Research on comparison of socio-economic status of selected communities of Vinnytsia region. 2025 year

Research on comparison of socio-economic status of selected communities of Vinnytsia region. 2025 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: January 2025 year
Number of pages: 15 Arial,1 spacing, 10 pt
Tables: 19
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of key community indicators
1.1. Demographics
1.2. Social infrastructure
1.3. Budget
1.4. Employment
2. Assessment of the level of land concentration in communities
3. Methodology for comparing land concentration indicators with community budget indicators and socio-economic status
4. Conclusions on the impact of land concentration and the nature of land relations in communities

List of Tables:

1. General passport of the study territorial communities
2. The number of people in the study communities as of 2021.
3. Distribution of projected expenditures from the budget of the studied communities for basic social infrastructure in 2023
4. Number and distribution of social infrastructure in the studied communities
5. Dynamics of projected revenues to the budget of the studied communities from 2021-2024, in monetary terms, UAH
6. Distribution of projected budget revenues of the studied communities in 2023, in monetary terms, UAH
7. Largest companies registered in Horodkyi territorial community
8. The largest companies registered in the Dzhulyn territorial community
9. Largest companies registered in Krasnopilska territorial community
10. The largest companies registered in the Sharhorod territorial community
11. Largest companies registered in the Hlukhivtsi territorial community
12. Number of companies in the community as of 2023
13. Distribution of land by designated purpose in the studied communities, ha
14. Distribution of land by 10 largest tenants in the Sharhorod territorial community
15. Distribution of land by the 10 largest tenants in Horodkivska territorial community
16. Distribution of land by the 10 largest tenants in the Hlukhovetska territorial community
17. Distribution of land by the 10 largest tenants in Dzhulyn territorial community
18. Distribution of land by the 10 largest tenants in the Krasnopilska territorial community
19. Share of land by the largest 4 and 10 tenants in the studied communities

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