Ukraine. 2020 year

Analysis of the pharmaceutical and pharmacy market of Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2020 year
Number of pages: 83, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 83
Tables: 20
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
31600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Infrastructure of the retail segment of the pharmaceutical market and key trends
1.2. The main pharmacy chains in Ukraine, the development of profitability indicators for pharmacy chains
1.3. Analysis of the development of the "pharmacy basket" in Ukraine in the context of: medicines, medical devices, cosmetics and dietary supplements
1.3.1. Volumes of retail sales of goods of the "pharmacy basket" in monetary and physical terms, in 2017-2019
1.3.2. The structure of pharmacy sales of goods of the “pharmacy basket” of Ukrainian and foreign production (at the place of production) in monetary and physical terms in 2018-2019
1.3.3. Dynamics of the share of various categories of goods in the “pharmacy basket” in 2015 and 2019 in monetary terms
1.3.4. Structure of pharmacy sales of prescription and over-the-counter medicines in monetary and physical terms in 2019 compared to 2010
1.3.5. Structure of pharmacy sales of drugs of foreign and Ukrainian production (by place of production) in monetary and natural terms in 2019 compared to 2010
2. General indicators of the market, calculation of market volumes of the studied groups (according to the qualitative boundaries of the study) in 2017-2019. (based on assessment) in physical and monetary terms
3. Segmentation and structuring of the pharmaceutical market in the context of the studied groups (according to the qualitative boundaries of the study) in physical and monetary terms in 2019
4. State regulation of the pharmaceutical market
4.1. The main laws governing the industry (list, brief summary and features of laws - certification, registration and restrictions)
4.2. Taxes and fees in the market (general business taxation; import and export duties, plans to change them (if any))
4.3. Features of conducting public procurement (general principles and conditions for conducting)
5. Dynamics of production in the context of the studied groups (according to the qualitative boundaries of the study) in 2017-2019
5.1. Dynamics of production in physical terms in 2017-2019
5.2. Dynamics of product sales in monetary terms in 2017-2019
6. The main operators of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market
6.1. The main market operators and their description (Top-20 marketing organizations in terms of pharmacy sales of “pharmacy basket” goods in monetary terms at the end of 2019)
6.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by product groups, specialization and regionally)
6.3. Market shares of the main operators in terms of money in the context of the studied groups (according to the qualitative boundaries of the study)
6.4. Degree of competition and risks
7. Foreign trade in the market
7.1. Export of drugs in 2017-2019 (volume dynamics by studied groups of drugs, structure, TOP drugs, geography of deliveries by countries, main exporters and their shares for the largest exported group of drugs and the most growing exported group)
7.2. Import of drugs in 2017-2019 (dynamics of volumes in the context of the studied groups of drugs, structure, TOP drugs, geography of deliveries by country, main importers and their shares for the largest imported group of drugs and the most growing imported group)
8. Price and market pricing
8.1. Dynamics of the weighted average cost of 1 package of various general categories of goods in the "pharmacy basket" based on the results of 2017-2019
8.2. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
9. The share of the top 5 distributors in terms of the volume of supplies of “pharmacy basket” goods to pharmacies in monetary terms for the period from January 2018 to December 2019 Brief description of the main distributors
10. Main brands and types of pharmaceuticals presented on the Ukrainian market
11. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022
11.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
11.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022
11.3. Recommendations on the feasibility and prospects of entering the market, as well as groups of the most promising drugs
12. Investment attractiveness of the industry
12.1. SWOT - market direction analysis
12.2. PEST - Market Direction Analysis
12.3. Market entry risks and barriers
12.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. The structure of retail outlets and pharmacy chains depending on the geographical coverage of the pharmacy enterprise as of January 2018-2020.
2. Top 10 pharmacy chains by the number of outlets in Ukraine according to the results of 2019
3. Volumes of retail sales of various categories of "pharmacy basket" goods in monetary and physical terms according to the results of 2017-2019.
4. General market indicators, calculation of the market volumes of the studied groups in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
5. General market indicators, calculation of the market volumes of the studied groups in 2017-2019 in monetary terms, UAH million.
6. Marginal supply and sales allowances for medicinal products included in the National list of essential medicinal products
7. Top-20 marketing organizations by the volume of pharmacy sales of "pharmacy basket" products in monetary terms according to the results of 2019 with an indication of their position in the rating for 2017-2018, as well as the increase in sales volumes, Evolution index and market share
8. Structuring of the main Ukrainian market operators by specialization
9. Preparations of leading exporters
10. Preparations of leading importers
11. List of the main market operators by volume of deliveries
12. Top-20 drug brands by the volume of pharmacy sales in monetary terms according to the results of 2019 with an indication of their position in the rating for the same period of 2017-2018.
