Market research report on impact of the war on the Ukrainian agricultural market. 2023 year

Market research report on impact of the war on the Ukrainian agricultural market. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2023 year
Number of pages: 64, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 16
Tables: 26
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. Brief description of the market research methodology
1.1. Regional distribution of Ukraine (map by sectors of influence)
1.2. Criteria for selecting respondents and studying the impact of the war
1.3 Main factors affecting the agricultural sector
2. General factors affecting the market (destruction/damage/losses; electricity, displacement of population and labor, storage and logistics systems, soil contamination)
3. Analysis of state and international support for the agricultural sector of Ukraine for July-August 2023 (list of major grant programs, areas of support and cost of funds raised, main problems of obtaining support) - desk research, survey results
4. Markets for services for agricultural MSMEs (veterinarians, drones, fertilizer supply and application, laboratory analysis)
5. Analysis of changes in the state of market systems in July-August 2023 and their impact on the studied areas of the agricultural sector (with a focus on statistics on small and microbusiness, its demographics, income level, main challenges and barriers)
6. Market analysis by sector
6.1 Vegetables, fruits, berries (by type)
6.1.1. General situation at the moment (vegetables, fruits and berries)
6.1.2. Changes in production, processing, exports and domestic consumption in 2022 - Q3 2023
-Main trends and events in the industry
-Key indicators of the industry in the context of the studied areas
-Changes in the composition of market operators (new companies, relocation, closure of businesses)
-Export opportunities and challenges of the industry
-Analysis of the impact of factors on market system elements
6.1.3. Conclusions and recommendations for the involvement of the Mercy Corps Program by area
6.2. Poultry production (by species)
6.2.1. General situation at the moment (meat, eggs)
6.2.2. Changes in production, processing, exports, and domestic consumption in 2022 - Q3 2023 - desk research, survey results
-Main trends and events in the industry
-Key indicators of the industry in the context of the studied areas
-Changes in the composition of market operators (new companies, relocation, closure of businesses)
-Export opportunities and challenges of the industry
-Analysis of the impact of factors on market system elements
6.2.3 Conclusions and recommendations for engaging the Mercy Corps Program by area
6.3. Dairy industry (by type)
6.3.1. General situation at the moment (milk, cheese, fermented milk products)
6.3.2. Changes in production, processing, exports and domestic consumption in 2022 - Q3 2023 - desk research, survey results
-Main trends and events in the industry
-Key indicators of the industry in the context of the studied areas
-Changes in the composition of market operators (new companies, relocation, closure of businesses)
-Export opportunities and challenges of the industry
-Analysis of the impact of factors on market system elements
6.3.3 Conclusions and recommendations for engaging the Mercy Corps Program by area
6.4. Honey
6.4.1 General situation at the current moment
6.4.2. Changes in production, processing, exports and domestic consumption in 2022 - Q3 2023 - desk research, survey results
-Main trends and events in the industry
-Key indicators of the industry in the context of the studied areas
-Changes in the composition of market operators (new companies, relocation, closure of businesses)
- Export opportunities and challenges of the industry
- Analysis of the impact of factors on market system elements
6.4.3. Conclusions and recommendations for engaging the USA Mercy Corps Program in the following areas
7. Research of sources of information on available support programs
8. General conclusions and recommendations for involving the Mercy Corps Program in supporting the agricultural sector in the studied regions and commodity sectors
Annex 1

List of Tables:

1.The largest volume of loans for farmers under various programs in different regions
2.Factors of influence of agricultural services on the agricultural markets of Ukraine, 2022- III quarter of 2023
3.Dynamics of changes in the harvested area of potato production by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022, thousand hectares
4.Dynamics of changes in the harvested area of cabbage production by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022, thou hectares
5.Dynamics of changes in the harvested area for the production of onions by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022, thou hectares
6.Dynamics of changes in the harvested areas for carrot production by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022, thou hectares
7.Dynamics of changes in the harvested areas for tomato production by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022, thou hectares
8.Dynamics of changes in consumer prices for "borscht set" vegetables in January - August 2022-2023, UAH/kg
9.The share of fruit and berry crops production by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022 in physical terms, thousand ha
10.Volume of vegetable production in 2021-2022 in Ukraine, thousand tons
11.Production of perennial berries and fruits in 2021-2022 in Ukraine, thousand tons
12.Partially destroyed agricultural enterprises of micro and small businesses in Ukraine in 2022-III quarter of 2023
13.Relocated agricultural enterprises of Ukraine in 2022-7 months. 2023.
14.Factors of influence on the elements of market systems in the market of vegetables, fruits and berries in Ukraine, 2022-III quarter of 2023
15.The number of eggs produced from poultry by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022, mln. pcs.
16.Destroyed poultry farms of micro and small businesses in Ukraine in 2022
17.Factors of influence on the elements of market systems in poultry farming in Ukraine, 2022-III quarter of 2023
18.Milk production (gross yield) by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022, thousand tons
19.Destroyed dairy farms in Ukraine in 2022.
20.Relocation of dairy enterprises after 24.12.2022
21.Factors influencing the elements of market systems in the dairy industry in Ukraine, 2022-III quarter of 2023
22.Volume of honey production by regions of Ukraine in 2021-2022, tons
23.Destroyed apiaries of micro and small businesses in Ukraine in 2022-7 months. 2023, tons
24.Relocated apiaries in Ukraine in 2022
25.Factors of influence on the elements of market systems in the honey industry in Ukraine, 2022-III quarter of 2023
26.Current state and international programs and grants of Ukraine, September 2023.

List of graphs and charts:

1.Regional distribution of Ukraine by the degree of influence of the military invasion
2.Dynamics of the total estimate of direct losses of the Ukrainian economy, billion US dollars
3.Distribution of grants for the development of gardens and greenhouses in Ukraine by regions in 2023, ha
4.Exports and imports of vegetables in 2022-7 months. 2023, thousand tons
5.Exports and imports of perennial fruits and berries in 2022-7 months. 2023, thousand tons
6.Export and import of eggs from Ukraine in 2022-7 months. 2023, thousand tons
7.Export volumes of eggs from Ukraine, 7 months. 2022-2023, in physical (thousand tons) and monetary (million USD) terms
8.Production volumes of poultry meat in Ukraine in 2016-2022, thousand tons
9.Exports and imports of poultry meat in 2022-7 months. 2023, thousand tons
10.Comparison of milk production dynamics in the third quarter of 2022 - third quarter of 2023, thousand tons
11.Comparison of the dynamics of the number of cows in Ukraine as of October 1, 2022, September 1 and October 1, 2023, thousand heads
12.Geography of milk production in Ukraine, January-July 2023
13.Exports and imports of dairy products in 2022-7 months. 2023, thousand tons
14.Structure of dairy products exports, September 2023
15.Volumes of dairy products exports from Ukraine, August - September 2023, in monetary terms, thousand USD. USD
16.Exports and imports of honey in 2018-2022, tons

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