Date of Preparation: | December 2024 year |
Number of pages: | 41, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles |
Graphs and charts: | 7 |
Tables: | 40 |
Payment method: | prepayment |
Production method: | e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form |
Report language: | ukrainian, russian, english |
1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description, analysis of its development trends
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2021- 9 months of 2024 (production + import - export). Assessment.
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring
2. Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
2.1. List of main market operators and their structuring
2.2. Market shares of main market operators
2.3. Degree of competition and risks. Factor analysis of market shares of competitors
3. Assessment of production in 2021- 10 months of 2024
4. Foreign trade and foreign economic activity
4.1. Export of aluminum profiles from Ukraine in 2021- 10 months of 2024
4.2 Imports of the studied products into Ukraine in 2021- 9 months of 2024
5. Price and pricing on the market
5.1. Dynamics of import prices for products
5.2. Average current prices for products
5.3. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
6. Analysis of consumption on the market
6.1. Consumers and their preferences. Features of the development of the construction market in the studied period, prerequisites for the development of the aluminum profiles segment.
6.2. Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of state tender procurement (volumes, structure by regions, organizers and participants) in 2023- 10 months of 2024
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats for further construction of SWOT analysis
7.2. PEST LE - analysis of factors influencing the market and assessment of the probability and degree of their impact
8. Existing risks and barriers to entry into the market
9. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
9.1. Conclusions and forecast market development trends
9.2. Building market development hypotheses. Forecast market development indicators in 2024-2027
9.3. Recommendations for market development
1. List of commodity groups that were accepted for analysis.
2. Dynamics of exports of aluminum slabs and bills from Ukraine in 2021 - 10 months of 2024, in physical terms, tons
3. Dynamics of exports of aluminum slabs and bills from Ukraine in 2021 - 10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
4. Structure of exports of aluminum slabs and bills from Ukraine by companies in 2021 - 10 months of 2024, in physical terms, tons
5. Structure of exports of aluminum slabs and bills from Ukraine by companies in 2021 - 10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
6. Structure of exports of aluminum slabs and bills from Ukraine by geography in 2021 - 10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million 2024, in physical terms, tons
7. Structure of exports of aluminum slabs and bills from Ukraine by geography in 2021 - 10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
8. Dynamics of imports of aluminum slabs and bills to Ukraine in 2021- 10 months of 2024, in physical terms, tons
9. Dynamics of imports of aluminum slabs and bills to Ukraine in 2021- 10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
10. Structure of imports of aluminum slabs and bills to Ukraine by companies in 2021- 10 months of 2024, in physical terms, tons
11. Structure of imports of aluminum slabs and bills to Ukraine by companies in 2021- 10 months of 2024 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
12. Structure of imports of aluminum slabs and bills to Ukraine by geography in 2021-10 months of 2024, in physical terms, tons
13. Structure of imports of aluminum slabs and bills to Ukraine by geography in 2021-10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
14. Dynamics of production of aluminum slabs and bills in Ukraine from scrap metal of AD31 alloys in 2021-10 months of 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
15. Capacity of the aluminum profile market in Ukraine, 2021-10 months of 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, billion UAH
16. Structure of the aluminum profile market in Ukraine, 2021-10 months. 2024, in physical terms, %
17. Market shares of the main operators in 2022-2023, in physical and monetary terms, tons, million UAH
18. Market shares of the main aluminum profile operators in Ukraine, in physical terms, %
19. Factor analysis of market share dynamics
20. Main aluminum profile manufacturers in Ukraine
21. Market shares of the main aluminum profile manufacturers in 2021-10 months. 2024, in physical terms, tons
22. Market shares of the main aluminum profile manufacturers in 2021-10 months. 2024, in monetary terms, million UAH
23. Dynamics of aluminum profile exports from Ukraine in 2021-10 months. 2024, in kind, tons
24. Dynamics of aluminum profile exports from Ukraine in 2021-10 months of 2024, in monetary terms
25. Structure of aluminum profile exports from Ukraine by company in 2021-10 months of 2024, in kind, tons
26. Structure of aluminum profile exports from Ukraine by company in 2021-10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
27. Geography of aluminum profile exports from Ukraine in 2021-10 months of 2024, in kind, tons
28. Geography of aluminum profile exports from Ukraine in 2021-10 months of 2024 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
29. Dynamics of imports of aluminum profiles to Ukraine in 2021-10 months of 2024, in physical terms, tons
30. Dynamics of imports of aluminum profiles to Ukraine in 2021-10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
31. Structure of imports of aluminum profiles to Ukraine by companies in 2021-10 months of 2024, in physical terms, tons
32. Structure of imports of aluminum profiles to Ukraine by companies in 2021-10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
33. Geography of imports of aluminum profiles to Ukraine in 2022-10 months of 2024, in physical terms, tons
34. Geography of aluminum profile imports to Ukraine in 2022-10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
35. Geographical structure of the construction market in Ukraine in 2021-2 Q2 2024, m2, %
36. Total cost of tenders on the Prozorro platform for aluminum profiles by organizing companies in 2023-10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, thousand UAH
37. Total cost of tenders on the Prozorro platform for aluminum profiles by winning companies in 2023-10 months of 2024, in monetary terms, thousand UAH
38. Opportunities and threats for the aluminum profiles market
39. PEST LE – analysis of the aluminum profiles market in Ukraine
40. Estimated direct losses of the housing stock, units, billion US dollars
1. Dynamics of average import prices for aluminum profiles to Ukraine in 2021 - 10 months of 2024, UAH/kg
2. GDP per capita in Ukraine in 2019-2024*, USD
3. Average income per person in countries as of 2023, USD/month
4. Volume of construction work in Ukraine in 2019-2024, in monetary terms, USD billion
5. Volume of construction work in residential and non-residential construction in Ukraine in 2019-2024*, USD million
6. Volume of new and commissioned housing in Ukraine in 2019-2024, USD million
7. Total cost of tenders on the Prozorro platform for aluminum profiles by geography in 2023- 10 months 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million