Pro-Consulting analysts prepared a market research of alcohol industry of Ukraine


The growth trend in the alcohol market, observed in 2010, in 2011 gave way to decrease the volume, which is related to the economic characteristics of the market, the reduction of income of the population, etc. Note that most of the alcohol consumed in Ukraine in the lower and middle price segment, while luxury alcohol accounts for only a small portion of the market. The low proportion of premium spirits in the domestic market related to the low-income population of Ukraine, which in most cases can not afford expensive alcohol.

According to the results of 2011 the capacity of the alcohol market has decreased by 10.7%, Such a decline has contributed to the reduction of production of vodka by 1.6% compared to 2010, as well as all types of wines. Particularly the decline seen in the release of wines in 2011 (-28.5%) and in 2012 (-39.5%).

Capacity of the alcohol market in Ukraine in 2009-4 months. 2013. in real terms, million dal


Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, estimation of Pro-Consulting

* - regarding 4 months. 2012

Considering the alcohol market in the context of the origin of products, it should be noted that the share of imports is very small. However, in recent years there has been a rapid increase in the volume of imported goods into the territory of Ukraine.

The most significant segments of the alcoholic drinks market continues to be vodka and wine. Despite the decline in production, the share of total consumption of vodka on the Ukrainian market remains significant, in 2012 the figure was about 43.7%. On cognac products prihodilos15, 1% of the total production of alcoholic beverages in Ukraine. Wine also had significant rates - 39.2%. The share of vermouth accounted for only 2%.

Structure of the market of alcoholic beverages by product lines in 2012, in real terms,%


Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, estimation of Pro-Consulting

It is worth noting that the most important factors when choosing a vodka consumers are quality, brand recognition and price of the product. In the case of purchase of wine and Champagne priority shifts to taste the drink, and also takes into account the quality and country of origin of the product. When choosing a skate and whiskey are the most important criteria of taste, brand recognition and country of origin.

Over the entire study period in the Ukrainian market is positive growth in prices of alcoholic beverages. According to official data, the index of consumer prices for alcohol in June 2012 increased by 7.8% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year (the proportion of alcohol in the overall assessment of inflation according to the State Statistics Committee is 4.8%). Considering the change of this indicator in the study period, we can note a slowdown of price index for alcoholic beverages. Constant pressure on the price of alcoholic beverages have a tax and excise payments.

According to the forecast performance in 2013 will experience an increase in market size with a growth rate of 4.1%. By 2014, due to increased production of alcoholic drinks market volume will increase to 69.85 million given in kind.

This analysis allows us to trace the main trends in the development of this market, and learn about the prospects for its development in the coming years.

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For a complete description of the study and the structure you can by clicking the following link: http://pro-consulting.ua/products/detail.php?ID=128907

Date of placement: 08.08.2013

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