For today Ukrainian market is saturated with offers of PET containers, by both domestic and abroad...
Ukrainian market of frozen and chilled meat has great development potential. For the normal...
Директор департамента финансового консалтинга Pro-Consulting Наталья Альварез выступит на презентации Международной премии имени...
One of the trends on the Ukrainian market of packaging is the active replacement of traditional packaging with PET packaging in the beer...
Окупить $250-300 тыс., вложенные в сетевой магазин одежды, можно за полтора-два года. Торговая наценка брендированной розницы может доходить до 300%, уровень конкуренции в...
Ukraine's foreign currency reserves are likely to fall this year to their lowest...
While wireless broadband service development has slowed in Ukraine due to a lack of frequencies for most local operators to provide third generation...