Report of the mineral fertilizers market in Ukraine. 2019

Report of the mineral fertilizers market in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2019 year
Number of pages: 33, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 17
Tables: 11
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
15950 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the mineral fertilizers market in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2016-8 months 2019. (Development history, specifics, problems, factors of influence on the market)
1.2. Overall market indicators. Market capacity calculation (production, import and export)
1.3. Market segmentation (by products origin; by groups according to classifier; regionally according to applied fertilizers data)
2. State regulation of the market
2.1. Market taxes and fees (general business taxation; import and export duties)
2.2. Identification of risks and market development prospects associated with the introduction of the new land reform
3. The main market operators
3.1. List and description of the largest operators of the mineral fertilizers market in Ukraine (manufacturers and importers)
3.2. Operators segmentation
3.3. Mineral Fertilizer Suppliers Market Share (without product segmentation)
4. Foreign trade in the market
4.1. Exports of mineral fertilizers from Ukraine
4.2. Import of mineral fertilizers into Ukraine
5. Conclusions and recommendations
5.1. Conclusions and forecast tendencies of the market development in 2019-2022

List of Tables:

1. The major factors influencing the development of Ukrainian mineral fertilizers market
2. Dynamics of the mineral fertilizers market capacity in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, in kind, thousand tons
3. Classification of mineral fertilizers by groups according to UKT ZED
4. Current rates of preferential and full duties on mineral fertilizers
5. List and description of the largest mineral fertilizers market operators in 2016-2018.
6. The largest producers of mineral fertilizers in Ukraine, depending on production capacity
7. Segmentation of operators by types of fertilizers
8. Segmentation of operators by regional segment
9. Geography of mineral fertilizer imports in Ukraine from January to August 2019 by type of fertilizer, in kind,%
10. Capacity by fertilizer type, in kind, thousand tons
11. Dynamics of predicted values ​​of mineral fertilizer consumption by types in Ukraine in 2019-2025 *, taking into account the indicators in Eastern Europe, in kind, tons / hectare

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of mineral fertilizer production in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, in kind, thousand tons
2. Dynamics of the mineral fertilizers market capacity in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, in kind, thousand tons
3. Segmentation of the fertilizer market in Ukraine by origin,%
4. Mineral fertilizers market Segmentation by groups according to the classifier, in kind in 2018,%
5. Mineral fertilizer market segmentation according to fertilizer data by groups, in kind,%
6. Mineral fertilizer market segmentation regionally according to fertilizer application, in kind, ths. Tonnes of N
7. Segmentation of FGI Entry Operators
8. Structure of the mineral fertilizers suppliers market, in kind,%
9. Dynamics of mineral fertilizers export from Ukraine in 2016 - 8 months 2019, In kind, thousand tons.
10. Dynamics of the mineral fertilizers export from Ukraine structure in 2016 - 2018, in kind,%
11. Dynamics of mineral fertilizer imports in Ukraine in 2016 - 8 months 2019, in kind, ths. Tons.
12. Dynamics of mineral fertilizer imports in 2016 - 2018, in monetary terms, mln. USD
13. Dynamics of mineral fertilizers imports by types in 2016 - 8 months 2018, in monetary terms, million USD
14. Dynamics of mineral fertilizers import structure in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, in kind,%
15. Mineral fertilizers importers Structure (sellers in Ukraine) in 2018, in kind,%
16. Dynamics of mineral fertilizer imports geography in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, in kind,%
17. Dynamics of total market capacity in 2019-2025 *, in kind, million tons

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