13. Description of drug brands by the volume of pharmacy sales in monetary terms for 2017-2019.
14. Top 5 drug brands by the number of mentions by doctors of various specialties about promotion with the help of visits by medical representatives according to the results of 2019
15. Description of drug brands by the number of mentions by doctors of various specialties about promotion with the help of visits by medical representatives according to the results of 2019
16. Multifactor forecast of the development of the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine in 2020-2022.
17. Multifactor forecast of the development of the pharmaceutical market in the section of the studied groups in Ukraine in 2020-2022.
18. SWOT analysis of the pharmaceutical and pharmacy market in Ukraine
19. PEST analysis of the pharmaceutical and pharmacy market in Ukraine
20. Ranking of risks of pharmaceutical market development in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the number of retail outlets as of January 2018-2020.
2. Dynamics of changes in the share of the top 100 pharmacy chains by the number of retail outlets from the 1st quarter. 2018 from the IV quarter 2019
3. Specific weight of retail outlets (TT) by size of the pharmacy network as of January 2018-2020.
4. Average revenue of 1 outlet per month according to 2018-2019 data.
5. Average revenue of 1 retail outlet per month in terms of its various types according to 2018-2019 data.
6. Average revenue per 1 retail outlet per month by type of ownership according to 2018-2019 data.
7. Average revenue per 1 outlet per month by type of settlement based on 2018-2019 data.
8. Specific weight of retail outlets in terms of average monthly turnover according to 2019 data
9. Dynamics of changes in the share of the top 100 pharmacy chains by sales volume in monetary terms from the 1st quarter. 2018 - IV quarter 2019
10. Volumes of retail sales of "pharmacy basket" goods in monetary and physical terms, as well as in the dollar equivalent according to the results of 2017-2019, with an indication of the rates of growth / loss compared to the previous year
11. The structure of pharmacy sales of "pharmacy basket" products of Ukrainian and foreign production (by place of production) in monetary terms according to the results of 2018-2019.
12. The structure of pharmacy sales of "pharmacy basket" products of Ukrainian and foreign production (by place of production) in natural terms according to the results of 2018-2019.
13. Dynamics of the specific weight of various categories of goods in the "pharmacy basket" for the period from the 1st quarter. 2015 to the IV quarter. 2019 in monetary terms
a. The structure of pharmacy sales of prescription and non-prescription drugs in monetary and physical terms according to the results of 2010-2019.
14. The structure of pharmacy sales of medicinal products of foreign and Ukrainian production (by place of production) in monetary and physical terms according to the results of 2010-2019.
15. Dynamics of the market capacity of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics in natural and monetary terms, 2017-2019.
16. Dynamics of the market capacity of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics in physical and monetary terms, 2017-2019
17. Dynamics of the market capacity of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics in physical and monetary terms, 2017-2019.
18. Dynamics of the market capacity of antiserum and vaccines in natural and monetary terms, 2017-2019
19. Dynamics of the market capacity of diagnostic and other pharmaceutical reagents in physical and monetary terms in 2017-2019.
20. Dynamics of the market capacity of contraceptive chemical preparations produced on the basis of hormones or spermicides in physical and monetary terms in 2017-2019.
21. The structure of the pharmaceutical market in terms of studied categories in Ukraine in 2019, in monetary terms,%
22. The structure of the pharmaceutical market in terms of the studied categories in Ukraine in 2019, in natural terms,%
23. Dynamics of production of drugs containing penicillin and other natural antibiotics in 2017-2019, thousand. Tons
24. Dynamics of production of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics in natural terms, 2017-2019, thousand Tons
25. Dynamics of production of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics in natural terms, 2017-2019, thousand Tons
26. Dynamics of production of antiserum and vaccines in natural terms 2017-2019, thousand. Tons
27. Production dynamics of reagents for diagnostic and other pharmaceutical preparations in natural terms 2017-2019, thousand. Tons
28. Dynamics of production of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics in monetary terms, 2017-2019, billion. UAH
29. Dynamics of production of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics in monetary terms, 2017-2019, billion. UAH
30. Dynamics of production of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics in monetary terms, 2017-2019, billion. UAH
31. Dynamics of production of antiserum and vaccines in monetary terms 2017-2019, billion. UAH
32. Dynamics of production of reagents for diagnostic and other pharmaceutical preparations in monetary terms, 2017-2019, billion. UAH
33. Market shares of the production of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019 in monetary terms, %
34. Market shares of the production of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019, in monetary terms,%
35. Market shares of the production of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019 in monetary terms, %
36. Market shares of the production of reagents for diagnostic and other pharmaceutical preparations among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019, in monetary terms,%
37. Market shares of the production of antiserum and vaccines among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019 in monetary terms, %
38. Map of competitors in the market for the production of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019.
39. Map of competitors in the market for the production of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics, among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019.
