Fertilizer market analysis in China. 2019 year

Fertilizer market analysis in China. 2019 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2019 year
Number of pages: 42, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 17
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
17150 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Summary of the research (general conclusions and recommendations as a result of the research)
2. The influence of external and internal factors on the development of the market
*Agricultural sector development Analysis over the last 2014-2018 (crop production);
*State and regional support / industry regulation ;
*Market driving forces (PEST analysis);
∙ Forecast of the internal and external influence factors on the market development for 2019 - 2023
3. Analysis of the Chinese fertilizer market
* Specificity of the Chinese fertilizer market (separately in the segment of organic fertilizers);
* Current market volume and its dynamics for 2016-2018;
* Market structure by type of goods (be sure to distinguish organic fertilizers separately), dynamics for 2016-2018
* Current price level and dynamics for 2016-2018, including by type of products;
* Production of organic fertilizers in the PRC (in general, subdivided by data);
* Market Development Forecast for 2019 - 2023
4. Fertilizer Imports and fertilizer production in the PRC
* Fertilizer import volumem, all countries, with segmentation (according to the UKTZED classifier, separation of organic fertilizers);
∙ Fertilizer imports Volume from Russia, segmented (separate organic fertilizers)
∙ Major producer countries of organic fertilizers (Geographic structure of deliveries to China)
5. Competitive analysis of the industry
* Market saturation (production volume, not yet realized and remaining in the market - estimation according to open sources, production and consumption indicators);
∙ Largest players in the market, their shares in the supply volume (all types of fertilizers) - according to the financial statements and open sources;
∙ largest TOP-players specializing in organic fertilizers, their share in the volume of supply - an estimate based on open financial statements and available sources
∙ Profiles of major players and separately those who sells organic fertilizers (Top 15 oparators in the search query). Price analysis of their products
6. Consumption analysis
∙ Key clients, their profile (by groups + list up to TOP-10 issuing companies);
∙ Specificity of Chinese clients (cultural features of doing business);
* Impact of seasonality on the market;
* Consumption structure and market capacity (according to production, import, export and market balances data) - overall
∙ Consumer Benefit Analysis (based on open global market analytics reports)
7. Key promotional channels / potential partners (list, description and to TOP-5 companies in the segment)
∙ Distributors and trading houses;
∙ Online trading venues;
∙ Other channels (specify if available).
8. Risk analysis (identification, characterization, impact analysis and risk possibility)
∙ Products sales Risk analysis related to the features of the Chinese market;
* Risks Analysis arising from external factors (impact of the macro environment)

List of Tables:

1. Basic laws, rules and policies of the fertilizer market in China
2. PEST analysis of the factors influencing the fertilizer market in China
3. Dynamics of China Mineral Fertilizers Market Volume by Type in 2016-2018, in kind, million tons
4. Dynamics of China Organic (Humic) Fertilizer Market Volume by Types in 2016-2018, in kind, thousand tons
5. Dynamics of fertilizers import prices in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, mln.USD
6. Dynamics of fertilizers export prices in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, mln.USD
7. Dynamics of organic (humic) fertilizers production in China in 2016-2018, in kind, thousand tons
8. Imports of mineral or chemical fertilizers into China by countries, by segments in 2017, in kind, tons
9. Volume of organic fertilizers (humic) imports to China by countries, by segment in 2017, in kind, tons
10. Volume of fertilizer imports from Russia to China by segments in 2017, in kind, tons
11. List and description of the largest players in China fertilizer market
12. List and description of the largest players specializing in organic fertilizers in China
13. Top-15 Major Fertilizer Market Players in China by search query
14. TOP-15 Major Organic Fertilizer (Humic) Market Players in China by search query
15. Current Price Analysis of the Top 15 Organic Humic Fertilizers Market Offers in China
16. Profiles of agricultural companies in China
17. Risks and barriers to the fertilizer market entry in China entry

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of sales revenue in China for the production of organic fertilizers and microbial fertilizers (measure unit: $ 100 million USD,%) in 2010-2017
2. Dynamics of the mineral fertilizers market of China total volume in 2016-2018, in kind, million tons
3. Dynamics of the organic(humic) fertilizers market of China total volume in 2016-2018, in kind, thousand tons
4. Dynamics of fertilizers of China structure by kinds in 2016-2018, in kind,%
5. Forecast of the fertilizer market in China development for 2019 - 2023, in kind, million tons
6. Structure of mineral fertilizer imports from Russia to China by segment in 2016-2017, in kind,%
7. Geographical structure of organic fertilizers imports into China by segment in 2016-2017, in kind,%
8. Top-10 Top Chinese Fertilizers Market Players in 2018, in monetary terms,%
9. Largest companies, specializing in organic fertilizers, Shares, by capacity,%
10. Seasonality of fertilizer consumption
11. Structure of organic fertilizer consumption in China,%
12. Market capacity Dynamics including mineral fertilizer residues in China in 2016-2018, in kind, million tons
13. Market capacity Dynamics including organic fertilizers residues in China in 2016-2018, in kind, thousand tons
14. Major factors influencing the decision to buy fertilizers in the world market,%

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