Analytical Review of Pork Market of Ukraine: What Meat Ukrainians Prefer to Buy

Analytical Review of Pork Market of Ukraine: What Meat Ukrainians Prefer to Buy

Meat product market volume significantly grew in our country during the last time. All categories of the population consume meat as a food product – this factor contributes to the demand for this product on the market. In line with that, demand for different meat categories is not the same. Thus, the rates of beef consumption in Ukraine go down, and the rates of pork and chicken consumption are increased.

Price parameters of the products should be specially underlined among all factors influencing on the situation on meat product market of Ukraine. The population tries to select the products of low and medium price categories. In addition, general economic situation, crisis trends in agricultural sector and meat cattle-breeding industry also influence on the consumption. Military actions at the East of the state and annexation of Crimea are also the factors of important influence. These events resulted in the decrease of purchase capacity of Ukrainians, reduction of the number of product livestock manufacturers and decrease of state support of this sector. Besides, Ukrainian companies are in search of the new sales markets due to the restrictions in trade with Russia.

Concerning actual parameters of the pork market it should be noted that during 7 months of the current year the volumes of production of this kind of meat grew in our country for 1,9%. Capacity parameters also increased for 15,4%. 
In line with that the export of national pork abroad decreased significantly. The decline is 92,5%. Import of foreign products in our state remains on the same level. These and other parameters of pork market operation are shown more in details in the following table:

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Basing on the figures above, it is possible to come to the conclusion that maximum volume of pork production was registered in 2015, having reached 273,8 thsnd. tons. At the moment further growth of production rates of this type of meat products is continued.
Date of placement: 21.11.2016

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