Passport of sunflower oil market in Ukraine. 2019

Passport of sunflower oil market in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2019 year
Number of pages: 20, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 16
Tables: 15
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
7850 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of market development trends (factors of influence (areas, volumes and geography of sunflower growing, distinguishing of sunflower oil share in domestic processing, yield, world market situation, industry development problems)
1.2. Overall market indicators, calculation of market capacity during 2017-6 months 2019 (Manufacturing + Import - Export)
2. State regulation of the industry
2.1. Import and export duties in the largest countries-importers of Ukrainian sunflower oil (Top 10 buyer countries + Indonesia)
Permit documentation and requirements (refined and crude oil)
3. Production and dynamics of products sales
3.1. Dynamics of sunflower oil production in quantitative terms
3.2. Top 10 sunflower oil producers in Ukraine (5 - refined and crude) - name, address, volumes, contacts
4.Foreign trade
4.1. Sunflower oil Export from Ukraine in 2017-6 months 2019
* Volumes
* Structure (refined / unrefined)
* Geography of supply (with Indonesia share selection)
* Exporters shares
* Ukrainian sunflower oil buyers Shares in Indonesia
* Export prices depending on countries (TOP-10 + Indonesia), companies (TOP-10 + companies-suppliers in Indonesia and INCOTERMS conditions in dynamics)
4.2. Import of sunflower oil in Ukraine during 2017-6 months. 2019 (Volume, Structure, Geography)
5. Conclusion. Forecasts indicators
5.1. Conclusions and forecast tendencies of market development
5.2.Construction of market development hypotheses. Market Indicators 2019-2021 (production, exports, geography)

List of Tables:

1. Geography of sunflower cultivation in Ukraine
2. Market capacity in kind indicators, thousand tons
3. Market capacity in monetary terms, billion UAH
4. Import duties in the the largest importers countries
5. Documents Specification when importing products to other countries
6. TOP - 5 refined sunflower oil producers in Ukraine in 2018
7. Top 5 crude sunflower oil producers in Ukraine in 2018
8. Dynamics of crude sunflower oil prices in the top 10 exporting countries + Indonesia, $ / t
9. Refined sunflower oil Prices in the top 10 exporting countries + Indonesia, $ / t
10. Dynamics of unrefined sunflower oil prices in the TOP 10 exporting companies, $ / t
11. Refined sunflower oil Price dynamics in the TOP 10 exporting companies, $ / t
12. Sunflower oil prices Dynamics in Indonesian buyer companies, $ / t
13. Crude sunflower INCOTERMS prices Dynamics, $ / t
13. Refined sunflower INCOTERMS prices Dynamics, $ / t
15. Building a forecast model for market capacity forecasting

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of sunflower cultivation in Ukraine in 2015-2019
2. The structure of vegetable oil production in Ukraine in 2018/19 MP
3. Sunflower oil Production during 2017-6 months 2019
4. Sunflower oil exports during 2017-6 months 2019.
5. Export structure (refined / crude)
6. Regional Geography of Sunflower Oil Exports in 2018
7. Top 10 sunflower oil exporting countries + Indonesia in 2018
8. TOP - 10 exporters of crude sunflower oil shares in 2018
9. Top-10 exporters of refined sunflower oil shares in 2018
10. Ukrainian sunflower oil buyer companies Shares in Indonesia in 2017
11. Ukrainian sunflower oil buyer companies Shares in Indonesia in 2018
12. Sunflower oil Import during 2017-6 months 2019
13. Regional Geography of Sunflower Oil Imports in 2018
14. Major countries importing sunflower oil in 2018
15. Forecast of sunflower oil production in Ukraine in 2019-2022
16. Forecast of sunflower oil export from Ukraine during 2017-6 months 2019

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