40. Map of competitors in the market for the production of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics, among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019.
41. Map of competitors on the antiserum and vaccine production market among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019.
42. Map of competitors on the market for the production of reagents for diagnostic and other pharmaceutical preparations among the main operators of Ukraine in 2017-2019
43. Dynamics of export volumes of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
44. TOP-10 exporters and their share of exports of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics in 2019 in natural terms,%
45. The structure of the export of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics in 2019 to recipient countries, in natural terms,%
46. Dynamics of export volumes of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
47. TOP-10 exporters and their share of the export of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics in 2019 in natural terms,%
48. The structure of the export of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics, by recipient countries in 2019 in natural terms,%
49. Dynamics of export volumes of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
50. TOP-10 exporters and their share of exports of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics in 2019 in natural terms,%
51. The structure of the export of medicines containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics, by recipient countries in 2019 in natural terms,%
52. Dynamics of export volumes of antiserum and vaccines in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
53. TOP-10 exporters and their share of antiserum and vaccine exports in 2019 in natural terms,%
54. Structure of export of antisera and vaccines by recipient countries in 2019 in natural terms,%
55. Dynamics of export volumes of chemical contraceptive preparations produced on the basis of hormones or spermicides in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
56. TOP-10 exporters and their share of export of chemical contraceptive preparations produced on the basis of hormones or spermicides in 2019
57. The structure of the export of chemical contraceptive preparations produced on the basis of hormones or spermicides by recipient countries in 2019 in natural terms,%
58. Dynamics of export volumes of diagnostic and other pharmaceutical reagents in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
59. TOP-10 exporters and their share of exports of reagents for diagnostic and other pharmaceutical preparations in 2019 in natural terms,%
60. The structure of the export of reagents for diagnostic and other pharmaceutical preparations in 2019 in natural terms,%
61. TOP-10 exporters and their share of exports in all investigated categories of pharmaceuticals in 2019 in natural terms,%
62. Dynamics of import volumes of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
63. TOP-10 importers and their share of imports of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics in 2019 in natural terms,%
64. The structure of the import of drugs containing penicillin and other antibiotics by sending countries in 2019 in natural terms,%
65. Dynamics of import volumes of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
66. TOP-10 importers and their share of imports of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics in 2019 in natural terms,%
67. The structure of the import of drugs containing hormones, but not antibiotics by sending countries in 2019 in natural terms,%
68. Dynamics of import volumes of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
69. TOP-10 importers and their share of imports of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics in 2019 in natural terms,%
70. The structure of the import of drugs containing alkaloids or their derivatives, but not hormones or antibiotics, by sending countries in 2019 in natural terms,%
71. Dynamics of import volumes of antiserum and vaccines in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
72. TOP-10 importers and their share of imports of antiserum and vaccines in 2019 in natural terms,%
73. Structure of import of antisera and vaccines in 2019 in natural terms,%
74. Dynamics of import volumes of chemical contraceptive preparations produced on the basis of hormones or spermicides in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
75. TOP-10 importers and their share of the import of contraceptive chemical preparations produced on the basis of hormones or spermicides in 2019 in natural terms,%
76. The structure of the import of chemical contraceptive preparations produced on the basis of hormones or spermicides in 2019 in natural terms,%
77. Dynamics of import volumes of diagnostic and other pharmaceutical reagents in 2017-2019 in natural terms, thousand tons
78. TOP-10 importers and their share of imports of reagents for diagnostic and other pharmaceutical preparations in 2019 in natural terms,%
79. The structure of the import of reagents for diagnostic and other pharmaceutical preparations in 2019 in natural terms,%
80. TOP-10 imported brands among all studied groups of pharmaceuticals in 2019, in natural terms,%
81. Dynamics of the weighted average cost of 1 package of various categories of goods of the "pharmacy basket" according to the results of 2017-2019, UAH
82. The specific weight of the top-5 distributors by the volume of deliveries of "pharmacy basket" goods to pharmacy establishments in monetary terms for the period from January 2018 to December 2019
83. The share of the top 10 groups of the ATS classification of the 1st level by the number of mentioned medicinal products with the help of advertising / information on the Internet at the end of 2019 with the indication of the indicator for 2018, share, %

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