Want to develop your business under the professional support and at the same time reduce your costs on consulting services? Take part in the EBRD Business Advisory Services Programme (BAS) and get approximately 75% compensation of consulting services payment!
EBRD Business Advisory Services Programme has proceeded in Ukraine since 2010 and focuses on the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). It encourages MSME to use the services of Ukrainian professional consulting companies for solving tactical tasks and improving business performance in general.
Pro-Consulting endorsed its professional qualification within the framework of BAS Programme in such areas as market analysis and marketing plan, business plan development, and preparation of feasibility studies.
If you become our client, you will receive both high-quality investment instrument or analytical study and the opportunity to partially offset the cost of our consulting services. The participation in the BAS gives you an opportunity to get a grant which is amounted to 25-75% of consulting services costs, but the grant sum for project does not exceed 10 000 EUR.
The criteria for participation in the Programme:
- work on the market for two years or more;
- the annual turnover - to 50 million euros;
- the number of employees – to 250 people;
- majority package owned by domestic private owners;
- the initial collaboration with Ukrainian consulting company in required direction of consulting services.
The BAS supports such consulting projects:
- the use of renewable energy technologies, energy audits;
- the implementation of quality management systems and certification;
- restructuring and reorganization of the business;
- business planning, development of investment proposals, preparation of feasibility studies and other investment instruments;
- market research and marketing planning;
- search for business partners and investors;
- automation and improvement of accounting, production process, personnel management and other business processes;
- engineering studies, preparation of project documentation.
!!! N.B. Exceptions: consulting in legal issues, auditing and taxation!!!
The work scheme of the EBRD Business Advisory Services Programme

To order investment documentation or another services, or to purchase a published project, please contact us via info@pro-consulting.ua
or +38 (044) 233-34-32