Market research report on dry construction mixes in Ukraine. 2022 year

Market research report on dry construction mixes in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2022 year
Number of pages: 57, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 24
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
27250 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market of dry construction mixtures in Ukraine
1.1. Description of the construction mixtures market: list of materials, their types, applications
1.2. Analysis of trends and prospects for the development of the dry construction mixtures market in 2017-2021. in Ukraine (specifics, problems, factors influencing the market)
1.3. General market indicators, dynamics of the dry construction mixtures market volumes in 2017-2021. (estimation based on data on the volume of production in Ukraine, volumes of imports, analysis of tender purchases in the studied period, as well as taking into account the factors influencing the market. Estimation of the % of the shadow market, based on the specifics of the market and influencing factors) in natural terms in Ukraine
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring in 2021:
- by types of dry construction mixes
- by origin (domestic and imported)
1.5. Overview of foreign technologies on the market (if information is available on the websites of operators and imports of equipment and forms for the production of building blocks and paving slabs)
2. State regulation of the industry
2.1. The main laws regulating the industry (list, brief summary and specifics of the laws)
2.2. Analysis of export duties
3. Dynamics of the volume of production of dry construction mixes by category in 2017-2021. in Ukraine - estimated based on enterprise reporting, tenders and other market features
4. The main operators of the market of dry construction mixtures in Ukraine
4.1. The main market operators (manufacturers and importers) up to the TOP-10 for each type of dry construction mixtures, their contacts and a brief description
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by segments, specialization and regionally, TM without shares)
4.3. Financial indicators of the main market operators in 2017-2020. (procurement, analysis of profitability, net margin)
5. Foreign trade in the market of dry construction mixes by category in 2017-2021 in Ukraine:
5.1. Analysis of exports (volumes, structure, geography of supplies by countries, main exporters and their shares)
5.2. Analysis of imports (volumes, structure, geography of supplies by countries, main importers and their shares)
6. State and prospects of the construction and repair market of Ukraine in 2017-2021 pp.
6.1. Analysis of development trends of the construction and repair market in Ukraine in 2017-2021. (Specifics, problems, influencing factors)
6.2. The main indicators of the construction industry and the real estate market. Volumes of the capital construction and repair market in Ukraine in 2017-2021.
6.3. Residential construction and introduction of residential real estate in Ukraine in 2018-2021.
6.4. Construction of non-residential objects and introduction of non-residential real estate in Ukraine
in 2018-2021
7. Consumption on the market of dry construction mixtures, including in the B2G sector
7.1. Main areas of consumption, main consumer companies (purchasing for own needs and further sale)
7.2. Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of state tender purchases (volumes, structure by region, organizers and participants) by dry construction mixes
8. Price and pricing on the market of dry construction mixtures
8.1. Average prices for dry construction mixes of the main operators in Ukraine (wholesale, retail - according to the data of trading platforms and market operators, import prices)
8.2. Description of factors affecting price formation, structure
9. List of product sales channels and their description (DIY networks, hardware stores, etc.)
10. The range of products of the main operators, presented above the market
11. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022.
11.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
11.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2023. in Ukraine
11.3. Recommendations regarding market exit prospects.
12. Investment attractiveness of the industry
12.1. SWOT - analysis of market direction
12.2. PEST - analysis of market direction
12.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry
12.3.1. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of the volume of the dry construction mixtures market in Ukraine in 2017-2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
2. Dynamics of the volume of the dry construction mixtures market in Ukraine in 2017-2021, in monetary terms, million UAH
3. Codes according to DK 004: 2008 UKND (Ukrainian Classifier of Regulatory Documents)
4. Register of valid environmental certificates (SOU OEM Dry construction mixtures. Ecological criteria for life cycle assessment)
5. Dynamics of production of dry construction mixtures in Ukraine in 2017-2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
6. Analysis of the portfolio of the largest operators of the CCS market
7. The main operators of the SSS market
8. Segmentation and structuring of the main operators of the market of dry construction mixtures in Ukraine
9. Production capacities of the main operators of the dry construction mixtures market, in natural terms, thousand tons
10. Financial results of the main operators in 2017-2020 (sales, analysis of profitability, net margin), thousand UAH.
11. Structure of CCS tenders for organizers, 2021
12. Prices for dry construction mixes in Ukraine
13. The main chain construction stores in Ukraine
14. Main participants and range of products on the market of dry construction mixtures of Ukraine
15. SWOT analysis of market direction
16. PEST – analysis of the market of dry construction mixtures of Ukraine
17. Segmentation of market risks
18. Map of risks for the market of dry construction mixtures of Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the construction index, producer price index and electricity price index for 2020-2021.
2. Segmentation of the SSS market by type of binder, in natural terms, %
3. Structure of the SSS market by types of products (total cement-based and gypsum-based), in natural terms, %
4. Segmentation of the market of dry construction mixtures in Ukraine in 2021, in natural terms, %
5. Dynamics of production of dry construction mixtures by type of binder in Ukraine in 2017-2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
6. Dynamics of production of dry construction mixtures by type of binder in Ukraine in 2017-2021, in monetary terms, million UAH
7. Market shares of the main operators by category, 2021, %
8. Dynamics of export of dry construction mixtures from Ukraine in 2017-2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
9. Structure of export of dry construction mixtures from Ukraine, in natural terms, thousand tons
10. Geography of export of dry construction mixtures from Ukraine in 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
11. Shares of the main exporters of dry construction mixtures in Ukraine in 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
12. Dynamics of imports of dry construction mixtures to Ukraine in 2017-2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
13. The structure of the import of dry construction mixtures from Ukraine in 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
14. Geography of imports of dry construction mixtures from Ukraine in 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
15. Shares of the main importers of dry construction mixes in Ukraine in 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
16. Volume of completed construction works in Ukraine by main types of capital construction, 2017-2021, UAH million.
17. The volume of the repair market in Ukraine in 2019-2021, in monetary terms, billion UAH.
18. Number of residential buildings commissioned in 2018-2021, units, thousand m2
19. Number of residential buildings put into operation in 2018-2021, units, thousand m2
20. The main areas of consumption of dry construction mixtures, %
21. Structure of CCS tenders from the regions, 2021
22. The structure of general production costs for the production of dry construction mixes in Ukraine, in monetary terms, %
23. The distribution system on the market of dry construction mixtures in Ukraine
24. Forecast capacity of the market of dry construction mixes in Ukraine in 2020-2022. in natural terms, thousand tons

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