Urgent crowdfunding of an Unmanned Anti-Mine Equipment Development for Ukrainian fields

Urgent crowdfunding of an Unmanned Anti-Mine Equipment Development for Ukrainian fields

Since the beginning of the war, Russian troops have mined agricultural lands in six Ukrainian regions. Ukraine and the world depend on the harvest from these regions, and ordinary workers risk their lives every day working in Ukrainian fields. Existing mine detecting equipment is suitable for city areas and roads, but is not suitable for large fields due to costs and the need in a huge number of highly qualified specialists; it will also take more than ten years to clear the fields in the usual way - Ukraine does not have that much time.

The need to clear Ukrainian fields from Russian mines is very urgent not only for Ukrainian farmers, but also for the food security of the whole Ukraine and the world.

An invention, namely Unmanned Anti-Mine Equipment, needs a prototype development funding support. Any financial help is greatly appreciated. The way to make a donation is given below in the material.

Now please find out more details about the invention of Ukrainian specialists from the news video by TV channel "Ukraine" and "Ukraine 24" (3 minutes)

The initiative to raise donations for the Unmanned Anti-Mine Equipment Development  was supported by one of the Directors of the English branch Office of the Ukrainian investment holding Pro Capital Group (the holding is the founder of Pro-Consulting) Jonathan Elwes who launched a crowdfunding landing page (it can be found here). The target is to raise 200 thousand pounds. The Prototype is being developed by the FRENDT Precision Farming Center, Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute and Vinnytsia Regional State Administration.

Despite the fact that the crowdfunding platform is based in the UK, a donation can be made online by any credit card (issued in any country / in any currency)

Any support at this stage, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated. We will also be very grateful if you share this information with your friends, family, colleagues, partners.

Your kind donations are vital and urgent! You can support the Unmanned Anti-Mine Equipment Development here https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/safe-fields-for-ukraine

Date of placement: 05.07.2022

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